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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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14 hours ago, mse326 said:

I kinda do actually. The honor is what distinguishes the Stark's from all the other houses. And all the talk about missing father and about honor and justice it just seems off for a Stark not to follow the house code.

Arya needs the face

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5 minutes ago, O'Doyle Rules said:

It's amazing how stubborn cersei is. The army of the dead had 100,000 and if they win will have even more. But 10,000 golden company should be enough to beat them all.

yeah i mean she'd rather die than fight with Dany and for Tyrion to think otherwise is a freaking joke. I wonder what he promised her or if he is going to betray Dany

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1 hour ago, Jetfan66 said:

I just thought the great warrior Rhaegar would have been more muscular. I don't mind the same hair. I envisioned a more jacked version of Viserys.

Sword fighting isn't as much about strength. I mean obviously you have to be strong enough to weild the sword, but after that it is more technical, reactionary, and the quick twitch muscles.

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1 minute ago, mse326 said:

Sword fighting isn't as much about strength. I mean obviously you have to be strong enough to weild the sword, but after that it is more technical, reactionary, and the quick twitch muscles.

Don't think he means that he was jacked just a little bigger than the guy they showed, he just looked skinny.

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2 hours ago, cddolphin said:

So all my hopes for Euron this season fell completely flat.

Yea, that was a weak azz exit. He's scared? They really should have had actual authors write strict guidelines for the episodes then have those Hollywood hacks hash out the dialogue. 

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6 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea, that was a weak azz exit. He's scared? They really should have had actual authors write strict guidelines for the episodes then have those Hollywood hacks hash out the dialogue. 

Did you miss the part where he is going to pick up the Gold Company?

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1 hour ago, Forge said:

Curious that people seem to have the muscular view of him. I have never thought that. The only real description of him is supposedly "tall and beautiful", and so far as I can remember, there haven't been a lot of targs described as "muscular"...I always picture them more lithe than anything. Growing up, Rhaegar was bookish in nature and he was a guy who loved music. He only learned to fight because he read it in a book that he had to become a warrior (for prophecy purposes), but he was never in love with it. Just never got the impression that he would be muscular. A bigger version of Viserys actually sounded about right to me. I always took his talent at fighting to be more technical and skillful than anything physically driven (and there's the question of just how good of a warrior he is - he won the tourney at Harrenhall, but there is a theory that fight was staged and he was allowed to win and we really don't have any more evidence that he was a particularly good fighter). 

No, in the books Dany described him as looking like Viserys. But bigger and more brawny. Ser Barristan also described him as being a great warrior. Going on to say, "of course he was great at everything he did. He was also good enough to seriously wound Robert in single combat when he was in his rage Hulk state. 

Given all that was said about Rhaegar. You would be safe to assume this guy was built pretty damn decent. Probably all-westeros type athlete. So maybe the Andrew Luck of royalty. xD

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10 hours ago, Pats#1 said:

I just miss the complete uncertainty that came with the show when they were going based off the books. It's become a lot like most other popular shows where the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Who were the good guys that were super important that have died throughout the show? I don't remember everything in the previous seasons but I feel like they are at a point where it is hard to kill off these characters. Also I see no reason to be the show that kills your favorite characters.

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3 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Who were the good guys that were super important that have died throughout the show? I don't remember everything in the previous seasons but I feel like they are at a point where it is hard to kill off these characters. Also I see no reason to be the show that kills your favorite characters.

Because that's what makes GOT. That's part of the reason why it's so popular. You just don't know. 

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Just now, Calvert28 said:

Because that's what makes GOT. That's part of the reason why it's so popular. You just don't know. 

Meh, I honestly don't remember any of these things. I watch the show cause Jon, Arya, etc. Even when they killed Jon I didn't think he was dead. But who have they killed that was a super fan favorite/important? I honestly don't remember (don't give me Ned, I don't remember caring that much for his character).

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13 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

No, in the books Dany described him as looking like Viserys. But bigger and more brawny. Ser Barristan also described him as being a great warrior. Going on to say, "of course he was great at everything he did. He was also good enough to seriously wound Robert in single combat when he was in his rage Hulk state. 

Given all that was said about Rhaegar. You would be safe to assume this guy was built pretty damn decent. Probably all-westeros type athlete. So maybe the Andrew Luck of royalty. xD

It's all about perception and the subjective nature of description. It's interesting the different ones that people have about the way he looked. I have always perceived Viserys as being small and thin, so being more brawny than him doesn't necessary mean brawny in comparison to other people. Like, to me, Robert was brawny, and I never viewed Rhaegar (again, in my head) as being that big. Bigger than Viserys? Sure. Just not what I would categorize as being brawny in general. BUt again, this is just in my own head. 

This is actually something that I think that Martin himself has even had fun with in the books - during Catelyn's POV, he claims Jeyne Westerling has good hips for child birth, but during a Jaime chapter, he describes her as narrow hips (I remember when this book first came out and it caused a firestorm of theories that there was a Jeyne Westerline swap lol). 

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14 hours ago, project T.O said:

I think everyone kind of wanted and figured the dany and Jon hook up would happen. Even when you became aware they were related, but to have the whole bloodlines explained out like they did while Jon was inside his aunt. That was the kind of disturbing crap only GOT could produce.  And the messed up thing is I still kind of want them together...


id assume if they don't keep them together they'll have one killed off though as it's hard to imagine them being able to just kind of put the hookup past them and have one rule. 


Fav part of the episode was probably the twist that saw little finger meet his end. ( though the simpleton part of me wanted a guy ritchie like rewind to show what had happened to lead to it). Also loved when the hound and mountain faced off. 

So help me if they Terminator this...

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59 minutes ago, O'Doyle Rules said:

My point exactly.

Why does great warrior have to mean that he was jacked? Even if he was a great warrior, he could have been lean and quick similar to Oberyn. No one ever described him as being muscly, and actually described him as a bookworm for most of his life. The difference in perception is definitely more on you guys.

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