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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Overall, I was blown away by how grand the battle was. Do wish it was brighter, but at the same time... this was the long night, and it was more 'realistic' this way.

Did not like the strategy with the Dothraki and Sullen. Let's stand outside the gates, send 1 army just to get slaughtered by something in the darkness, then sacrifice another army while the rest retreat.

Siege weapons deployed in a position where they fire once over the head of the cavalry and then never used again. 

Yeah, the more I think about it, the way they deployed their forces was just plain stupid. It's like they didn't know how to utilize Dany's forces so let's just have them all get slaughtered outside.

Agreed with others that plot armor for some characters in certain situations was stupid. What made this show great is how no one is safe, yet here we have hundreds of undead pouring into Winterfell and it's the same ol' band that is still somehow alive.

I'll still look back on this episode and count it as one of the better ones for the show, but it had a lot more potential IMO.

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8 minutes ago, DreamKid said:

No, haven't seen them. This is probably my 2nd time ever wondering into this section of FF. So I can't speak to his post history. Just seems odd that he would have a problem with such a thing, but like and follow a show with so many females in prominent roles.

Basically all of my arguments boil down to these complaints here.

Rey easily going toe to toe with prominent force users like Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker after like 2 days worth of training with what took them years to do. I say that's bad writing and she's a Mary Sue and then the slander comes with me being a bigot, racist, w/e.

In Marvel I questioned why Thor and Hulk could not be as strong as their comic book counter parts and it's been said that it makes them boring characters. I question then why is CM as powerful as her counter part in comics and it being a double standard and then the slander comes again.

Never really had a problem with the female characters in GOT, or Scarlet Witch in the Avengers, or Elesta Girl from The Incredibles 2, or many of the other prominant female leads that do great things, but Mary Sues are terrible characters. Same with Gary Sues unless they are stuck in a support role like Bran, Arya (was), Dumbledore, etc or they are put into a paraody like One Punch Man. These guys just read too much Huffington Post and watch too much NBC. Brain washed into thinking that anyone who doesn't like a female character call them a Russian Hacker/Troll/bigot/ w/e so they just agree with everything.

I admit I have standards, and I like good writing, and I want the characters and stories to make sense. For example it doesn't make any sense to kill off Admiral Ackbar and replace him with some no name claiming that Poe would never disobey Ackbar when he just spent the first 15 minutes of the movie disobeying the great Princess Leia. So Holdo is supposed to teach him humility when that role could have easily been fullfilled by Ackbar. So if Rian Johnson is willing to overlook such an obvious plothole cause Leia >>>>>>>>>>>>>ackbar, it struck me that the only reason he did it was to be preachy about a man having problems following a woman's orders in a position of authority. Which Poe never had before until now. It still strikes me as preachy. But it's things like that plus my charming personality that has earned me a rep here as being anti-female.

So word to the wise if you don't want insults hurled at you. Just agree with w/e these guys say.

But this episode was beyond ridiculous. So yea my blood is boiling about it.

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Debate over this episode won't last, it's over once the next episode hits. Everyone will move on to discussion about the end run to the Iron Throne and forget all about this battle.

It isn't like the Sopranos finale. Which I actually liked. I hated Tony, and got to interpret the ending as his death. Bodied by the dude in the "Member's Only" jacket. 


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23 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

I was just messing with you.

It seems like your main issue with it is that Arya doesn't fit the prophecy... But the thing is the prophecy never explicitly says the prince that was promised will KILL the night King.... Just that they will defeat the darkness. Jon (or Dany for that matter) still fulfilled that because their actions facilitated everything that came... Including Arya being able to kill the night King, without everything Jon and Dany did leading up to this point Arya never gets that chance to land the killing blow to begin with.

As far as one person taking out dozens of zombies...I mean.. They are mindless zombies, sure they can swing a blade but that's literally it.. They have no real fighting prowess, they are not capable of intelligent thought, etc... And the people that were shown slaughtering them are a collection of the absolute best fighters in the world... It's not at all hard to believe any of them could manage to kill a few dozen zombies.

And in the end they were ALL overwhelmed anyway and were absolutely going to die had the night King not been killed. 

I apoligize. I know people think I'm extreme with this stuff. But again I've waited 8 years for this because I figured I'm not gonna get the explanation from Martin who I think is gonna die before he finishes the books. So 8 years of waiting and they go and do this. It was a breaking point for tonight.

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3 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

So word to the wise if you don't want insults hurled at you. Just agree with w/e these guys say.

But this episode was beyond ridiculous. So yea my blood is boiling about it.

I've never watched any of the shows containing the non GoT characters you referenced, don't even know who they are tbh. So I have no skin in the game here. Doesn't seem like you're coming from an angry or malicious place though. Guess you just disagree with some of the other posters. Which is perfectly fine.

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1 minute ago, DreamKid said:

I've never watched any of the shows containing the non GoT characters you referenced, don't even know who they are tbh. So I have no skin in the game here. Doesn't seem like you're coming from an angry or malicious place though. Guess you just disagree with some of the other posters. Which is perfectly fine.

The characters I referenced were from the new Star Wars series in the Avenger movies.

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10 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

But again I've waited 8 years for this because I figured I'm not gonna get the explanation from Martin who I think is gonna die before he finishes the books.

Hasn't he said he'll pass the information on to someone or something? I remember hearing something like that.

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1 minute ago, DreamKid said:

Hasn't he said he'll pass the information on to someone or something? I remember hearing something like that.

If I remember correctly he actually explicitly stated he never wants anyone else finishing the books if he dies before he can.

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1 minute ago, rob_shadows said:

If I remember correctly he actually explicitly stated he never wants anyone else finishing the books if he dies before he can.


1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

For the show. He said he wants the books to die with him if he goes before their finished.

Oh okay, I had it switched around then. 

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17 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

I apoligize. I know people think I'm extreme with this stuff. But again I've waited 8 years for this because I figured I'm not gonna get the explanation from Martin who I think is gonna die before he finishes the books. So 8 years of waiting and they go and do this. It was a breaking point for tonight.

I've come to terms with the fact that the moment the show passed the books, they were going to be different versions with ultimately the same ending. I agree that who kills the Night King will be far different in the books... if we ever get them.

But from a show perspective, it was an epic moment well done, and sometimes you gotta appreciate the differences between the two interpretations. 

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I have the same sentiments that Arya should not have been the one to kill the NK, sure it made for a "good story" for the show and I do not have an issue with her character or what she can do.


History lesson - Jon's father started a war that would destroy the kingdom based off of prophecy.  Yes, Rheagar legitimately married Lyanna and had a child - he may have loved her but the reason that he sacrificed a kingdom to marry her was to produce the prince who was promised who could defeat the NK.  You show watchers are enjoying a good story, I have too the show is still enjoyable.  It has taken many liberties and changed the world when compared to the books, most changes have been minor, even though this event has outpaced the books it seems an unlikely outcome.

The prince who was promised might just be a guy who can unite the necessary people to defeat the NK, who knows.  As the name of the series "A song of ice and fire" suggest the two houses of Stark and Targaryen coming together and make Jon Snow, he is important to the story.

You poor souls have had to wait 2 years for this last season, those who follow the books have been waiting 8 years and will still wait longer.  If you have read the series the show is a bastardized version of all events, I am sure it has been felt by the pacing and depth of the show with recent seasons contrasted against early seasons.  They do not have true GRRM content, they have his outline.  This is why you hear the pushback by some, this is probably also why there are people upset by who does not die.  We will not get a product that will satisfy everyone, I am here to enjoy what is put before me because it is still quality, it is just no longer a masterpiece.

I enjoyed the episode, I accept that it has turned hollywood but that will not stop me for enjoying it.  I do believe in the books that Tryion will be the third dragon, but a lot on here wont understand that.  

The problems that I have with the episode is that it greatly differs from where I project the story, it is not an issue with the episode itself.

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I think they missed an opportunity for Sansa to come face to face with the undead version of her mom or someone.  That could've been fun for us and creepy for her.  I'm not sure her ancestors could've gotten out of those burial plots so easily but they had to get out somehow.

Edited by thrILL!
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2 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

So how are they going to replenish the forces they lost. They got decimated by the undead what other allies will help them?

How did the Night King have so many men?  When Jon and the gang escaped via boat a couple seasons ago, the NK had numbers but nowhere near what we saw tonight.  The NK got that demon kid on the wall's ppl and I'm sure there are other clans (that some of you will name).  There can't be THAT many ppl still north of Winterfell.  But man that undead army looked more like 250K+. 

I feel like either Euron is going to take his army and dip bailing on Cersei or she's going to double-cross and kill him.

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