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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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4 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

My coworker thinks it will definitely be Arya who kills Dany. She compared the scene to her riding off on a white horse as a symbolic biblical reference saying she was death riding a pale horse. Still haven't watched it but that would make a ton of sense given the current writing of the show. Dany may kill jon and Arya kills Dany with all hell breaking loose after with no one to rule. Only way they can subvert expectations now is to have Dany win and rule with an iron fist. 

This was all over Reddit with the Revelations quote (6:8):

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. "

Most think it refers to her becoming the new NK though. 

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8 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:


Dany: Are you ready to begin?

Tyrion: Do we have a plan?

Dany: Kill and burn everyone (paraphrased). 


Its not the first time she wanted to kill everyone. And she has been stating she wanted to burn down kings landing for 2 seasons.

This is proving my point. A sentence isn't development, words aren't a development. We took a character who the entire show stood up for people's innocence, who was visably shaken and locked and chained her own children in darkness when they were young and burned a little child, who spared an entire army that fought against her and promised she was different when they bent the knee, to a woman who did things even a cold hearted b.... like Cersei would NEVER have done. A sentence here or there is supposed to be the development we get to make us feel like this was coming? That's fine, but it's crap compared to what the first 6 seasons of the show gave us. I'm fine if this is the Dany they planned to give us from the start, but this foundation for this should've been laid down seasons ago.

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Btw - I'm not so sure about this whole "madness" theme.

There was the "Mad King" - never seen but much talked about who was going to blow up a city till Jaime earned his stripes and took him out.

There was "Robert" - Ned's contemporary - who didnt seem to do much of anything to indicate he was psychologically mad or insane. A mean drunk who chased women? Yes. Mad or insane? Dont remember seeing him do anything of the sort. 

Danys Brother was a sniveling, entitled little b^^^^ - but mad or insane?

Cersei stole the Mad Kings idea and blew up the Red Keep - yet I dont remember her ever being referred to as mad or insane.

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

This was all over Reddit with the Revelations quote (6:8):

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. "

Most think it refers to her becoming the new NK though. 

How can she become that unless he infected her? I hoped it was going to show her start changing last or this episode, but I havent heard anything yet. 

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2 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

This is proving my point. A sentence isn't development, words aren't a development.

Sure it is. Thats the way the show explains to us her heart and thoughts. This isnt Dexter, we dont get a voice over. We only know what they say and do. She is fine killing a mass amount of people. 

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2 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

How can she become that unless he infected her? I hoped it was going to show her start changing last or this episode, but I havent heard anything yet. 

Lots of ways, but they all take imagination. The island in the middle of Westeros is supposed to have a bunch of children of the forest (bookwise, rumor). 

What about all the Crastor kids? Perhaps any number of them survived somehow.

The show only shows us the NK being made. Are we positive that the CotF didnt make any more? 

All speculation of course. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Sure it is. Thats the way the show explains to us her heart and thoughts. This isnt Dexter, we dont get a voice over. We only know what they say and do. She is fine killing a mass amount of people. 

We'll agree to disagree. That's a "we're running out of time so let's throw in some quick dialogue here and there so we can point back and go, see there it is!" copout. Id expect that if the rest of the show was a mediocre product but that isn't the case.

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Just now, Packerraymond said:

We'll agree to disagree. That's a "we're running out of time so let's throw in some quick dialogue here and there so we can point back and go, see there it is!" copout. Id expect that if the rest of the show was a mediocre product but that isn't the case.

You mean, almost 10 years of dialogue showing that she will mass kill if it progresses her agenda? 

Thats like the same argument that the "NK was killed quickly" => They have literally been battling for years in this show. That was just the final battle. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Lots of ways, but they all take imagination. The island in the middle of Westeros is supposed to have a bunch of children of the forest (bookwise, rumor). 

What about all the Crastor kids? Perhaps any number of them survived somehow.

The show only shows us the NK being made. Are we positive that the CotF didnt make any more? 

All speculation of course. 

It showed the NK converting a living child into being a WW. I was hoping after the utterly disappointing episode 3 that's what happened with Arya and it's just taking longer to come into effect because shes an adult. 

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Just now, Packerraymond said:

We'll agree to disagree. That's a "we're running out of time so let's throw in some quick dialogue here and there so we can point back and go, see there it is!" copout. Id expect that if the rest of the show was a mediocre product but that isn't the case.

I agree with you. Although at times she has said a few questionable things most to all of her actions up to this episode point to her generally listening to her advisers and doing the right thing. The actual change in personality did not happen till literally the last episode. In show time that's like what two weeks? 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

You mean, almost 10 years of dialogue showing that she will mass kill if it progresses her agenda? 

Thats like the same argument that the "NK was killed quickly" => They have literally been battling for years in this show. That was just the final battle. 

There's not 10 years of that dialogue.

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5 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

I agree with you. Although at times she has said a few questionable things most to all of her actions up to this episode point to her generally listening to her advisers and doing the right thing. The actual change in personality did not happen till literally the last episode. In show time that's like what two weeks? 

In truth - you've no idea.

Funny and interesting. In a real time and age - the wild, wild west - life was both short and moved at a snails pace. You mailed a letter via Pony Express that got delivered weeks if not months later - but westerns (?) they've been depicting story lines that end in a hour or two - without nary a "thats happening too fast" whisper.

People view a scene on GOT - thats followed up with a story line building scene right after - and PRESUME - its happening instantaneously or in quick sequence when in fact it could be weeks later.   


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Just now, Packerraymond said:

There's not 10 years of that dialogue.

From the very first episodes she and her brother talk about it. She has been willing to kill anyone in her way the entire time. She has shown a single mindedness to rule westeros the entire time. She has repeatedly stated she will use fire, death and fear to progress her agenda the entire time. She has literally had to be talked out of killing people the entire time. 

The only reason she didnt do all this earlier was people have talked her out of it. But she has craved mass killing the entire show and when given the impulse opportunity, has always killed. 

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