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Dak - Grown Man


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3 minutes ago, The_Slamman said:

Agreed.  But the issue is that it’s harder to find a HC than an OC.  While Garrett is not a great HC, he doesn’t blatantly suck either.  As others have stated before me, He is the definition of mediocrity.  And the biggest issue w/ JG in this favor is that the Jones’ family trusts him which is okay when it comes to the draft and most personnel decisions.  


The flip side of firing JG is that you don’t know who Jerry will hire and how much influence the new coach will have on Jerry.  Those are scary questions.  As bad as SL is as an OC, JG was actually quite a bit worse.  So, while I think JG should have been fired years ago... he’s not a bad personnel guy.  

Can't really argue with your statement , so I guess I'll agree

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Honestly I think JGs only job is to get the team ready, amped up, and to continue fighting.


We saw in 2015 and last season when things aren't so good that they continue to fight. They just aren't that good. Mainly because of play calling and design, and some mediocre offensive players.

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2 hours ago, The_Slamman said:

Two things:  

1.  Romo played behind some of the worst OLs in the history of the NFL.  Jerry’s utter refusal to give Tony even a decent OL caused a bitter hatred toward Jerry that I’m still not over.  Jerry at one point even stated that he justified the cow dung OLs he gave Tony because Tony was elusive and didn’t need a good OL.  

2.  It’s incredibly unfair to Dak or any other QB to be compared to Romo in terms of pocket awareness and escapability.  It’s like criticizing other QBs because they’re not as fast as Mike Vick or not as powerful as cam Newton or not as good at reading defenses as Manning.  

Yea Jerry is a complete moron. The guys he signed would have been awesome blocking for Zeke. But Romo who attempted like 40 passes a game. Those guys were completely gassed by even the 3rd quarter and just kept leading to Romo getting killed.

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Full disclaimer- I'm a rambling, functioning alchohlic without enough of an attention span to read this 732 page thread. So if I'm repeating I apologize. (If I'm annoying blame D82; it's his fault I'm here.)

The most frustrating part of Dak is how damn much he reminds me of a certain player. One game he's a monster. The next he's looking like a deer in the headlights. Spotty pocket presence and frustratingly inconsistent on the deep pass- one throw perfect, next two awful. A phenomenally durable player, loved in his locker room, who plays his best with the game on the line but makes several boneheaded plays that always puts the game on the line, even when it shouldn't be. Less talented then other members of his draft class, but more durable, and good enough to never go away. 

He's set up to be this generation of qb's Eli goddamn Manning. 


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11 minutes ago, Ace5 said:

Full disclaimer- I'm a rambling, functioning alchohlic without enough of an attention span to read this 732 page thread. So if I'm repeating I apologize. (If I'm annoying blame D82; it's his fault I'm here.)

The most frustrating part of Dak is how damn much he reminds me of a certain player. One game he's a monster. The next he's looking like a deer in the headlights. Spotty pocket presence and frustratingly inconsistent on the deep pass- one throw perfect, next two awful. A phenomenally durable player, loved in his locker room, who plays his best with the game on the line but makes several boneheaded plays that always puts the game on the line, even when it shouldn't be. Less talented then other members of his draft class, but more durable, and good enough to never go away. 

He's set up to be this generation of qb's Eli goddamn Manning. 


He can be Eli Manning if it means we get two Super Bowl wins 

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3 minutes ago, D82 said:


Dak is our comeuppance for all the Eli vs Romo and Alex Smith vs Romo threads- you know this right. The monkey paw always has consequences for hubris. 

I lose sleep over this.


hate Eli. Not just his oh so hateable face or his aw shucks demeanor but his goddamn play style. And the sumbitch won it all twice. Now I have to watch new Eli every Sunday and hope for the same. Life is struggle.

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3 minutes ago, Ace5 said:

Dak is our comeuppance for all the Eli vs Romo and Alex Smith vs Romo threads- you know this right. The monkey paw always has consequences for hubris. 

I lose sleep over this.


hate Eli. Not just his oh so hateable face or his aw shucks demeanor but his goddamn play style. And the sumbitch won it all twice. Now I have to watch new Eli every Sunday and hope for the same. Life is struggle.

If it makes you feel better, Dak at least doesnt go Full Eli ever. And wont ever be a 20+ INT QB. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

If it makes you feel better, Dak at least doesnt go Full Eli ever. And wont ever be a 20+ INT QB. 

His chunky soup commercial was just on. They blended enough McNabb in there to make me the most confused panda in the bamboo stand. Football Jesus is a cruel mistress.

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1 hour ago, Calvert28 said:

You give any number of QB's a great team surrounding them and it's gonna be hard for them to lose games.

I love how when there is 6s it's a team sport but if there's a loss it's on the quarterback. Not saying that that doesn't have some good support but there are Barry bad if not the worst coaches also on this so-called great team if you're going to point out the good things that you have to point out the bad things just saying

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