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Awesome Dudes Mafia: Game Over--Mafia Wins!


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6 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

UNNNNNNGGGGG I'm deciding if its time for me to have fun NOW or to have fun LATER

What do you think guys?

@Matts4313 @bcb1213 @squire12 @gopherwrestler @Whicker @Pickle Rick @Mega Ron @KOTN-93

I am racking my brain on what this could mean... But do it now. I am supposed to go on a date tonight. 

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eff it.

I'm taking control of the day. I'm the protector.

I wanted to keep quiet for another day. Lord knows I've been trying hard to avoid being hit, but I can't help but feel like mafia probably has caught on to my breadcrumbs and knows my identity already and is lining up the unblockable. Even if they didn't, there are 3 hits flying tonight and I'm likely to die and I don't want my information to die with me.

Night 1 I protected Malf. I have no idea if they tried to hit Malf and my protection worked, or if they tried to hit Raves and Raves just got double hit. It's a moot point either way.

Night 2 I protected Whicker. This is where the interaction with Matts started yesterday. I thought he WAS mafia, and tried to play off the "why didn't the SK make his moves" gambit. I think he was fishing for information about the SK or why their hit didn't land. Either way, that is what I did.

Night 3 I did NOT protect Gopher. I protected WHICKER again, hoping that mafia would WIFOM and avoid hitting Gopher, assuming that Gopher would get the protection. I chose Whicker because I suspected that my protection worked on N2, and perhaps they thought Whicker was the JOAT, so they would go after him again on N3.

Considering there was no mafia hit on N3, I have to assume that mafia tried to hit Whicker last night.

Therefore Whicker is NOT mafia (although he COULD be the SK)


Further. My assumptions are that on N2, MALF received the unblockable, WHICKER received the factional, and TOUCH received the SKs hit.


With all of this in mind, Gopher, myself, and Pickle are all cleared (unless pickle gets CCed, then we have a mess) Whicker is not cleared, but he almost certainly is not mafia (unless mafia literally chose not to use their hit, which would be lowkey genius)


Gopher, Pickle, Whicker, and I need to get on the same page and try to force through a vote without letting mafia have control.

My thoughts are Kotn and Matts (although I do not think they are mafia together) maybe squire

Lord willing, we will manage to either lynch the unblockable or the SK, in which case there will only be 2 hits tonight.


Unless Pickle is CCed, there are TWO mafia in this bucket of 5 (Mega/Kotn/Matts/Bcb/Squire)


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To the Serial Killer

I STRONGLY suggest that you use your hit from that group of 5.

If you hit one of the cleared civs, you are putting yourself in a DANGEROUS situation. Because if tonight is a mislynch, and the 3 cleared civs get wiped out via hits, then suddenly the ratio is 2-2-1 and you won't have a hit on N5.

You would MUCH rather help us get mafia and get those hits OFF of the board for you to achieve your goal.


Your friendly neighborhood protector

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4 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Why are you not more excited guys! Isn't this fun!

The entire game was voting for the two civ specials!

Everybody scurry back to your chattys and figure out what to do next!

Deciding whether to believe you. Which I actually do. Matts

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18 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

eff it.

I'm taking control of the day. I'm the protector.

I wanted to keep quiet for another day. Lord knows I've been trying hard to avoid being hit, but I can't help but feel like mafia probably has caught on to my breadcrumbs and knows my identity already and is lining up the unblockable. Even if they didn't, there are 3 hits flying tonight and I'm likely to die and I don't want my information to die with me.

Night 1 I protected Malf. I have no idea if they tried to hit Malf and my protection worked, or if they tried to hit Raves and Raves just got double hit. It's a moot point either way.

Night 2 I protected Whicker. This is where the interaction with Matts started yesterday. I thought he WAS mafia, and tried to play off the "why didn't the SK make his moves" gambit. I think he was fishing for information about the SK or why their hit didn't land. Either way, that is what I did.

Night 3 I did NOT protect Gopher. I protected WHICKER again, hoping that mafia would WIFOM and avoid hitting Gopher, assuming that Gopher would get the protection. I chose Whicker because I suspected that my protection worked on N2, and perhaps they thought Whicker was the JOAT, so they would go after him again on N3.

Considering there was no mafia hit on N3, I have to assume that mafia tried to hit Whicker last night.

Therefore Whicker is NOT mafia (although he COULD be the SK)


Further. My assumptions are that on N2, MALF received the unblockable, WHICKER received the factional, and TOUCH received the SKs hit.


With all of this in mind, Gopher, myself, and Pickle are all cleared (unless pickle gets CCed, then we have a mess) Whicker is not cleared, but he almost certainly is not mafia (unless mafia literally chose not to use their hit, which would be lowkey genius)


Gopher, Pickle, Whicker, and I need to get on the same page and try to force through a vote without letting mafia have control.

My thoughts are Kotn and Matts (although I do not think they are mafia together) maybe squire

Lord willing, we will manage to either lynch the unblockable or the SK, in which case there will only be 2 hits tonight.


Unless Pickle is CCed, there are TWO mafia in this bucket of 5 (Mega/Kotn/Matts/Bcb/Squire)


@gopherwrestler => confirm. 

This would be an incredible job if you blocked hits 3 days in a row. 


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