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Week 13 Jets vs. Titans


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So orakpo hasn’t been credited a tackle in 2 games but man did Taywan need that game. Guy looked like a decent nfl WR today 


also, anyone see on the pick6 when Mariota hit Adams right into Johnson while celebrating. Thought that was funny 

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12 hours ago, dtait93 said:

In, “the end” whether you want to call that the 2nd half, or the 4th quarter, or midway through the 4th quarter, or whatever, the reason we could move the ball so much more effectively is because we forced the defense to cover the entire field instead of just 10 yards when we started to air it out. Also, no one ever said he couldn’t adjust. It was one of two options, either he didn’t know how to as a rookie playcaller or he was too stubborn. Turns out it’s the latter.

And the focus of this specific conversation is not the entire season. We’re talking about the game that happened today so your 2nd paragraph is pretty irrelevant. But anyways, I’ve literally never seen anyone on here make that statement that your claiming. In fact, everyone on here has been screaming to quit running the ball on 1st and 2nd and long for the exact reason you just laid out - because we do move the ball well to begin the game through the air. We should absolutely be throwing it more, not just to begin the game but throughout the entire game.

Go back into the LaFleur thread, there are definitely people complaining about the lack of adjustment.

Also,  no, we weren't just talking about yesterday's game. It was stated earlier in this conversation that we "could never move the ball until late in the game", as in general and not just in this particular game. That's why I brought up the season stats for the first quarter offense.

There is more than just one side to the whole stretch the defense out argument. We can go back to the whole argument of can the OL hold up well enough to allow for that? The numbers very clearly suggest not. So, can you throw deep more to make the defense respect the vertical ball and help out your running game and short to intermediate passing game? Sure. But can you also use the rate at which you're running the ball against the defense, draw them to drop closer to the LOS and set them up for the deep ball? Absolutely. And despite not doing it often enough, maybe because Marcus is not the best suited QB to operate in that type of system, maybe because, again, the OL can't hold up to that kind of play, maybe because by far our biggest deep threat (Taywan) has been missing time and we've asked some depth guys at best to step into that role and some of them just couldn't, still they have done it well enough that Mariota became the most effective quarterback throwing deep. Even with some flat out misses on his part and some terrible drops on the receivers, LaFleur has set up this offense so they can execute the deep ball really well. 

Bottom line is, if you want to hold it against the guy that he refuses to operate a system the OL, receiving corps and yes, even the QB himself are not suited for, that's cool, I guess? But myself, personally, I respect the fact that despite all of that he has managed to choose smartly how to take his shots and make that work very effectively.

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Evans is playing better too. He was in on a couple good run stops.

As I mentioned earlier, Vrabel made the right decision to kick FGs, when I know it was tempting to go for it. 
Butler played a good game.

I hate it, because I love Morgan, but he really doesn't have any juice left. He can't even get the pressures that he used to get. He was always a step slow, now he is several steps behind. 
Orakpo still can apply pressure, but he can't get home. 

McGinnis on local radio made good points about the Jets defense. He said they are as talented as any defense in the league. Lot of money on that side of the ball. However they aren't very disciplined or they don't play in sync. He thinks this is why the No-huddle worked on them because play to play they don't communicate well. So I guess that was an adjustment from Lafleur. 

I still hate that we couldn't convert an 3rd down until the end. I hate we had so many 3 and outs. I hate that we had so many blown assignments and self inflicted penalties. There was a lot to be frustrated about with this offense in the first half or so. 

I'm hoping that we finally just let it loose and open up the offense a little more. Everything was so condensed and right within 5-8 yards. Jets were just sitting on the routes and crowding the box. 

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21 minutes ago, Andrei01 said:

Go back into the LaFleur thread, there are definitely people complaining about the lack of adjustment.

Also,  no, we weren't just talking about yesterday's game. It was stated earlier in this conversation that we "could never move the ball until late in the game", as in general and not just in this particular game. That's why I brought up the season stats for the first quarter offense.

There is more than just one side to the whole stretch the defense out argument. We can go back to the whole argument of can the OL hold up well enough to allow for that? The numbers very clearly suggest not. So, can you throw deep more to make the defense respect the vertical ball and help out your running game and short to intermediate passing game? Sure. But can you also use the rate at which you're running the ball against the defense, draw them to drop closer to the LOS and set them up for the deep ball? Absolutely. And despite not doing it often enough, maybe because Marcus is not the best suited QB to operate in that type of system, maybe because, again, the OL can't hold up to that kind of play, maybe because by far our biggest deep threat (Taywan) has been missing time and we've asked some depth guys at best to step into that role and some of them just couldn't, still they have done it well enough that Mariota became the most effective quarterback throwing deep. Even with some flat out misses on his part and some terrible drops on the receivers, LaFleur has set up this offense so they can execute the deep ball really well. 

Bottom line is, if you want to hold it against the guy that he refuses to operate a system the OL, receiving corps and yes, even the QB himself are not suited for, that's cool, I guess? But myself, personally, I respect the fact that despite all of that he has managed to choose smartly how to take his shots and make that work very effectively.

How does, “could never move the ball until late in the game” mean we are talking about anything other than yesterday’s game when we’re in a thread specifically dedicated to talking about yesterday’s game?

So, going back to yesterday, the run game was not opening up the deep passes. Marcus made 2 really good throws to Taywan in 1 on 1 coverage and the other deep ball was just awful coverage on the Jets part and an excellent route by Taywan. As for the o-line and not giving Marcus enough time, I don’t have the pressure stat, but he was only sacked once in the first half when we weren’t opening up the playbook. So I disagree that the line wasn’t giving him enough time to throw anything deep unless you or someone else can provide me a stat with the rate at which he was being pressured to prove otherwise in the first half. The second half is not even an argument because he clearly did give have enough time to take deep shots. Marcus has been really good at the deep ball so far this year and yesterday’s game is the only game I can remember him just completely whiffing. The other one that comes to mind is the one against Baltimore but it looked like the ref got in Taywan’s way. So again, I disagree he isn’t suited for an offense that opens up the field.

Also how can you say our personnel is not suited for an offense that opens things up when it clearly performs so much better when it does? Or do you honestly believe the offense that only throws <10 yard passes and can barely run the ball for 3 yards that scored 0 points up until the last drive of the 1st half is what we’re best suited for?

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My honest belief is that we as a team have grown so accustom to the late game MM & company come backs...it affects the way we play early. How many times do you hear Marcus or one of the other offensive guys say "there is no panic on the slow starts, stick with it and..." We have done it so many times in the last 2-3 years, not all wins but we have a late game rally and tie it, win it or lose on the last play, that we settle for early game struggles. To make the next step we have to learn to start faster and keep the gas down...no let up!!! 

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Had a feeling this was the case. I think this was a huge factor in the better oline play. Levine likely holds up better than Jones at C, but doesn’t have the ability to get us in the right protection. Meanwhile Jones is able to assist him, and it’s probably a wash between he and Spain at LG so you don’t lose anything with the switch.

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