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16th Coach of the GB Packers (let the search begin)


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I’m not a huge Pat Fitzgerald guy, but the more & more I think about it the more I believe he will be the next coach of the Packers. If that’s the case coordinator hires will be huge. I would think Pettine would be back. I do think he’s in the top 5-6 realistic options available.

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2 hours ago, Pugger said:

I truly hope they don't have Jim Harbaugh as a target after watching the Wolverines get blasted again in a big game.

Where do you see anything about Harbaugh? He's not even on the radar. Lol.

BTW, I've been told Fitz will at least accept the interview.

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Just now, Arthur Penske said:

But we fired McCarthy, got a worse draft pick, still missed the playoffs and everybody celebrated and jeered and cheered. 

I get the idea of getting rid of McCarthy.  Don't get not trying to get something for him. 

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8 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

But we fired McCarthy, got a worse draft pick, still missed the playoffs and everybody celebrated and jeered and cheered. 

I get the idea of getting rid of McCarthy.  Don't get not trying to get something for him. 

I find the mechanics of trading for a head coach interesting.  How does a team find out if the coach is amenable to a longer term deal,  if he has a coherent plan for the new team, and can fit into the management structure of the new team without talking to him?  How do they get around the tampering issue?   Do they get a rough deal worked out before they get permission to talk to him or do they try and get permission first?

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1 minute ago, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

I find the mechanics of trading for a head coach interesting.  How does a team find out if the coach is amenable to a longer term deal,  if he has a coherent plan for the new team, and can fit into the management structure of the new team without talking to him?  How do they get around the tampering issue?   Do they get a rough deal worked out before they get permissin to talk to him or do they try and get permission first?

I would think it starts with contact to the organization - who if interested would allow the coach to talk contract with the (possible) new team.

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6 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

But we fired McCarthy, got a worse draft pick, still missed the playoffs and everybody celebrated and jeered and cheered. 

I get the idea of getting rid of McCarthy.  Don't get not trying to get something for him. 

The difference is that McCarthy wore out his welcome in GB, and John Harbaugh has not yet wore out his welcome.  They will bring back Harbaugh unless someone blows them away with compensation.  The Packers had made up their mind McCarthy was gone .. So they moved on.  They wanted him gone so bad they cut him loose with a month to go.   McCarthy moving on was a forgone conclusion  

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1 hour ago, JQ1 said:

Honestly I'm thinking there's almost too much smoke here. We're trying to get an interview with a guy who multiple NFL teams have tried to get an interview with for a while. Beyond that I think it's just reaching because of the Murphy-Fitz connection. Media is just desperate to give news to starved Packers fans craving some info. 

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8 minutes ago, chillparsi1 said:

Honestly I'm thinking there's almost too much smoke here. We're trying to get an interview with a guy who multiple NFL teams have tried to get an interview with for a while. Beyond that I think it's just reaching because of the Murphy-Fitz connection. Media is just desperate to give news starved Packers fans some info. 

Could be, but this is the first week that the really top guys like Glazer, Schefter, and Rapoport started talking about it.  I'm feeling pretty good about it ..  Seems things are getting serious, and Fitzgerald 's side isn't really doing much to quell the rumors.

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14 minutes ago, {Family Ghost} said:

Could be, but this is the first week that the really top guys like Glazer, Schefter, and Rapoport started talking about it.  I'm feeling pretty good about it ..  Seems things are getting serious, and Fitzgerald 's side isn't really doing much to quell the rumors.

I'd give more credence to that if he didn't have a bowl game still coming up. He's probably too busy getting ready. Speaking of which, it's interesting how little love Wittingham gets. Has a quality program at a non-power school for a while just like Fitz. Granted he took over after Urban so it's not like it came from nowhere and the Pac12 south has not been anything special recently, but still the guy beat Saban in a major Bowl game and has a 120-60 record. NOT saying he should be a candidate for GB just a fun thing to ponder. 

EDIT: Wittingham also is 11-1 in bowl games. Pretty impressive. 

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