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7 hours ago, RBreezy said:

Let me know how it is, The Room was an incredible experience to watch haha

It was very good. Both Franco bros did A+ acting jobs, and the film pretty tightly follows the book. So much of the dialogue is straight from the book and unaltered. Obviously had to gloss over some stuff to fit into the movie (though I was very disappointed that they didn't include the Don storyline). It's still a hollywood movie so they definitely touched up some points for the sake of the story. Made their friendship more "awww" and Tommy a character you kind of feel bad for, and it had a very happy ending. Near the end I was feeling a bit like it didn't include enough pure "The Room" stuff, which I wanted to see, but then that last ~10 minutes comes and its' hilarious.

I really want to go to a showing know of The Room. Going to try to catch it during the one day wide release coming up, hope there will be a theater near me that has it. 


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6 hours ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

I bet @Matts4313 is a highly toxic Widow/Hanzo main. Thinks he carries his team when in reality he's at best a game manager ;)

What's your SR? Can be rough below gold, or "elo hell" as they call it. Though I would say the salt reaches it's max in plat, while toxicity just increases with every rank, or so I've heard.

Its really low as I was playing Widow when I went through the 10 game thing. Its like 1200. Since then I have switched it up. I play Reinhardt if we need a shield, Lucio if we need a healer, D.Va/Junkrat otherwise. Occasionally Ill go bastion, pharoh or tracer. 

@Danger What stats should I pay attention too? I mean, I feel like I am towards the top of every game I play due to all the golds. 

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4 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Its really low as I was playing Widow when I went through the 10 game thing. Its like 1200. Since then I have switched it up. I play Reinhardt if we need a shield, Lucio if we need a healer, D.Va/Junkrat otherwise. Occasionally Ill go bastion, pharoh or tracer. 

@Danger What stats should I pay attention too? I mean, I feel like I am towards the top of every game I play due to all the golds. 

You have an Xbox and a YouTube account? You can easily record your matches (in 10 minute intervals) and upload it to YouTube. That's honestly the best way I can go about critiquing your game. 

As for Reinhardt stats (He's one of my mains lately).

The only definitive stats are Earthshatter kills and how many charge pins you get IMO. At times you might be blocking damage when there's really no one to be blocking it from. Sure it ups your numbers, but it's kinda like Dak Prescott padding his stats in garbage time. :D

On the real though. One stat that nobody down that low ever pays attention to is "how often am I dying". If you're dying a lot you're hurting your team. That said, if your team is all committing, you either die with them, or you get out.

Not-so-pro-tip: If you end up down two players or more in a team fight, that's your queue to get the hell out of dodge or just go down swingin. Try to synch up your spawns or live to fight another day. The worst thing you can do is "trickle" in which your team doesn't group up and constantly keeps going in 1 by 1. (or 2 by 2)


tl;dr give me game film to review, stats are often misleading.

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Another thing I've heard and sort of agree with playing all three roles frequently.

Main Tanks (Shield Tanks) as well as supports other than Mercy get the short end of the stick in terms of SR gains/losses due to 'performance bonuses' But when you're playing to win, you might not just pad your stats, or you might be opening up a lane for one of your team mates.. e.g. A WR blocking for a running back sweeping to the sideline.

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Just now, Phire said:

Stats literally mean close to nothing unless you're playing like Soldier and aren't in the top three in hero damage.

That's not always true. There are some characters that stats definitely matter. 

Mostly DPS characters if they aren't in the top 3 of both Damage and Eliminations, they might want to consider swapping roles. Junkrat has no excuse to not be tearing through everything at this point in time. 

There are even further intricacies of the game and the team work and certain nuances that I can better get into with Matts as he starts to climb, but right now what I'd suggest to him is play the Hero(s) that he feel he can perform the best with, what does he feel like he makes the biggest impact with, because over time that is what leads you to climb at the lower levels.

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Things like working together, syncing abilities and ults, and changing your character to counter the opposing comp are all things that don't show up on the stat sheet that are way more important than any stat. Even tracking straight up DPS doesn't matter if you're playing Mercy the first round then Junkrat the next. Nothing is worse than seeing people die, come alive, then charge into the enemy team alone spamming "I NEED HEALING" and it doesn't really matter if that dude is leading stats or not.

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Just now, Phire said:

Things like working together, syncing abilities and ults, and changing your character to counter the opposing comp are all things that don't show up on the stat sheet that are way more important than any stat. Even tracking straight up DPS doesn't matter if you're playing Mercy the first round then Junkrat the next. Nothing is worse than seeing people die, come alive, then charge into the enemy team alone spamming "I NEED HEALING" and it doesn't really matter if that dude is leading stats or not.

Yeah, I wouldn't say these aspects start to matter until Gold or so though. 

There are a variety of things that don't really come into play where Matts is at (1200 he said).

General tips for that level of play are, play who you're best at, group up, don't feed (stay in the fight after you're clearly going to lose it). 

One more thing, this game inherently makes it harder to win out a 1 v 2 than games like Call of Duty, Halo or games where roles don't really play a factor. Don't try to win against 2 people without backup. Maybe you can get a quick pick and get out with a hero like Tracer. But in general playing as a team is the best way to do so, even if you don't have a great team composition.

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