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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

TedLavie and Orca with no lynch votes on D2???? Seriously? Either:

A: You're both mafia aligned 


B: You want us townies to go by the wayside one by one

aren't A and B the same though.

You do seem very definite for someone who has strongly advocated for a no lynch on N1

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5 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

aren't A and B the same though.

Not necessarily. B could also mean that someone just simply doesn't understand how to play/what the fallout will be by "death from 1,000 papercuts".


That's what we need to stay away from Round 1. Mob justice is for desperation, which is never Round 1.

5 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

You do seem very definite for someone who has strongly advocated for a no lynch on N1

I almost always advocate for no lynch D1 because it's a matter of playing the odds. There's a cop and a jailer (to go along with D1 backup), so I play the odds, especially with 10+ people, that there are greater odds of finding the mafia the more rounds that you go with as many townies as possible. Now that we are down 2 villagers straight away, the clock is ticking and it's time to go full mob.


All it takes is the jailer to jail the right person and you have usually about a 50/50 shot that he's either the mafia/goon OR the victim. If you have a leaning one way or the other, the next day should be an automatic win for the villagers.

From there, I'd go with a full out mob mentality to the very end, because the odds are on the townie side.



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2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I’m a townie why would someone vote to lynch me if they weren’t mafia 

Your posts D1 mid day didn't exactly do you any favors. I didn't vote for you, but I was tempted to. Playing the "village idiot" card that early usually isn't a great idea.

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

It’s fine waste your vote on me

I didn't vote for you.

31 minutes ago, Dome said:


Player Voting to Lynch
MWil23 TedLavie
Mega Ron Counselor
TheKillerNacho BringinDaPain
Counselor TheKillerNacho
BringinDaPain TheKillerNacho
The Orca TheKillerNacho
TedLavie No Lynch


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Your posts D1 mid day didn't exactly do you any favors. I didn't vote for you, but I was tempted to. Playing the "village idiot" card that early usually isn't a great idea.

Any particular reason you joined the BW on me, then Counsouler, then TedLavie, but hesitant to vote BringThePain?

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

Any particular reason you joined the BW on me,

Simply because you started off with a vote for me on Day 1 and then reversed to a no vote not long after. It seemed suspicious.

Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

then Counsouler,

I'm still suspicious of him. I don't buy the "village idiot" card.

Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

then TedLavie,

I'm almost certain that he's Mafia aligned based upon his last minute flipping and general behavior.

Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

but hesitant to vote BringThePain?

Yes, I have a reason for this. Something tells me that no one dies tonight if he's mafia aligned.

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8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Simply because you started off with a vote for me on Day 1 and then reversed to a no vote not long after. It seemed suspicious.

I'm still suspicious of him. I don't buy the "village idiot" card.

I'm almost certain that he's Mafia aligned based upon his last minute flipping and general behavior.

Yes, I have a reason for this. Something tells me that no one dies tonight if he's mafia aligned.

Why would mafia nk?

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