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If we end up picking up Berry, and he performs well, I'm going to be digging back into the archives from mid-March of 2019, where folks said we couldn't rely on him when I suggested last evening that he might make a good stopgap, and someone in this forum had the audacity to call me a Steelers fan for suggesting we pump the brakes on having a Super Bowl GDT (even if for nothing more than fun).  (Calling someone a Steelers fan is something that I wouldn't do to my worst enemy, if my worst enemy was a Browns fan.  I'll eventually forgive, but I won't forget*, @LETSGOBROWNIES.  You just don't do that to someone.  Even in jest.  )  ;)  







*OK, I'll probably forget, because I'm an old fart that doesn't do a great job remembering names anymore.  One of the drawbacks of having over 2500 kids go through your classroom over the last quarter century.  Come on, @LETSGOBROWNIES, if you disagree with me, call me old.  Call me fat.  Challenge my political beliefs.  But dammit, you cannot call a Browns fan a Steelers fan.  Ever.    

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