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The Amazing Race Game Thread


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 7 Cincinnati -- Cinci.   +7

 3 Texas Tech -- Texas Tech.-3.+4

8 Ole Miss -- Ole Miss,, +8.+12

13 UC Irvine  -- Irvine.-13. - 1

2 Tennessee -- Tenn.-2. - 3

 1 Virginia -- Virginia.-1.-4

6 Buffalo -- Buffalo.-6.-10

12 Oregon  Oregon   - 12. - 22

8 Utah State -- Utah St,  +8.-14

12 Liberty- Liberty. - 12. - 26

Duke -- Duke. - 1. - 27

 3 Houston -- Houston - 3.  - 30

 1 North Carolina -- North Carolina.-1.-31

9 UCF  -- UCF.  - 9. - 40

 6 Iowa State -- Iowa St.+6.-34

 4 Virginia Tech -- Virginia Tech. - 4.-38



3 Texas Tech    - 3
4 Kansas State   +4. +1
2 Tennessee  - 2.-1
1 Virginia   - 1.  - 2
6 Buffalo   - 6. - 8
1 Duke   - 1. - 9
3 Houston   - 3. - 12
1 North Carolina   - 1. - 13
6 Iowa State   +6. - 7
4 Virginia Tech. - 4. - 11




7 Cincinnati - Cinci.  +7

3 Texas Tech - TT.  -3.   +4

4 Kansas State - K St. +4.  +8

2 Tennessee - TN. - 2.   +6

1 Virginia - UVA. - 1.  +5

6 Buffalo - Buff. - 6.  - 1

5 Wisconsin - Wisc.+5.  +4

5 Mississippi St - Miss St.+5. +9

1 Duke - Duke. - 1.  +8

3 Houston - Houston - 3. +5

North Carolina - UNC. - 1.  +4

6 Iowa State - Iowa St. +6.  +10

4 Virginia Tech - VT.-4.+14

9 Oklahoma - OK. - 9.  +3

9 Washington - Wash. - 9. - 6

9 UCF  - VCU. +9.  +3



(7) Cincinnati. +7
(3) Texas Tech.-3.   +4
. (4) Kansas State. -+4.  +8
. (2) Tennessee.-2. +6
 (1) Virginia. - 1.     +5
. (5) Wisconsin. +5.  +10
. (5) Mississippi State.  +5.  +15
. (1) Duke. - 1. +14
 (3) Houston. - 3.  +11
. (1) North Carolina.  - 1.   +10
 (6) Iowa State.   +6.    +16
. (4) Virginia Tech.  - 4.  +12

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6 minutes ago, The Orca said:


If only you would have taken Touch and Swag out first for me and @Pickle Rick. Everyone knew Unswaggable was more of a threat than Porca

We hold you two in very high regard. You were a looming threat that had to be eradicated. 


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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

It seems to me like y'all should have dealt with Wopherwrestler

Should have and wanted to, but we were focused on staying in the game. Was willing to help anyone as long as we didnt go out first. Didnt work out that way. Rags was attacking us just as much as Swag and touch. I think he used your moves as well. So it was 4-2 after the first couple baby shots on Swag lol

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