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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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15 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

To go along with Dome backing you and you leading a mislynch, then calling out AFlacco, who is legit one of about 2 CONFIRMED Town...that is pretty bad man.

There are no confirmed town.  Maybe strong town leans but none confirmed bc of how easy it is to fake 

9 minutes ago, Woz said:
  1. As I pointed out to rack (and others like Rags have confirmed), mafia protecting/defending townies is a standard tactic.
  2. "Leading" a mislynch? Where did I lead one? Counselor? I didn't have anything to do with that beyond a super late vote, which I admit has a very weak excuse attached to it.
  3. On Flacco
    1. He can only be confirmed as of last night. BTW, @AFlaccoSeagulls, my apologies and nicely done.
    2. I tunneled on him, and I was wrong. My apologies. I mean, that never happens (*looks right at you*).

Still not confirmed, just a strong town lean 

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Flacco was literally cleared last night. He's 100% TOWN.

Again, not 100% 

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3 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Yeah, it has been interesting. It's almost like you haven't read a damn thing that's happened today lol 


I once saw my brother get put out of a poker tournament by a guy who went all in blind (true story). This reminds me eerily of that moment.

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

There are no confirmed town.  Maybe strong town leans but none confirmed bc of how easy it is to fake 

Still not confirmed, just a strong town lean 

Again, not 100% 

Fine PR. Spin me your mad tale again. Who ya got????

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Just now, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

like at this point idk how to convince him...

As in like at this point does he even know who he is, what he can do, whose side he's on...would we be better with or without him since he will blow someone up...probably someone important just because...who knows????

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9 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Flacco was literally cleared last night. He's 100% TOWN.

He’s not 100%

It’s possible that mafia hit me and saved me, knowing that I would report back the information

But for all intents and purposes he is the most clear that we have

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8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

As in like at this point does he even know who he is, what he can do, whose side he's on...would we be better with or without him since he will blow someone up...probably someone important just because...who knows????

Possibility matrix:

  • Finn is town
    • Not helping. Barely here.
    • Has a power that only takes effect on his lynching.
    • If lynched
      1. He takes out mafia? Given his lack of engagement, that would be more luck than skill. (20% chance)
      2. He takes out town? More out of a fit of pique. (60% chance?)
      3. He doesn't do anything? Possible, but I think he'd still go with #2. (20% chance)
  • Finn is mafia
    • His lack of engagement makes more sense.
    • If lynched
      • Takes out town. (80% chance)
      • Does nothing. (20% chance)

6 out of 24 are mafia = 25% chance

(25% mafia * 80% vigs town) + (75% town * 60% vigs town) = 65% chance we lose one town with 25% chance we get mafia.

Not really a fan of those odds. (EDIT: for clarity, not a fan of those odds at this juncture when there are other possible targets that don't expose us to a vig)

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7 minutes ago, Woz said:

Possibility matrix:

  • Finn is town
    • Not helping. Barely here.
    • Has a power that only takes effect on his lynching.
    • If lynched
      1. He takes out mafia? Given his lack of engagement, that would be more luck than skill. (20% chance)
      2. He takes out town? More out of a fit of pique. (60% chance?)
      3. He doesn't do anything? Possible, but I think he'd still go with #2. (20% chance)
  • Finn is mafia
    • His lack of engagement makes more sense.
    • If lynched
      • Takes out town. (80% chance)
      • Does nothing. (20% chance)

6 out of 24 are mafia = 25% chance

(25% mafia * 80% vigs town) + (75% town * 60% vigs town) = 65% chance we lose one town with 25% chance we get mafia.

Not really a fan of those odds. (EDIT: for clarity, not a fan of those odds at this juncture when there are other possible targets that don't expose us to a vig)

@Whicker edit death him plz 

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13 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I once saw my brother get put out of a poker tournament by a guy who went all in blind (true story). This reminds me eerily of that moment.

Sounds like me 

13 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Fine PR. Spin me your mad tale again. Who ya got????

Squire (lock)





If anyone doubts squire after yesterday then you are blind.  

Both rags and squire changed up their playstyle after my calling them out.  They even had a nice little back and forth to drum up suspicion on danger.  After which squire moved off of James trying to save him.  

I'm all in on squire and rags.  Beside those two gopher stands out the most by far.  He came into the thread after being the leader in votes and went overboard on scum hunting and then disappeared for the rest of the game.  He took a weak role imo.  If town he should have taken a killing role to keep it out of mafia hands.  

Fin is a mystery but imo he is not a good lynch candidate bc if town we could lose 3 tonight 

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Day 5

1. ET - McCree (Split Triple Voter) – Gopher* (157), Fin** (157), Woz*** (157), Matts*** (157)

2. Gopher - Lucio (1-shot Multiple Loverizer) Squire (160)

5. Tk3 – Pharah (Bus Driver)

7. Flacco – Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor) – Gopher (161)

10. Woz – Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)

12. Fin – Junkrat (Vengeful Vigilante)ET (157), Flacco (164), Fin (164)

14. Danger – Reinhardt (1-shot Multiple Roleblocker) – Squire (158), Gopher (160)

16. Rick – Mercy (1-shot Governor) – Squire (156)

17. Rag – Hanzo (Tracker)

18. Mwil – Zenyatta (Loverizer/Haterizer) – Squire (157), Gopher (159), Fin (161)

20. Bcb – Moira (Strong Loverizer) – Mwil (158)

21. Matts – Reaper (2-shot Commuter)

22. Touch – Orisa (1-shot Vote Motivator) – Squire (156)

24. Squire – Soldier 76 (Vanilla Townie)


Vote Count (8 to lynch)
3 Squire – Pickle, Touch, Gopher
3 Gopher – ET1, Danger, Flacco
3 Fin – ET2, Mwil, Fin
1 Matts – ET3
1 Mwil – Bcb
1 Bcb –

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