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43M's Gaming Journal: Zelda: Breath of the Wild REVIEW!!!!


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1 hour ago, skywindO2 said:

Both Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition are games I'm sure I'd love but the time commitment for them is just too much for me right now. 

Yeah, that can definitely become an issue.  And with RPGs, I need to stay fresh on the story.  I had to restart Origins after playing it 40 hours because I went several months without playing it and forgot alot of the story.

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2 hours ago, TXsteeler said:

Play God of War next, it's one of the best on that list but also not 100+ hours like a couple of them.

I'm playing the ones I own first and waiting until I can get God of War on sale.  I only own both Deus Ex games and the two games for the Wii U.  The others I still need to buy.

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On 5/26/2019 at 5:24 AM, FourThreeMafia said:




You don't need to play the Witcher 2 before 3, but if you are planning on playing it one day, I might recommend doing it before TW3.  The Witcher 2 has a great story worth playing, but it might feel a lot less enjoyable than it would otherwise (at least it did for me initially) when you realize the huge step-back in terms of gameplay if you go from 3 to 2.  It isn't terrible or anything, just clunky in comparison.  Plus The Witcher 3 has a bigger world.  But if you don't think any of that would bother you, then def no problem playing 3 before 2.  You'll absolutely love it.  Just don't die or else your consequence will be a 10 minute loading screen lol

Edited by iknowcool
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  • 8 months later...

FEBRUARY 2020 UPDATE  (if anyone cares..)

So, I started this thread back in late May 2019, with a plan to get back into gaming and had a bunch of games mapped out that I wanted to play.     However, about a week after I posted this thread, my girlfriend (at the time) and me had a HUGE fight which consequently led to us breaking up and screwed with my life in a number of way.     I had to find a new place to live and deal with all the emotions that came with the breakup.   Between that, and working alot of overtime this past summer, I lost interest in gaming at the time.   I tried to get back into it a few times since, but I just wasnt into it.

However, Im at a point now where life has slowed down and wounds have healed,  so my interest in starting this back up again has returned.   Here are couple updates on a few games...

Dragon Age Inquisition   -   This is the game I was playing at the time things fell apart.     I was already about 50 hours in and when I lost interest, and wasnt able to get back into it.   Im not someone who can go back and play a story based RPG in the middle of the game after being awhile from it for awhile.   I am going to have to start the game over, but I really dont feel like playing it right now....I think partly because its what I was playing when some bad things happened, but also, I just want a different experience right now, so I am putting this game on the backburner for the time being.   I will come back to it at some point.


Deux Ex Human Revolution   -   This is the first game I tried to play recently.   I heard mostly good things about it, but I noticed @ET80 and @showtime said they didnt enjoy the game much,.   I popped it in and tried it, and it was very different from what I expected.    I wont say its a bad game, because I think its okay....but I did struggle to get into it, as well.     I did play it for a about 7 hours before I decided to bail, mainly because the game wasnt holding my attention.       I might go back to it at some point, but for now, its also on the backburner.

Final Fantasy XV   -   I just finished this game and will be posting a review soon.   I really enjoyed it....for the most part.

Horizon Zero Dawn  -   Very likely the next game I will be playing.   I was going to play Spider Man PS4, but I dont own it at the moment and its not on sale (was on a big time sale during Christmas on PSN, but I didnt get it).    I have HZD, and will probably start it soon.


I will also be updating the front page soon with changes to my game lists.

Anyway, hopefully this draws some interest as I enjoy the feedback based on my reviews and also about games I am considering playing. :D

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5 minutes ago, FourThreeMafia said:

Horizon Zero Dawn

This game - from story to gameplay to visuals - is absolutely phenomenal.

You legit feel like a hunter at times, stalking your (very deadly) prey, just hoping to get the jump on it before everything goes to hell. You really feel the tension when you're trying to sneak past a herd of Tramplers, and you get into full panic mode when one sees you, knowing there's about six more about to charge you. You feel like a Ninja, sneaking through a rebel encampment and lining up targets to kill them without alerting the rest of the camp. There's a real feeling of accomplishment when you take down a Thunderjaw for the first time... and it's legit a very good story, you're really following along to see where things go and how things got to where they are.

I highly recommend this game, the first game I've completed since I got my PS4 (black Friday deal). 

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I think you're going cross-platform, right? Past Gen stuff on PS3 and current Gen stuff on PS4?

If so, I'd put in a nod for the Mass Effect trilogy on the PS3. Still to this day, it's the greatest trilogy I've ever played. People have issues with the story ending (and rightfully so) but this game was about the journey, not the destination.

The journey was nothing short of amazing, just a game where you have no choice but to get personally invested in the fate of your team as well as the fate of entire civilizations. If you play the trilogy out, you develop near political/religious-like beliefs on things such as the Genophage and synthetic life. Like, SERIOUS feelings towards both. 

Just in case you're taking suggestions, this is mine. Every other year or so, there's a rumor that they're going to remaster the trilogy on the current Gen systems, but that never happens. There is a standalone game (Mass Effect: Andromeda) that's on the PS4 that I'm currently playing - it's OK 3rd person shooter gameplay, but the characters and story lack the depth that the made the original ME3 so special. I'm thinking I can skip this one for the most part, but can't force myself to do so, simply because I love the trilogy so much. 

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81vGZTp0dNL._SX425_.jpg Review


I am a huge Final Fantasy fan, as I mentioned in my original post.    FF8 was one of my favorite games ever and got me into the series, and I never looked back.    6 through 10 are all close to masterpieces IMO.      12 was really good, but for me, I didnt get into it like I did the other ones.     FF13, while certainly not bad, was a massive disappointment with its weak characters and story, and linear approach.    So, its been about 8 years since I played a new Final Fantasy game (never played the other 13 games) and I heard somewhat mixed reactions about 15.    I was a little worried myself since, even though the trailers looked solid, the characters and story seemed somewhat weak, which as I said, seems to be a lingering issue with modern Final Fantasy games.    I missed the exploration, characters i cared for, and fun leveling systems of past Final Fantasy games, and while i didnt get everything I wanted out of FF15, I got the most enjoyment Ive gotten out of any Final Fantasy since FFX almost 20 years ago.

The world and graphics are amazing.   While "driving" the Regalia, I just admired the amazing landscapes and attention to detail.   The world felt rich and alive, and unlike most Final Fantasy games, this world felt entirely relatable, which was cool since most RPGs are in purely fantasy settings, whether medieval times or extremely futuristic, the characters and world felt like it could take place on an alternate version of Earth.    The main characters, while not great, drew me into the game due to their friendship and how they worked together.     Their relationship throughout the game was done very well for the most part and it really felt like the characters had a long history with each other, and it carried on well throughout the game.     The gameplay was extremely fun, even if it was an oddly complex system despite ultimately feeling extremely simplistic.   In the end though, I enjoyed the hell out of the gameplay....for the most part.    The beast hunts were pretty fun, and some of the sidequests were decent, even if lacking.     The story was okay....but just okay.  

The most annoying thing about Final Fantasy 15 was how good it COULD HAVE been.    There were just so many things I felt, with just a few tweaks and additions, the game couldve been so much more.      I wish they had given us more options to customize the characters, which I feel couldve been done easily....especially attire, most of which sucked.   Wasnt a big fan of the AP system either.     I miss a more personalized system to grow each character to your liking.    Even though I liked the characters, I miss a more diverse cast to play with, and rounding up new friends throughout the journey.      The sidequests were largely disappointing, and the game got entirely linear with no real warning starting chapter 9.    I wanted to do more beast quests, but wasnt even able to until AFTER the game was beat.    The story was a little too generic, but somewhat interesting.        

Bottom line:    Very fun game that I plan to revisit in the future, but still not the masterpiece I miss FF games being.   Hopefully FF7 remake....

Gameplay:  8
Story:  5
Graphics: 9
Value/Replayability:   7
Personal Enjoyment:   8

Final Score:    8.2

Edited by FourThreeMafia
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16 hours ago, ET80 said:

I think you're going cross-platform, right? Past Gen stuff on PS3 and current Gen stuff on PS4?

If so, I'd put in a nod for the Mass Effect trilogy on the PS3. Still to this day, it's the greatest trilogy I've ever played. People have issues with the story ending (and rightfully so) but this game was about the journey, not the destination.

The journey was nothing short of amazing, just a game where you have no choice but to get personally invested in the fate of your team as well as the fate of entire civilizations. If you play the trilogy out, you develop near political/religious-like beliefs on things such as the Genophage and synthetic life. Like, SERIOUS feelings towards both. 

Just in case you're taking suggestions, this is mine. Every other year or so, there's a rumor that they're going to remaster the trilogy on the current Gen systems, but that never happens. There is a standalone game (Mass Effect: Andromeda) that's on the PS4 that I'm currently playing - it's OK 3rd person shooter gameplay, but the characters and story lack the depth that the made the original ME3 so special. I'm thinking I can skip this one for the most part, but can't force myself to do so, simply because I love the trilogy so much. 

I have already played through the Mass Effect Trilogy twice...almost 3 times.  Great games, for sure, but the ending was terrible.

Not interested in Andromeda....train wreck.   

I might end up playing through the trilogy again, someday.

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18 hours ago, ET80 said:

This game - from story to gameplay to visuals - is absolutely phenomenal.

You legit feel like a hunter at times, stalking your (very deadly) prey, just hoping to get the jump on it before everything goes to hell. You really feel the tension when you're trying to sneak past a herd of Tramplers, and you get into full panic mode when one sees you, knowing there's about six more about to charge you. You feel like a Ninja, sneaking through a rebel encampment and lining up targets to kill them without alerting the rest of the camp. There's a real feeling of accomplishment when you take down a Thunderjaw for the first time... and it's legit a very good story, you're really following along to see where things go and how things got to where they are.

I highly recommend this game, the first game I've completed since I got my PS4 (black Friday deal). 

All of this. HZD is one of the best games I've ever played. ET undersold the story also lol. The DLC is also worth picking up. Those machines are crazy up there!! Gives you another 30 hours of game time if you go completionist. This is the game I've come closest to 100% but the timing challenges are too damn hard.

Definitely play this.

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18 hours ago, FourThreeMafia said:

81vGZTp0dNL._SX425_.jpgThe most annoying thing about Final Fantasy 15 was how good it COULD HAVE been.    


It was so annoying how you can tell they rushed it based on the other area maps. That's what aggravated me the most.  The main continent is awesome then you get to this town and see a whole new world and a pretty big map thinking you're going to see all this new stuff and you only have access to 25% of the map. I feel they wanted to make it grander than they did but demand forced it earlier than they wanted. Still a very fun game IMO. I really enjoyed the comradery among the 4 of them though. They did very well there.

Edited by JTagg7754
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4 hours ago, JTagg7754 said:


It was so annoying how rushed you can tell they rushed it based on the other area maps. That's what aggravated me the most.  The main continent is awesome then you get to this town and see a whole new world and a pretty big map thinking you're going to see all this new stuff and you only have access to 25% of the map. I feel they wanted to make it grander than they did but demand forced it earlier than they wanted. Still a very fun game IMO. I really enjoyed the comradery among the 4 of them though. They did very well there.

15 originally wasnt even supposed to be a normal FF game.  It was originally called Versus XIII, and was supposed to be a spinoff game, and Square Enix apparently wasnt even sure if they wanted to finish it, or if it would release in America at all.  The game started being developed around the time PS3 came out, and it production got hung up numerous times.

Point being...I dont think they even entirely knew what they wanted it to be, and since the game hung in limbo fir years, the plans probably changed several times.

Im just happy it ultimately turned out as good as it did 

Edited by FourThreeMafia
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