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Dome's Saloon and House of Maidens - Duel Six- Duel Voting deadline is 10pm EST on Monday


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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Guys it’s a mistake to go Pickle IMO.


2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

BIG Mistake to go Pickle.

What are you seeing with Pickle to push votes off him?

His nomination was by a decent % of the players, yet it took him a good while to accumulate any votes.  Now that he has, you want to steer the votes off?



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1 minute ago, squire12 said:


What are you seeing with Pickle to push votes off him?

His nomination was by a decent % of the players, yet it took him a good while to accumulate any votes.  Now that he has, you want to steer the votes off?




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1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Especially if he said he is going to use his move against an obvious town player out of just revenge for whatever he said. He isn’t a help to town either way. He is a liability. 

Where is this obvious town  player you speak of?

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Right now I see a few possibilities for this lynch

Matts- quick claims Vig, says he wanted to get killed this game but back tracks with certain posts

Hockey- seemed focused on early votes changing to him more so than anyone else imo 

Kotn- only person up who hasnt posted today right?

Woz- seemed to be drunk posting for him lol

Touch- I'm reading civ early but not enough to go on

Pickle and Mwil I'm reading civ



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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:
1 hour ago, Counselor said:


Havent been reading up to be honest. Took a nap, did laundry, those type of things. I’m on summer break baby

havent been reading up.

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Especially if he said he is going to use his move against an obvious town player out of just revenge for whatever he said. He isn’t a help to town either way. He is a liability. 

out of revenge.


....how did you know it was for revenge?

if you did know that already, why was your vote on pickle instead of matts?

Counselor nominated Pickle, but it took @Hockey5djh to point out the inconsistencies of players nominating a player then not backing that nomination up with a vote.  Counselor then switched his vote over to pickle.  

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1 hour ago, Forge said:


no reason whatsoever. I have no idea what is going on at this point. 

That being said, I'm busy as hell at work, and I'm not sure if that is going to let up or when I'm going to have time to really follow in on this game. So @Dome, if you have a replacement up and ready, you can pull me out. If there is no replacement, I'll be rolling this game Missionary style. 

@Forge I am not sure the ladies like you calling your shot like that;)

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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Counselor nominated Pickle, but it took @Hockey5djh to point out the inconsistencies of players nominating a player then not backing that nomination up with a vote.  Counselor then switched his vote over to pickle.  

and then when i pointed out that it doesnt make sense that his vote wasnt on matts.....he voted matts

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19 minutes ago, squire12 said:

For a dam wannabe bartender, you are going to need to learn to control your liquor.  

I've got a LOT of learnin' and playin' to do before we get there. It's outright embarrassing right now.

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11 minutes ago, squire12 said:


What are you seeing with Pickle to push votes off him?

His nomination was by a decent % of the players, yet it took him a good while to accumulate any votes.  Now that he has, you want to steer the votes off?



Something on the chest of those gifs gave me some pause as to what he may have been insinuating.

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