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Dome's Saloon and House of Maidens - Duel Six- Duel Voting deadline is 10pm EST on Monday


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41 minutes ago, squire12 said:

The late vote move by nacho raises some big questions from last night.  

Still trying to figure out what Touch reasoning is for challenging me.  I nominated him and followed that up with a vote that got no traction yesterday.  Switched over to Mwil to see where that went as I did not like the Matts or Hockey reasoning for lynch.  

KOTN, James, bcb have been their consistent under the radar play, so not sure on them.  Would not be surprised in this set up that 1 or 2 of them would be laying low like that.   Forge has been as well, but did mention the work issue and might need a replacement.  

Orca appears to be claiming Other, supposedly friendly, but I am always skeptical on that concept.  

I have no read on swag as of yet.  He is staying in character and it is hard to really read what the hell he is saying or meaning.

I have a scum lean on Mwil.  I think the toss into the duel on D1 was more a scum move trying to clear someone vs a town move.  I am not sure on counselor being tossed into the duel today.  I guess Orca is claiming doing that (could be wrong on what he is fully claiming to be/have done thus far)

I am suspicious on Pickle being up for duel D1, not getting many votes, then being close to the lead with 2 other civs.  My gut says that was a missed opportunity to get a bandit.


Take a gander here, boys.

1 hour ago, Counselor said:



1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Should all swing toward touch 


1 hour ago, Woz said:


Now, Macaw, I’m a little fuzzy right now.  Been hitting the drink a bit hard, so I might be wrong.  Why ya never answer ol Wulf here?

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The group yelled and cussed at Art Vandelay AKA @squire12!

"You're a damn ninny!"

"Get outta here you danged city scum!"

"'Vandelay' is a GIRLS name!"

"Ah gee fellas, I'm jus-" Vandelay tried to defend himself but died in a storm of bullets!

@squire12 was a Bandit!



Chief Eagle Thunder AKA @ET80 snuck up to a door and quietly pushed it open. He was trying not to giggle, but the Firewater and Peace Pipe had done their damage for the evening. 

He crept up to Dead-Eye Bilbo AKA @The Orca and pulled out his .50 cal Desert Eagle revolver. 

"This oughta do it." He didn't mean to say it out loud, but he did.

Bilbo's eyes opened up and he grabbed the pistol from his night stand. Both men fired at the same time! *BANG*

Chief Eagle Thunder is dead. He was Town Aligned.

Dead-Eye Bilbo is dead, he was a Bandit.


A dark figure snuck into @Counselor's room.

"Alright, you artsy fartsy little crap wagon. We'll see how you like this!" The man brought a bottle full of whiskey down on Quick Draw Macaw's head, killing him.

Quick Draw Macaw was Town Aligned.


WOW! What a bloody mess! We better clean up these bodies!

A few of them men grabbed the body of the dead duelist but when they lifted Mr. Vandelay up and threw him into the gut-wagon, his pistol fell from his holster and went off! *PEEEEWWWWWWW*

Everyone looked around and felt themselves for bullet holes.. 

"Well that was close!" One of them laughed.

"Oh, bloody hell." Gary King replied, his voice shook. 

The group turned around and saw blood pouring from his gut. 

@Malfatron has died! He was Town Aligned.

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