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Dome's Saloon and House of Maidens - Duel Six- Duel Voting deadline is 10pm EST on Monday


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

I did sell systems that would get rid of one of them a few years back 

Well hot damn! Guess I got an eye fer business of this sorts.

Me on the other hand though, I am one HUNDRED percent, purebread Americium

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Reckon I agreed with ol King’s assessment on Art and VonDoom.  Then ol VonDoom was wisht washy on ol Art.  Basically asked for another choice, then seem like ol Bilbo done give him one.  

Far as reasons beyond this here, I reckon a cowpoke who mosey on in late gonna be either plain jane or bandit calvalry.  Just one dem gut feelings, partner.  Ain’t got none to support that.

But I reckon ol Butch done caught a bad guy too.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Reckon I agreed with ol King’s assessment on Art and VonDoom.  Then ol VonDoom was wisht washy on ol Art.  Basically asked for another choice, then seem like ol Bilbo done give him one.  

Far as reasons beyond this here, I reckon a cowpoke who mosey on in late gonna be either plain jane or bandit calvalry.  Just one dem gut feelings, partner.  Ain’t got none to support that.

But I reckon ol Butch done caught a bad guy too.

You are as swaggy as ever.

I ain't no bandit but I got quite a large gun under my loins.

Care to test me, partner?

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9 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Didn’t know he was scum, just had a solid read and wanted to try and build some reads.

Interesting. And yet you said/did this:

On 6/11/2019 at 7:12 AM, theuntouchable said:

Squire is scum 

That sounds pretty confident and definitive to me.

On 6/11/2019 at 7:21 AM, theuntouchable said:

And you wonder why I carry every gun under the sun, 

Whether it’s unloaded full or an unregistered one,

No bullet you’re so full of ****, 

This gun is so full it’ll spit if I don’t pull it, 

And don’t give me no bull****, I’m not in the mood, 

I’m about to get in some feud in a parking lot with some dude. 

Then you call your shot and follow up with an instigator. You claim you either only had the 1 shot or couldn't use it consecutively since I asked for a duel yesterday and you said that you would but couldn't. That's an interesting move if you have a limited number. I can't see you just throwing it away unless you were certain.

9 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

I’m voting you immediately because I am positive I’ve outright caught you. 

I'm going to flip other if/when I'm lynched. Aside from that, Squire pushed me from before you challenged him until a few minutes before he was lynched/flipped scum.

On 6/10/2019 at 10:18 PM, squire12 said:


I think his placement into this duel is a play by scum to get some sympathy and a clear

I then responded with this:

On 6/11/2019 at 8:11 AM, MWil23 said:

I can't wait for you to flip scum friend. I'd reckon that if you flip civ, Touch will be on the hook for sure, givin his offish interactions, scarce presence, and calling his shot early this mornin'. I think he's a straight shooter though.

Notice, this was AFTER the N1 write-up. Considering yesterday I said that I used my Night Cap on Squire (to serve one more drink and if they were going to kill anyone that night, they no longer will. I said that I can't wait for him to flip scum, caught onto your instigator/calling your shot with him, and assumed you were telling the truth, and said "if you flip civ", you'd be on the hook, but that I thought you were a straight shooter (saying Squire was scum). I figured you were telling the truth because I ALREADY KNEW THAT HE WAS SCUM because of my N1 move.

24 minutes later, Dome wrote up your instigator move on Squire.

9 minutes after that:

On 6/11/2019 at 8:44 AM, MWil23 said:



9 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

It’s cute you continue to try and throw shade my way. Pathetic, but cute. 

I propose a name change for you. NaCl




I was one of if not the first people to out Orca as possible scum as well:

On 6/11/2019 at 1:51 PM, MWil23 said:

The more I think about it, the more I think that shoving an extra man in the duel could definitely be a scum power. Aside from the absence of night kills last night, what a great way to LOL clear one of your own (I'm not accusing you @Counselor, just go with me on my logic).

*Squire is a dead man. Pretty much everyone knows it.

*You get a LOL clear of your own as scum by throwing someone into the middle you know won't get lynched.

*Then, when you need it, you use that power again but get someone in there who is Town with a power/you tip the scale in your favor.

TBH, on a totally other note, The Orca/Counselor argument looks fake and manufactured to me, and the type of stuff someone will cook up in chatty. Let's apply some fake heat and get into an argument that will be forgotten about tomorrow, but give ourselves enough credibility to last several more days/draw attention away from the real thing.

On 6/11/2019 at 2:14 PM, MWil23 said:

So, for the record, you are actually using this as an opportunity, in an extremely slanted toward almost guaranteed scum vote in squire, for you to move onto Counselor, who has no shot at being lynched today?

That makes me go from "this is a theory about it being a scum move" to "hmmm, I think I may be onto something".

After Orca SWITCHED his vote from Squire TO Counselor.

On 6/11/2019 at 2:17 PM, MWil23 said:

Something tells me we had the wrong brother last night.

In reference to Pickle being put up instead of Orca

I'm pretty confident in Squire being dead/scum here.

I continue to push him here:

On 6/11/2019 at 2:40 PM, MWil23 said:

...and then you vote Counselor minutes later. Interesting.

It's not JUST his mere appearance, it's his body of work. Questioning and pushing Touch, pushing and voting me yesterday, inconsistent reasoning, and silence today, on top of what Touch has/thinks he has. There are a LOT of variables.

I then came off of Squire for a brief minute when Malf brought up the possibility of Squire being a BOMB, then I went back on him with this:

On 6/11/2019 at 3:14 PM, MWil23 said:


The odds of a successful scum 


*Investing correctly in a bomb

*Instigator/duel and then NOT VOTING for the bomb while encouraging town to pile on

*Silencing Squire with another night move

...and then us finding that possibility out...is not high.

IF Squire flips bomb, then Touch and Swag are in huge trouble anyway for abstaining from the vote.


It's worth noting, that this is the point where Orca goes "FULL TREASURE COUNSELOR" mode

On 6/11/2019 at 12:06 PM, Counselor said:

Racks trying to save another scum? If Squire flips scum give me Racks, and then give me Woz. Malf is scummy also. But Dome gave me a pretty cool ability in line with my character so I’ll be able to use it on one of them after the duel. 


On a totally unrelated note, I found this to be interesting:

Counselor then ends up DEAD that night, Forge subtly implies that I had aspirations to being a bartender, and Rack is QUICK to jump on me immediately after.

Rack has been pushing me hard as well, using only the logic that he hosted last game (when I was scum) and that my actions have been the same. He's also been wrong on every single read he's had thus far, and he'll be wrong again when I flip other.

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24 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

I reckon we should just burn the third party at this juncture , Mwil.


So, to be clear, you KNOW that I'm other, but are willing to vote me instead of potential scum...all after admitting to having a gun.


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8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

On a totally unrelated note, I found this to be interesting:

Counselor then ends up DEAD that night, Forge subtly implies that I had aspirations to being a bartender, and Rack is QUICK to jump on me immediately after.

Rack has been pushing me hard as well, using only the logic that he hosted last game (when I was scum) and that my actions have been the same. He's also been wrong on every single read he's had thus far, and he'll be wrong again when I flip other.

You accusing me of something here partner?

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On 6/10/2019 at 10:10 PM, rackcs said:

Counselor is 100% scum without a doubt. Unfortunately we can't do anything about it today. I'm willing to go Pickle, Mwil, or hockey on this one. Mainly the first two. 


He REALLY wants Counselor dead.

Very quick to jump on me

14 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

I don’t think mwil is an other. I think our others are the ones spreading the disease. 

Looks like someone else below didn't bother reading P. 72.

14 hours ago, rackcs said:

I like this, this is a good point.

Admits to playing VERY poorly so far.

On 6/11/2019 at 11:09 PM, rackcs said:

I mean I just really felt confident about malf and Counselor so I was a little shook to see them both come up town. I also thought squire was town so that kinda caught me off guard too. It's just making me reevaluate things a little bit.

Squire then posts his middle finger to me on his way out the door:

On 6/11/2019 at 8:37 PM, squire12 said:

The late vote move by nacho raises some big questions from last night.  

Still trying to figure out what Touch reasoning is for challenging me.  I nominated him and followed that up with a vote that got no traction yesterday.  Switched over to Mwil to see where that went as I did not like the Matts or Hockey reasoning for lynch.  

KOTN, James, bcb have been their consistent under the radar play, so not sure on them.  Would not be surprised in this set up that 1 or 2 of them would be laying low like that.   Forge has been as well, but did mention the work issue and might need a replacement.  

Orca appears to be claiming Other, supposedly friendly, but I am always skeptical on that concept.  

I have no read on swag as of yet.  He is staying in character and it is hard to really read what the hell he is saying or meaning.

I have a scum lean on Mwil.  I think the toss into the duel on D1 was more a scum move trying to clear someone vs a town move.  I am not sure on counselor being tossed into the duel today.  I guess Orca is claiming doing that (could be wrong on what he is fully claiming to be/have done thus far)

I am suspicious on Pickle being up for duel D1, not getting many votes, then being close to the lead with 2 other civs.  My gut says that was a missed opportunity to get a bandit.


Forge then comes in and drops this GEM:

On 6/11/2019 at 10:50 PM, Forge said:

Counselor was killed with a bottle... Just random flavor, or intentional? Was someone talking about being a bartender earlier? What about our starting positions? 

Then there's this response:

On 6/11/2019 at 11:08 PM, rackcs said:

Pickle just quoted this post and it piqued my interest. Particularly the part on mwil. Note that he also cast doubts on orca.

So, Squire continues to push me as scum, even though he's scum and going to get lynched. That's an interesting way to put heat on me on his way out the door. Rack quickly jumps on board.

On 6/11/2019 at 11:06 PM, rackcs said:

I would be happy if mwil came up scum cause I would feel a bit redeemed. 1/3 and all that. Mwil has seemed similar to last game.

Admits to playing poorly/misreading and his only thing to go off of is "MWil has seemed similar to last game". No reasoning beyond that, ignoring how I've voted HARD on Squire, Called Orca out WAY BEFORE he went "Treasure Mode", and put heat on him early. Orca then flips scum that night.

On 6/11/2019 at 10:37 PM, rackcs said:

Jesus, I could not have been more wrong about more things. Not sure where to go from here. I'm really questioning my reads based on how wrong I was on malf and counselor.

Oh no! How wrong I was! Oh man I feel terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!











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