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The polyglot thread

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Any polyglots on here?

I've recently decided to become one, starting with German and Russian.

German I don't expect much problem with because I've heard it spoken a lot.

Russian on the other hand... Learning a new alphabet is harder than I thought it would be, particularly the letters that look like English letters but sound different (в, р, г, etc...)

I'm using Duolingo to learn...I like the way the lessons are laid out but it's very clear that some languages have much better lessons than others, the German lessons are much more detailed and clear to understand than the Russian lessons for example.

Anyone else have any experience using apps or websites to learn languages? I'm going to stick with Duolingo but I feel like it may be a good idea to use a secondary source with Russian as well.

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Just now, Forge said:

Mission has mail order bride confirmed

I’ve never understood the concept of a mail order bride 

like if I wanted to be married I’d just walk into the middle of fifth avenue and drop an ATM receipt 

why pay for something today you’re going to pay for tomorrow?

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I used to be able to get along pretty well in spanish when I worked landscaping for a few years. Definitely not fluent but if you dropped me off in rural Mexico I'd be able to carry on a conversation with folks and get myself home.

The boss and I were the only two who were fluent in english, but everyone else had a grasp on it. My boss and I were also the only two who weren't fluent in spanish, but we had a grasp on it. So lots of spanglish, but it leaned spanish-heavy because they had the numbers most days.

It's been 6 years since then and I've forgotten a ton of it. I'm back to the basics now. 


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10 hours ago, kempus said:

I've lived in China for 7 years so I have a fair grasp of it. Understanding is better than spoken, but I can certainly get by.

When I was looking into languages and which ones I was going to start with I saw that Mandarin is generally considered the hardest language for native English speakers to learn... Particular reading and writing.

I might try to tackle it eventually but it's not high on my list.

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20 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

When I was looking into languages and which ones I was going to start with I saw that Mandarin is generally considered the hardest language for native English speakers to learn... Particular reading and writing.

I might try to tackle it eventually but it's not high on my list.

It's very hard. The tones make it very complex. I'm not even going to pretend I can read or write. I can recognize about 10-20 characters ha. It's basically a case of repetatively memorizing what the characters look like. There's no other system. That's how the children here learn it.

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On 18/06/2019 at 8:56 PM, mission27 said:

I’ve never understood the concept of a mail order bride 

like if I wanted to be married I’d just walk into the middle of fifth avenue and drop an ATM receipt 

why pay for something today you’re going to pay for tomorrow?

Mission rich as heck, confirmed.

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