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~~//~~ Pro Wrestling: Road to Wrestlemania ~~\\~~


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So raws mania looks like

lesnar Vs Reigns 

Miz Vs Rollins vs Balor

elias vs stroman

Asuka vs Bliss

bayley vs banks

HHH & Steph vs Angle and Rousey 


thats 6 of probably 13 or 14  total  

add in the cruiserweight finals and maybe they get 1 more  possibly a tag team match 

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Hardy and Wyatt team up in the coming weeks  



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5 hours ago, O'Doyle Rules said:

A finn, seth, miz triple threat would be cool.

My feeling is it ends up with more guys than that.  I think we're looking at a repeat of the IC Ladder match that damn near stole the show at Mania 32 - only without the bit of taking the belt immediately off the guy (Ryder) who won it the very next night.

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5 hours ago, bigbadbuff23835 said:

Playing off of Brock taking pics with Dana Ahite will do that lol

It's not a bad move to be honest.  And as much as I do believe he can be a quality heel if he was rolled as one, this is probably Roman's strongest character - that same DGAF walk-the-line-right-down-the-middle.  You can't make him Austin because trying to recreate Austin is just straight peril (I think they're going to run into that with Ronda if they're not careful).  But you can make him a (sorry Corbin, this gimmick always fit Roman better than it did you anyway) lone wolf that doesn't back down from any fight, even if it means knowing he's going to take a beatdown or get left lying (he's still gonna get his licks in too) and who, if it's a matter of you or him (even if you're "friends" or "brothers"), he's always going to pick himself.  And it can work and he can be over (and I honestly think would be over) if they would just curtail certain things that, by and large, don't even involve Roman himself:

- Stop giving him kitschy, tagline type buzzwords to work into his promos.  For one, they clearly stunt him because he's trying to bear in mind what they are and where he's supposed to work them in, rather than just flowing and letting his personality show and carry the promo.

- Pick one, two at most, nicknames or alternate monikers for him and (this one is paramount) he never speaks them.  While we're at it, put a hard limit on the number of time Cole and the other commentators can say it, but Roman and any allies he has shouldn't refer to himself as "The Big Dog".  He's not Rock, Rock's gimmick doesn't fit him or his personality, stop trying to make him Rocky.  Go back and see how many times Austin referred to himself as "The Texas Rattlesnake"... zero.  Heck, he rarely even dropped the "Toughest SOB in the WWF" line all that much; that was primarily JR.

- He doesn't have to ever be straight heelish, but he needs to continue pulling some of the "I'mma do me" stuff that he's done of late (seizing the opportunity to dump Rollins in the Rumble, going for it again in the Chamber, etc.).  Just let him get a little grimy sometimes.

And you know how I know this stuff works... because it's done so in the past.  It's not all that different from being Paint-By-Numbers as to how Doctor of Thuganomics Cena established himself and stayed over (until they oversaturated him without ever cooling him off or giving him a bit of an evolution that wasn't going more kid-friendly) in his first several years as a main eventer (basically up to the point Edge cashed in MITB on him).

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7 hours ago, bkobow05 said:

Pretty much how I feel about Sasha at this point.

Sasha is pretty much salvaged by a heel turn at this point (particularly sense she seems to understand that she needs to be alter her moveset some when she's a heel - i.e. tease going to the big spots she used to use to pop the crowd as a face... and has nearly killed herself on several times from how she takes the bump, and then just trolling the crowd).  Bring back The Legit Boss.

Bayley, at this point, they've just buried her character so much I'm not sure it's recoverable.  They've taken something that had the potential to be a female Cena (and as much as people want to knock Cena, there is always a roster spot and a relatively prominent one for that kind of character) and they turned her into, basically, Eugene.  It sounds horrible, but the best thing that could happen to Bayley right now is a long-term injury that keeps her out 6 months or more, and pray to God she can manage a reboot on her return with the "comeback from injury" pop she'll get.

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4 hours ago, KManX89 said:

Damn, that was the best RR promo I've seen in a LONG time, maybe ever. Nothing to soften the backlash like speaking everyone's minds, LOL.

It was the best since his promo after mania last year where he came out and just ate the boos the crowd was giving him and then said “this is my yard now.”

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Zoomed through SD. Just seeing Vinces boy, knew AJ would be made to look like a midcarder holding a title. And thats exactly what happened. Vince laying down the law heavy this week that its his hand picked boys, and all others people dare chose to like will be made fools of. 



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1 hour ago, Blazer026 said:

I don't watch WWE a ton, but any chance Ziggler ever gets the title? Or is he pretty much stuck on the midcard?

3 months ago, I'd have said no chance, but he just re-upped and had been rumored to have had serious interest in leaving when his previous contract had run out because he felt there was just nothing for him and he was spinning his wheels.  So that leads me to believe they promised him something of significance - and I don't necessarily think that this Fastlane 6-pack Challenge ME was just it that he was promised.

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