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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

He claims to have read up entirely in a half-hour, while being 80+ pages behind, despite not reading well, and picked up on one or two posts about Mafia using discords, which is why he immediately said it's not knowledge from this game, it's knowledge from elsewhere on the site.

Are you all even reading what you're writing and believing?

You're right, he probably hadn't read up your exchange with Dome, and even if he did that would mean he's hiding lurking.

That being said, I really don't see the post where he specifically mentions Discord for mafia. He mentions immediately a collusion chat, which Malf backs up as a NSFL thing, and I don't see anything else (maybe I didn't read the right post). 

I'm honestly unsure if that's indeed a scumslip (not saying it ain't), and when we have the possibility to eliminate a known other now, I don't think that's worth the risk

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9 minutes ago, Dome said:

What counselor lie about?

why you so confident about?

Gut instinct given how everything today unfolded

Counselor broke rank from your mason plan outing it first right....cause I believe he was getting heat or knew it was coming because of last game. He had something to live for and wanted it out quicker then you were doing it

Once the gig was up...he immediately switches to claiming friendly other...which remember you were confident he was civ lol

After claiming other he changes his stance and wording and added in oh I misunderstood the PM and now its possibly generic scum PM about cover roles...BS

The way he laid out his role the post I quoted and said he is a mafia not in the chat was probably the most genuine tone in the conversations he has had this game. I take that as truth...he was caught and made up the rest to possibly get out of being lynched or to save anyone else

You all can say what you want but I felt he was scum and he has now claimed it...I feel he is lying about his wincon and the faction stuff was a slip (which he has said multiple times now)

If I had a bullet I'd cap his *** for being non town, lying, shifting stories, and telling me not to cuss

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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Yeah, I'd probably lump ramster in with that group from earlier. Still feel better about matts though.

I think Matts is the one who picked up the Ramster thing. Not sure he would necessarily point that out if they were in the same scum team.

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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

The rammy/discord thing seems more to me like folks clinging to anything they can on day one than an actual read.

Its day 1. What other reads are there? The way I see it right now:

1. Counselor => Non town info lynch

2. Rammy => Couple slips, probably not helpful even if town.

3. Missions => because he is a terrible mafia player who will inactive die or hurt town and at least the other two are posting. 

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Just now, The Orca said:

Gut instinct given how everything today unfolded

Counselor broke rank from your mason plan outing it first right....cause I believe he was getting heat or knew it was coming because of last game. He had something to live for and wanted it out quicker then you were doing it

Once the gig was up...he immediately switches to claiming friendly other...which remember you were confident he was civ lol

After claiming other he changes his stance and wording and added in oh I misunderstood the PM and now its possibly generic scum PM about cover roles...BS

The way he laid out his role the post I quoted and said he is a mafia not in the chat was probably the most genuine tone in the conversations he has had this game. I take that as truth...he was caught and made up the rest to possibly get out of being lynched or to save anyone else

You all can say what you want but I felt he was scum and he has now claimed it...I feel he is lying about his wincon and the faction stuff was a slip (which he has said multiple times now)

If I had a bullet I'd cap his *** for being non town, lying, shifting stories, and telling me not to cuss

I never claimed scum I am not scum 

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Gut instinct given how everything today unfolded

Counselor broke rank from your mason plan outing it first right....cause I believe he was getting heat or knew it was coming because of last game. He had something to live for and wanted it out quicker then you were doing it

Once the gig was up...he immediately switches to claiming friendly other...which remember you were confident he was civ lol

After claiming other he changes his stance and wording and added in oh I misunderstood the PM and now its possibly generic scum PM about cover roles...BS

The way he laid out his role the post I quoted and said he is a mafia not in the chat was probably the most genuine tone in the conversations he has had this game. I take that as truth...he was caught and made up the rest to possibly get out of being lynched or to save anyone else

You all can say what you want but I felt he was scum and he has now claimed it...I feel he is lying about his wincon and the faction stuff was a slip (which he has said multiple times now)

If I had a bullet I'd cap his *** for being non town, lying, shifting stories, and telling me not to cuss

I don't understand how you can have played with Counselor this long, read the same stuff I did, and come to the conclusion that he was lying. At worst he is a survival indy who could be recruited. Dumb or scum.

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