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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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But that does fit my theory. 

Granted it's not a great theory.

And would be a terrible move on domes part. But if hes destined to die after 4 nights or something it's a great way to eliminate multiple non mafia

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2 minutes ago, Glen said:

I personally dont think dome is lying

Calling out 5 members as possible scum puts a large target on your back

I truthfully dont know how my name came up though as I watched matts & supposedly nothing happened to him.

Only way I could see Dome possibly lying is by calling out Mookie & I if we both had been inactive & he is hoping to get 1-3 false hangings in.


Just now, Glen said:

But that does fit my theory. 

Granted it's not a great theory.

And would be a terrible move on domes part. But if hes destined to die after 4 nights or something it's a great way to eliminate multiple non mafia

No matter what you think about Dome, you claimed that you watched me and no move was made. But a move was made on me. So either you are lying (95% likely) or for whatever reason beaming people is not watchable (5% likely). 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:


No matter what you think about Dome, you claimed that you watched me and no move was made. But a move was made on me. So either you are lying (95% likely) or for whatever reason beaming people is not watchable (5% likely). 

What is beaming in correlation to mafia tho

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:


No matter what you think about Dome, you claimed that you watched me and no move was made. But a move was made on me. So either you are lying (95% likely) or for whatever reason beaming people is not watchable (5% likely). 

Also not sure why you're trying to change the topic away from Scum hunting. We've been over how you believe I'm lying.

Let's do something to help the town since my hanging is inevitable 

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Just now, Glen said:

Also not sure why you're trying to change the topic away from Scum hunting. We've been over how you believe I'm lying.

Let's do something to help the town since my hanging is inevitable 

For this I say matts 

mainly cause it's the only scummy thing I've seen so far & I need to vote or inactive die

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1 minute ago, Glen said:
2 minutes ago, Glen said:

Also not sure why you're trying to change the topic away from Scum hunting. We've been over how you believe I'm lying.

Let's do something to help the town since my hanging is inevitable 

For this I say matts 

mainly cause it's the only scummy thing I've seen so far & I need to vote or inactive die

What you were doing was scum hunting? Ok. If you say so Glenbo Slice. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

I think its an ability redirect but I am not 100% positive. 

Hmm. Would be dumb by the theme of the game if beaming was treated as a non direct move. Therefor techincally not visiting them.

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