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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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4 minutes ago, Dome said:

you mislead with this post.

want me prove it?

i call town touch when only look at 3 tricorder players. one has be town, so me guess touch. outside that me say me no read touch.


you look real dumb get shown wrong by kevin

real dumb, or real big liar

Like I said, dumb or scum

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1 minute ago, Dome said:





very convenient leave out huge qualifier matts


Arent you proving what I said? You state "No read" then, if you focus on those 3 "touch town" and now you are removing him from your list. 

Dude, you just proved my point while calling me a dumb liar. Real cool guy. 

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Just now, SwAg said:

Can you say the third line in a less vaccinated way?

me say me have no read touch

10 minute later me say me think town touch, this read only if me look at 3 original target

2 non-town, one town. touch most likely town


that not saying town read on touch, that looking at read in very specific way and making fit with info

it hypothetical, matts push it like legit read

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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:
5 minutes ago, Dome said:

real dumb, or real big liar

Like I said, dumb or scum

So the guy pulls the quotes proving what I said is right, and that confirms your point that I am dumb or scum? 


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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Arent you proving what I said? You state "No read" then, if you focus on those 3 "touch town" and now you are removing him from your list. 

Dude, you just proved my point while calling me a dumb liar. Real cool guy. 


me only say touch town because he have to be if malf and swag both non-town


maybe try read before open mouth

very simple stuff.

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You say things that make sense, but then make scummy posts like this


me do compare matts to you all time

so make sense you dont get either

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