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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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Just now, rackcs said:

Well then you should probably look inward

Nope. Dont need too. I understand you are in a chat with UNT. Which means he probably has his greasy knobs all over your thought process and you cant help but feel I am scummy. But not only am I not scum, I have multiple people who can verify my identity when the time comes. So... you should probably look elsewhere. 


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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Nope. Dont need too. I understand you are in a chat with UNT. Which means he probably has his greasy knobs all over your thought process and you cant help but feel I am scummy. But not only am I not scum, I have multiple people who can verify my identity when the time comes. So... you should probably look elsewhere. 


I thought you were scum even before touch started going at you. And today pretty much confirmed it. Like I said before, scum or dumb.

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Just now, rackcs said:

I thought you were scum even before touch started going at you. And today pretty much confirmed it. Like I said before, scum or dumb.

Well, seeing as you are wrong, I guess I should say back - - you are: Dumb or just dumb. 

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Just now, rackcs said:

Hey, if I'm wrong on you being scum and you've somehow played this badly then so be it

Ok. And if I am right be prepared to eat a large helping of crow. Your partner already guaranteed 100% I am scum, but he is getting donkey poop to eat. 

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Just now, Malfatron said:

Someone said i am the only one that can be the borg based on available knowledge

Means someone lied about their move

The part about swag not being likely as Borg is that if Dingo targeted him on N1, it was likely a frame and alignment change (for scanning/iinvestigation).  My issue with that is could that depend on the order of the night events?    Dingo could also have targeted Swag (ally) to make him appear as Federation for that N1.  Dingo also may have targeted Swag on N2 and thus affected the results of @rackcs race invest

Dang....Dingo's role was complex


@DingoLadd was:


Commander, Romulan


You are Torteh, commander in the Romulan military. You are famous for your excellent tactical mind, defeating a Klingon flagship despite faulty intelligence. You, of course, later subsequently executed your intelligence officer.

You are aligned with the Romulan Star Empire: The Romulan Star Empire must outnumber all other living players.


  • Once per night, you may target a single ally (other than yourself) and a single enemy. You may choose to do both, just one, or neither of these actions each night.
  • Targeted ally will appear Federation-aligned to all reports that night and appear to have no items. Additionally, you may specify a Role Name and Race for that player to appear as in reports that night.
  • Targeted enemy will be framed as a Klingon or Romulan (your choice) by planting an item in that player's quarters. If that player does not perform an action that night, the item will be discovered and they will be able to keep the item (they'll receive it as if it was a gift and the frame will still work). Else, you recover the planted item at the end of the night.
  • Framing the target as Klingon will plant a bat'leth in the target's quarters. Additionally, reports on that player that night will reveal that player as a House of Duras aligned Klingon who visited the player targeted by the House of Duras' factional kill that night (if there was one).
  • Framing the target as Romulan will plant a one-use disrupter in the target's quarters. Additionally, reports on that player that night will reveal that player as a Romulan Star Empire aligned Romulan who visited the player targeted by the Romulan Star Empire's factional kill that night (if there was one).


 You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.
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