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TV Mafia: Signup and Game Thread-Day three Ends at 9 PM Eastern Saturay


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7 hours ago, The Orca said:

So in that huge fiasco with Nacho...who all asked about his invest since he was modkilling himself?...I'm very disappointed in all of you I think (need to go look). I dont remember anyone questioning what was inside the PM he posted and what the names were besides myself. Very suspect


6 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Could you please tell me what the purpose of this post is? 

@Pickle Rick

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i leave the game alone for an hour and there’s a modkill!!

ah you’ve got to enjoy FF


i just got home and am getting ready for bed so i know bcb hasn’t done the write up but if i can i’ll keep my vote on squire bc after having read back he’s done nothing to convince me i shouldn’t vote for him

and yes my logical fallacy is burden of proof what of it

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Night 1


Malf was doing his due dilligence walking around Bayside, making sure those kids were behaving.  He had a hot date with Ms Belding tonight and boy is he looking forward to it.  Lost in his thoughts he enters the pool area .  He doesn't notice the teenage boy standing in the corner.  He sees these types all the time.

This isn't a regular teenager though.  As Malf walks by the swimming area the teen turns towards him.  This character has an arrow on his head.  The next thing Malf knows is that this youngster has made some random movements with his hands and , wait what?  The water is rising.  This water surrounds Malf and drags him into the pool.  Malf tries to swim to the top but he is trapped under the current of water


Malf has been eliminated.  He was Mr Belding, The Principal, Good Guys Aligned


It is now day 2

With 15 alive and voting, it is 8 to lynch!

If you did not receive your night PM, please let me know

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