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Space Jam Mafia: MONSTARS WIN!!!!


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Day 1 Writeup:

Touch and the Wondertwins surrounded SwAg. **** you Swag! What do you mean **** two? That's meta! 30 seconds????? I'm going to show you. They surrounded him helplessly on a relentless triple team and squashed him. They then inflated him back like a baloon and he went flying back to earth. As he was on his way back, you could hear him say "Larry, I'm gonna give us both twos back there. We weren't in any emotional state to putt." Swag was BILL MURRAY: BILL MURRAY Aligned

Dome couldn't get the giant grin off of his face. After all, he's single handedly won 5 games in a row and 90% of the reason why about 5 different people have retired. However, Forge, Hockey, and MD4L crowded around him. "Wa wa wa wa wa wa waaaaait a mmmmm mm mmm mminute there fellas!", he stammered! Cccccc ccccan't we ttttttt ta tat ta ta...communicate about this???" It was too late. They stuffed him into a locker and he wasn't seen or heard from again. Dome was Porky Pig, 2 shot thief, TUNE SQUAD ALIGNED

Squire, Dome, and Swag surrounded Finneas. Luckily for him, the #13th pick of the draft didn't seem to notice. He was Larry Johnson, 2 shot 1/2 vote for lynch, TUNE SQUAD ALIGNED.

You have 15 minutes to get me your moves.


53 minutes ago, MD4L said:

So I assisted in making a bold move, but nah MD4L is a pretty pedestrian player.


47 minutes ago, MD4L said:

The guy who voted Dome? Lmao.

Is there something I don’t know.


43 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Why do you think hockey is a bad vote?


39 minutes ago, MD4L said:

Sometimes I swear you are playing this game via headphones or reading in braille.



35 minutes ago, MD4L said:

Is Dome’s alignment not of a mafia group?


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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

........... Its literally in bold right next to his name. He was an indy it appears. 


28 minutes ago, squire12 said:


Swag makes it a 3 player tie

Off of swag so it is a 2 player tie

Rackcs makes it 3 player tie again (MD4L, Dome, Finn)

Promptly unvotes????

.....then shifts to mission who has 0 and has not voted or posted

Orca pushes it back to a 3 player tie (Dome, Finn and Swag)

Then an after deadline vote off swag and onto Md4L.  Not sure what to make of this after swag flips town


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Just now, squire12 said:

He is Bill Murray aligned.  Not Tune aligned.  It was a good vote switch.  

Yeah so Pickle voting me here is A) a terrible decision B) he knows something I Don’t

He hasn’t explained anything about it either. Quoting me does what exactly @Pickle Rick????

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Just trying to figure how there is seemingly 2 people already that confused alignments in the writeup 

The Bill Murray Bill Murray Aligned did not register.  I need to be done with vacation.   This doing nothing but golfing, boating, swimming is causing issues.

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Just now, MD4L said:

Yeah so Pickle voting me here is A) a terrible decision B) he knows something I Don’t

He hasn’t explained anything about it either. Quoting me does what exactly @Pickle Rick????

You think some was mafia.  

That is why I am voting you.  

You are pounding your chest at being right and questioning why I am voting for someone who voted dome.

Dome was Tune Squad (town), not mafia


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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

You think Dome was mafia.  

That is why I am voting you.  

You are pounding your chest at being right and questioning why I am voting for someone who voted dome.

Dome was Tune Squad (town), not mafia



Edited by Pickle Rick
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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

You think some was mafia.  

That is why I am voting you.  

You are pounding your chest at being right and questioning why I am voting for someone who voted dome.

Dome was Tune Squad (town), not mafia


No I literally need the clarifications. I don’t always pay attention to the minute details.

Im not red aligned. But I’ve been predicting my death for a while now. Im always ready to confirm my alignment.

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Just now, MD4L said:

No I literally need the clarifications. I don’t always pay attention to the minute details.

Im not red aligned. But I’ve been predicting my death for a while now. Im always ready to confirm my alignment.

You are so bad at playing dumb.......

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