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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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But first (before bed) my shameless plug to the Jury:

I do really want to win this. And I think I deserve this.
Through your questions and my answers I hope to explain why I did the things I did and how those decisions led me to the Finals for a third time.

@mission27 and @TLO
Firstly, you both look incredibly smug tonight. Secondly, I really did want to play this game with you before Finn nominated myself and Dwight. And before ET won the following HoH. Lastly, you two are the largest Taylor Swift fans I know. I get a lot of crap from my IRL brothers (especially Dwight) for being such a hardcore Swiftie, but she is so great that I don't care what they say. Let us Swifties stick together!

@Pickle Rick
I was honest with you and admitted to voting out yourself and Orca. Please know these eviction votes weren't personal (nor was it I who nominated you). In any game like this; Big Brother or Survivor you two are the only ones I am not confident with in winning challenges. Especially when you're together. I am a very confident player here, but you two competing is the only time I feel slightly intimidated. My votes were not personal (none of my votes were). It was simply knowing the threat that you two are and making a judgment call that I would probably win more challenges if you two weren't there challenging me.

You were a wildcard for me this game. I always -want- to work with you but it seems like the cards never line up properly for us to do so. My only issue with you this game wasn't a you thing at all. It was my fear that if I kept you over Finn that you were a number for ET. I know that's probably a not so good answer or reason here, but your eviction propelled my alliance with Finn forward. So for that I hope you can respect the move. Also, as a fellow Lions fan wouldn't it be nice to see us win something for once?

You will see in my DR to Malf that I genuinely felt bad about evicting you. And my post calling you out afterwards was also strategic (it was a move I used in BB6 when I tried to come off as undesirable to increase my odds of being taken by someone else to the F2). If my vote against you truly hurt you, or upset, or made you feel anything negative outside of this game - then I am truly sorry. That's not my intention for these games at all. I certainly play to make it far and to win, but in the end this is just a game for bragging rights. So I am sorry.

I didn't instantly trust you in this game. You made me nervous as a former winner. I viewed you as a number for ET for the longest time. Little did I know that you would be my most critical ally. I give you a lot of props, and I thank you for being willing to make the big move with me. It's very hard to get someone willing to shake things up like you and I did. Without you I truly wouldn't be here in the finals. I am sorry for messing up that last Veto. That one still hurts.

I know you probably hate me right now. Heck, you've probably never liked me. I think out of anyone - you play most like me and I believe that's part of the reason why we clash so much. Truth is, you deserve one of these wins just as much as I do. You're a great player who has a uncanny ability to draw people to their side and come across as favorable. Anyone can learn a lot about this game by analyzing how you play. I'm sorry that I made the move that I did - I only hope that you can recognize the game moves that I made for what they are and what they did. They were made with the goal of furthering myself no matter the cost. Some may call it selfish. But I think you and I can agree that being selfish is what this game calls for at times. I don't have anything against you. I think you're one of the best players in this game (your placings prove this). Your vote would mean a lot.

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i'll follow suit and i guess say something individually to all of you

@Outpost31 you were the guy i was most excited about working with. back playing survivor, me and malf had once plotted together to create the best season of one of these shows that's ever went down. it didn't last long. i went into this game with a similar level of optimism of doing that with you. i got the vibe that that's kind of what you were down for. i think we came with different intentions. so i was disappointed in a way and kind of lost the initial level of optimism i had in the partnership working. i guess you know that, because now i'm recalling i called you out for it in the thread. so i started doing stuff without really considering how it was affecting your game. just focusing what i could do to make this entertaining for myself honestly since it seemed like you weren't interested in that from the vibe you were giving off of basically telling me to lay lower. so then everything happened, no need to discuss it again. i wasn't a good ally to you. i came in with expectations of what it was going to be, which ruins every relationship. i never lied to you though. as my feelings about the relationship changed throughout the game, you always knew. even after i told you i was no longer your ally, i was 100% truthful in telling you i wanted you in the final 2 with me. not because i wanted to make anything right, but i feel it was best for the game. it's poetic almost how it comes down to the final 3 and you get a chance to get the prize and you jumped at the opportunity of sacrificing me. i feel had i not formally ended the alliance, things wouldn't have been any different there. that's not a dig, you were trying to win and played the game. i had a lot of fun this game and that was in large part because of working with you even at the worst points in the alliance. i really enjoy every aspect of these games, even the ones where it was just me and you going at each other. i'd also like everyone to know the best part of this game occurred in me and outpost's pm's. so i appreciate the time you put into this man. you being a part of the season is a huge part of what made it for me. i'm glad we essentially played the entire game together. and i'm pretty sure you know, but nothing was ever personal. you're still the best part of the packer forum imo. that's not some cheap **** to make you vote for me, i think you know that's sincere. 

@Adrenaline_Flux we've pretty much already discussed everything already. you're always a guy in these games that i know isn't going to screw me over and i think you know that about me to you as well. i'm getting tired and pretty sure the last sentence made no sense. at one point i felt like you were my only ally and i think i was talking about that in one of my diaries. and then the rogue vote happened and things kinda soured in terms of keeping things close personally in the game because i didn't know if you had a stronger bond with someone else. like outpost, you're one of my favorite guys on this site and guy i consider a pal in my head even though we don't know each other. i don't wanna repeat myself too much, because i talked about you in the diary a bit. i'm not saying this to get a vote, but just because i know the game can make you wonder if things are personal, but i think the way you create a sense of community in this forum is the only thing that makes it better than social media like twitter or whatever. you're really a big part of why i think this site is good. you and sabotage made the jaguar forum and FFMD scene one of the coolest little internet communities i've seen. as far as the game goes, i never did anything to jeopardize your well-being in this game. even though things got quiet between us, i was never trying to get you out. you've pointed out all the flaws in my game and i think they're all pretty obvious. i didn't play a clean game where everyone is going to be happy with me. if you were 100% loyal to me, i was 100% loyal to you. if you were 95% loyal to me, i was 0% loyal to you. that's just how i was going about things. it was a role i was playing to make things interesting for myself. it's not smart gameplay. we've already been over all this, i'm just going to end this. 

@ET80 our only real communication in this game was early on when we said we'd remain committed to each other until BDL was out of the game.

as i was typing that two of the dudes that live in the little house i'm living in came in drunk as **** and like bum rushed me on my air mattress and popped it basically. so i just went to wal mart at 530am to buy a new one. got home and everyone magically passed out. i stay in the living room with some other people, so i pumped it up outside to not wake them up(it's also sprinkling outside a little)  and then as i was in the middle of pumping the neighbor walked over (she's fine af and i've already failed twice at tryna make moves) and got pissed i was making noise. so i just said "whoooooooops" and kept pumping lol. she's like "absolutely ridiculous" and walked back inside lol.  i walked back inside with my bed and accidentally broke like 5 of the blinds and had woken everybody up immediately when i'd began pumping anyway i guess. so now i'm on my new bed and will continue with this

so i think after that i wanted to go at you because i thought you'd be a fun counterpart for that. i was straight up with you about that. i never pretended to be anything to you this game. i was working with numerous people and i just knew i couldn't work with everyone and be loyal for very long. i respect your gameplay heavily. i mentioned it pretty extensively in my diary sessions, but at one point i posted power rankings and i thought at that point you were playing the best game. at one point i did reach out to you and legitimately and sincerely was looking to work with you and shake things up. i understand why you couldn't fully commit, you had a stable game in place. and i appreciated you reciprocating the straight-up, no bull**** type responses. i can't say i wasn't trying to get you out. i definitely was lol. but i also recognized the fact that keeping you in the game was good for the game and ended up not nom'ing you on multiple occasions when i had the chance. i'm not saying i was good to you or anything or trying to convince you we were actually cool the whole time. just trying to let you know where i thought we were at throughout the game. i thought for being "rivals" in a sense and barely communicating, we were on weirdly good terms throughout the game for whatever reason even if that wasn't the case. 

@theuntouchable i think we only talked once throughout the game. i know you're not a fan of myself, so i didn't want to initiate anything. i know you think i backstabbed you in a previous game, but i don't remember that. i remember you backstabbing me and voting me out of survivor. so i'm really not 100% sure where the beef leads back to. i think you claimed that happened after i backstabbed you first. i don't know. i'm not expecting your vote. i've been fine with you, but just didn't want to create anything with you because i know we're not really pals. i was trying to get you out throughout the game. i don't know what else to say really lol. if i was going to make a pitch to you, i'd just say i think i played a better overall game than naz and i hope you vote to reflect a similar opinion even though we had no friendly interactions throughout the game. 

@Pickle Rick holy **** i'm getting exhausted at this point it's extremely late. so the game started and i accused you of being untrustworthy (as i did to many in this game). you started to show me that you were a guy i could really depend on. despite my main ally's beef with you, i did everything i could to try and keep you alive. i was pissed and my retaliation for you getting evicted actually messed up a big part of my social game lol. this was the only relationship i had in the game that was getting stronger and stronger as the days went by. we've usually been pretty cool with each other on this site and going forward i consider you a guy, like flux, that we can depend on each other not completely screwing each other. i think everything that went down between us was pretty straight forward, i don't think there's really much to talk about or explain. 

@mission27 i was expecting a strong reaction when i nommed you, but i had no idea it was gonna evoke a reaction like you had honestly. i've told you why i did it. we disagree about the situation. you not being completely up front and just telling me, yeah i have no choice but to vote you out, and instead just acting like you weren't sure what was going on made me feel like everything was artificial. your reaction kinda solidified that. it was never personal. i upped it with the theatrics to create a moment. i didn't anticipate it becoming like it did. nazgul skated by throughout the game. i know even though there's hate, we're wired similarly when it comes to principles and skating by throughout an entire game. i also know we're wired similarly in that we stick to our guns when making declarations of disdain and pledging to never vote for myself as the winner. if any aspect of this game has surprised me it's what went down between us. 

@TLO i never had any beef with you. i know it's like mess with mission, mess with me kind of situation though. you're gonna be partial to mission. your guy's loyalty to one another in these games can't be even closely replicated by anyone else. i went with rogue with the nazgul and schrute nominations and that irked you. i remember being very unsober on that night and just ****posting for my own amusement. i don't have any excuses for that honestly, definitely wasn't a good game play. i gotta crash, i'm too tired 

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Finn keeps trying to paint me as this do-nothing player who skated by. And I simply refuse to accept that. Yeah, I didn’t win comps early in this game. We all know that. 3 of Finns 4 HoHs (his only comp wins) came pre-jury. In the jury segment of the game, Finn disappeared. If I am going to be criticized for my lack of maneuvers early game then he needs to be held responsible for his lack of game at end game - where I won all but one of my 5 (6 if you consider Part 1 and 3 separate challenges) competitions. I wasn’t useless here. I worked at endgame and took Finn with me, not the other way around.

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5 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Naz, you don’t have explain yourself 

I just don’t want that narrative to be what’s remembered of my game when it simply isn’t true. My game had flaws like everyone’s, but “skating by” as it keeps being pictured isn’t one of them.

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2 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

as i was typing that two of the dudes that live in the little house i'm living in came in drunk as **** and like bum rushed me on my air mattress and popped it basically. so i just went to wal mart at 530am to buy a new one. got home and everyone magically passed out. i stay in the living room with some other people, so i pumped it up outside to not wake them up(it's also sprinkling outside a little)  and then as i was in the middle of pumping the neighbor walked over (she's fine af and i've already failed twice at tryna make moves) and got pissed i was making noise. so i just said "whoooooooops" and kept pumping lol. she's like "absolutely ridiculous" and walked back inside lol.  i walked back inside with my bed and accidentally broke like 5 of the blinds and had woken everybody up immediately when i'd began pumping anyway i guess. so now i'm on my new bed and will continue with this

This story is fantastic, BTW.

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Just now, mission27 said:

@Nazgul why did you lie and stab me and tlo in the back

@FinneasGage how do you live w yourself 

Yes, Nazgul lied and stabbed you in the back.  And TLO. 

Finn got rid of you because of me.  I told him you were threatening me and campaigning hard to get rid of Finn.  I needed to separate  you two to keep ET safe. 

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