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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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Last night was another bloody one for the station.
First and most tragically, the loss of two love birds. @kingseanjohn and @MWil23 had just found eachother finally last night after being seperated by the Anti-Recollection field. But as they were getting, um, err... "reacquainted" in Mwil23's crew quarters last night, both of them were viciously assassinated! kingseanjohn, aka Leeta, Bajor aligned was found sliced to bits by what can be assumed to be a bat'leth. Meanwhile, Mwil23, aka Rom, Civilian aligned, was found disrupted to death in the same bed. This is a tragic loss as they were an extremely cute couple. How dare whoever did this, did it! On Rom's corpse, his PADD and combadge was found. Written in his PADD: "Visited Malf Night 1. Copied move and used on Matts Night 2. Night 2 found out Matts is a Legate. Confirmed he’s scum. Visiting Counselor Night 3".
Additionally, @pwny is still suffering the effects of a phaser stun. He cannot vote today.
Day 5 is open. End of day will be at 9:00 PM on 8/9.
Autopsies to be added soon
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On 8/7/2019 at 5:14 AM, Malfatron said:


it appears that i dont have much of a choice

Elim Garak here. Like Bcb, Im also an outlaw (orange), and can win with anyone. according to my role, the Bajorans and Cardassians both hate me

my powers are

1. odd nights i can find out anyones title

2. once per game, i can pick any target.i will find out one player in the game whos aligned with my target. Thats why I picked SirA. to find out whos aligned with him.  I sent a message to dome and told him who i used it on

3. i receive a copy of all comm message sent to every player. i dont know the sender, but i do know the receipient

to prove this, i will reveal one of them, but theres a lot more spicy ones i can reveal

message to orca:" hey wassup playboi, go eat some azz"


enegy vest - used up

comm badge


Malf throw him to the wolves. I tried to hit him tonight and it was blocked.

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