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Jalen Ramsey requests trade from Jaguars


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36 minutes ago, .Buzz said:

Hurst barely if at all moves the needle with that contract and what he's shown (or lack there of) so far.

But I guess we'll see soon if this trade happens early week this week like you suggested.

Oh it’s well past the time that I guessed it would happen. So who knows what the Jags do now.

I mean I still believe that it made the most sense for all parties to get a deal done ASAP.

Higher impulse for trading team means increased value (and potential trade relationship in future- perhaps a “draft buddy” so to speak), it means getting Ramsey sooner to gel with your defense plus help win games, and Ramsey moves on while he’s still in prime shape for the season.

The longer the Jags wait the more Ramsey sits out and the higher the potential for injury when coming back becomes. The longer the Jags wait the more “second guessing” pops in for trading teams. The longer the Jags wait the less time Ramsey has to gel with their team.

But hey, I’m done guessing what the Jags will do, I’ll just sit back and watch to see how this situation unfolds.

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54 minutes ago, .Buzz said:


I've never suggested an offer. Literally all I've posted are tweets from someone who says they have sources about potential offers that have been made and that I don't like the 1st/3rd/Hurst offer.

Happy to entertain though.

As someone with a slight interest...you're grasping at straws with most of your tweets. The Ravens offer was never real according to legitimate Ravens sources, The Eagles offer with Ertz isn't real, you don't even need to provide a tweet for that. I'm sure there have been solid offers out there but clearly the two firsts isn't being met so either the Jags need to back off of their value for an asset that is only losing trade value each day they don't move him or stick to their guns and start talking about extension/how to make him happy.

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There was a page or two there mocking people for saying that Von Miller or other elite players wouldn't go for two firsts because of "extra curriculars". The fact of the matter is that Von Miller hasn't asked for a trade, Von Miller didn't say that he wouldn't play again for his team, Von Miller didn't clean out his locker and say good bye to teammates, Von Miller don't fake a sickness or injury to get out of practice. The longer the Jags let this play out, the less they're getting in trade value and the worse the situation gets for the team.

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In addition to the flu, his back, and hamstrings, Ramsey is also dealing with a serious case of "I don't want to work here anymore," which is a nagging disorder that's tough to cure. The Jags, who believe they can swipe the AFC South division after last week's win, have been reluctant to trade the star corner. Unless a team offers a motherload, Jacksonville might continue to scuffle its feet with Ramsey's trade request.


Incoming: Screeching and lengthy denial from Fanboy claiming that Jalen really does have back and hamstring injuries, and has had them all along; some guy he knows who watches a lot of doctor shows said that Jalen had back and hamstring injuries; Jalen is as pure as the new-fallen snow and would NEVER fake an injury for his own personal gain.

"Oh, my Brothers- if you believes in my innocence, reassure me now thy brother with a Hallelujah!!"

Image result for Jalen Ramsey

Edited by bzane
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5 hours ago, SBLIII said:

according to Diamond he would be a Raven Monday the latest lol

I predicted that he had already been traded in principle to “a team”. As a Ravens fan I hoped it was the Ravens and explained why it made sense that it could be.

But hey according to some in this thread they believed Ramsey was “actually” sick and he wouldn’t pull a back injury next.

I rightly predicted the back injury... because that makes sense. A trade by Monday also would’ve made sense. I simply underestimated how dense the Jacksonville front office would be in this situation.

I understand the Owner looking to salvage the Ramsey relationship, but the time for that was BEFORE Ramsey demanded a trade. Good organizations and good owners have informants that let them know when things are going south within their organization so they can address concerns before they become a serious issue. Look at the Brady/Belichick/Garrapolo/Kraft situation. It threatened to make a bigger situation, but Kraft quickly and swiftly stepped in and made sure Jimmy G was traded before the issue got out of pocket.

Khan was late on this issue and so his full court press on the situation is too late as well. Ramsey said it best, he’s in a “calm space” with his decision (to paraphrase). Which means he didn’t demand a trade out of anger. Given time an “angry” type of situation could be rectified by making that person happy. Ramsey however made this decision “out of peace”. Which means he has such a lack of trust in the organization from top to bottom, coaches to president to owner, to get things done that he no longer questions his decision and thus “feels at peace”. He’s graduated past disgruntled to at peace. Psychologically for Jacksonville to fix that would be incredibly difficult.

Which again is why it made the most logical sense for me to think that ownership would have moved on and used this incident to self correct for the next superstar player. Get the most value now and make sure this never happens again in the future.

Edited by diamondbull424
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30 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

As someone with a slight interest...you're grasping at straws with most of your tweets. The Ravens offer was never real according to legitimate Ravens sources, The Eagles offer with Ertz isn't real, you don't even need to provide a tweet for that. I'm sure there have been solid offers out there but clearly the two firsts isn't being met so either the Jags need to back off of their value for an asset that is only losing trade value each day they don't move him or stick to their guns and start talking about extension/how to make him happy.

I never assumed everything was correct, just that from a reporter in JAX and a tweet (that I even went in the Eagles forum to ask if they were credible) I took those offers that were reported and put my thoughts on them if they were indeed true.

The jaguars have definitely gotten offers. No idea why you assume it's crazy to think something like those could have been it. Especially when the value isn't even that high to begin with.

Minkah just went for a high 1st. Tunsil went for two firsts (BOB is an idiot, but still). Neither are close to Ramsey's level as a talent.

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1 hour ago, .Buzz said:

Same if all this looks as bad as it does.

Just hope they don't think Coughlin is fine to stay if they do.

Agreed. This is why I said what I said a few pages ago. You don’t want this to get ugly and effect what teams are willing to offer.

The key to me was that when he was asked about the trade demands from that reporter and what led to his decision (paraphrasing) And Ramsey continuously went onto say that he was “in a good mental space” and a “peaceful mental space” when making the decision. That told me that situation couldn’t be resolved.

I think a decent number of people have been at a work place when you go from “being upset that your boss does x, y, z” to feeling mistreated to then having an idea of how you would be so much more happy somewhere else, to then something so disrespectful occurs that you’re no longer even mad. You’ve accepted that this is just how it is and that you just won’t ever be happy in this place. So you move on mentally until you can move on physically.

No amount of pay can correct that “space” IMO. Well... everyone has a price, but the kind of price it would cost to do so, in Ramsey’s case would likely be QB type money... which Jacksonville would smartly never concede.

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33 minutes ago, bzane said:


In addition to the flu, his back, and hamstrings, Ramsey is also dealing with a serious case of "I don't want to work here anymore," which is a nagging disorder that's tough to cure. The Jags, who believe they can swipe the AFC South division after last week's win, have been reluctant to trade the star corner. Unless a team offers a motherload, Jacksonville might continue to scuffle its feet with Ramsey's trade request.


Incoming: Screeching and lengthy denial from Fanboy claiming that Jalen really does have back and hamstring injuries, and has had them all along; some guy he knows who watches a lot of doctor shows said that Jalen had back and hamstring injuries; Jalen is as pure as the new-fallen snow and would NEVER fake an injury for his own personal gain.

"Oh, my Brothers- if you believes in my innocence, reassure me now with a Hallelujah!!"

Image result for Jalen Ramsey

This had me dying laughing. Read the last part in my inner Kirk Franklin voice. 😂

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7 minutes ago, .Buzz said:

I never assumed everything was correct, just that from a reporter in JAX and a tweet (that I even went in the Eagles forum to ask if they were credible) I took those offers that were reported and put my thoughts on them if they were indeed true.

The jaguars have definitely gotten offers. No idea why you assume it's crazy to think something like those could have been it. Especially when the value isn't even that high to begin with.

Minkah just went for a high 1st. Tunsil went for two firsts (BOB is an idiot, but still). Neither are close to Ramsey's level as a talent.

Difference is that:

A) As you said BOB is an idiot and even more idiotic a coach that is on the hot seat (BOB) was given the keys to run his team how he sees fit, making their owner just as foolish.

B) Minkah coming out had elite FS potential and was being asked to play out of position, trading for him meant a team could potentially net a Derwin James type impact (many front offices viewed him in higher regard than James coming out) and that would be well worth a 1st. PLUS said team didn’t have to worry about paying him guaranteed money (like a normal 1st round pick), plus they didn’t have to worry about making him the highest paid player at a premier position.

So while its true that Ramsey is better, if Ramsey were willing to play the last two seasons under his contract without qualms or better yet had an additional four years on his deal at as fantastic a deal as a rookie, he would have easily went for two 1st round picks, perhaps that and more.

The best deal we have to instead compare this instance to is the Khalil Mack deal. And ultimately the value the Bears gave up was something akin to mid 1st round value. Or a late 1st/mid 2nd... when considering the draft value chart and the lower value of future picks by roughly one round.

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22 minutes ago, .Buzz said:

I never assumed everything was correct, just that from a reporter in JAX and a tweet (that I even went in the Eagles forum to ask if they were credible) I took those offers that were reported and put my thoughts on them if they were indeed true.

And you got two responses that basically amounted to "never heard of them" but continued to post in here and give your thoughts anyway? Do you see why I say you're grasping at straws?

I think everyone pretty much concedes that you'll get a first + something for him, I'm also pretty sure the vast majority believes that that +something isn't going to be a first round pick.

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4 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

And you got two responses that basically amounted to "never heard of them" but continued to post in here and give your thoughts anyway? Do you see why I say you're grasping at straws?

I think everyone pretty much concedes that you'll get a first + something for him, I'm also pretty sure the vast majority believes that that +something isn't going to be a first round pick.

Continued to post what? Just random discussion on IF it was indeed an offer or of it were to happen?

They're still talking about the Ertz thing in the Eagles forums themselves.

This is a football forum and we're having discussions on potential trade proposals. 

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7 minutes ago, .Buzz said:

They're still talking about the Ertz thing in the Eagles forums themselves.

Also this isn't remotely close to true. The only discussed "counter" to including Ertz was if you guys would include Ngakoue which is perpetuating the issue of the credibility of the tweet.

I could see if this was a "What do you think Ramsey is worth" thread in NFL Gen but this is the News section being filled with trade offers that never happened.

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15 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

Hey, if non-credible tweets get you going, who am I to say you're wasting your time.


7 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

Also this isn't remotely close to true. The only discussed "counter" to including Ertz was if you guys would include Ngakoue which is perpetuating the issue of the credibility of the tweet.

I could see if this was a "What do you think Ramsey is worth" thread in NFL Gen but this is the News section being filled with trade offers that never happened.

There was one single non credible tweet. I also stated in the post that it's from an Eagles outlet who hadn't broke news prior. They still seem to have some inside info based on their NBA Free Agency tweets. Not like I just posted a random fan with a few followers posting "inside info" from Twitter.

The one regarding the Ravens came from a legit beat reporter for the Jaguars. Just because a Ravens reporter hasn't heard it doesn't mean it's not legit.

Go take it up with a mod and stop turning this thread into a contest of what should and shouldn't be posted. Literally two tweets were posted and you're acting like the sky is falling. 


Edited by .Buzz
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