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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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27 minutes ago, Forge said:

@The Orca

<investigate the Machete. Check to see if there is anything atypical holding it in place, any wires, etc. Inspect sharpness. Check hilt. See if it is able to be removed, turned, etc> 

You check it out thoroughly. You move it about no wires, traps, etc. It is insanely sharp. Enough to kill a man even with a weak swing. Looks to just be hanging on a nail

24 minutes ago, jasonwbantle said:

<I immediately turn around and run to the jungle where I take the snake skin.>

@The Orca

You turn around and take aim at the jungle in a dead sprint. You burst through the door and see the snake skin. You leap to the snake skin, bend down, grab it in your hand. At that moment a large snake about 50 feet long starts to move. Some how it was hanging on a couple of trees. You turn around and analyze the snake skin you have picked up. The snake has now maneuvered above you. He brings his head towards you with lightning quickness. 


The snake bites your head off

@jasonwbantle is dead

The Orca appears with his minion orcas and retrieves Jason's torso and legs....drags them back to the ballroom. The Orca tells a minion to follow the snake around for an hour and scoop up the head when it gets **** out.

An hour late The Orca shoves Jason's head back onto his body and shoves a syringe into his eye. "I'm such a forgiving person. Looks like you get a second chance as well"

@jasonwbantle is alive


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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@Counselor I remember that conversation in dead chat as well. However, it was in regards to a tricorder and even with a 4th person hopping on as opposed to a compare 2. If scum were to fake something like that, I think they’d pick more than 2 and probably try to tack on someone who either has a major anti scum power (possible here) or one of towns best players (This part isn’t true IMO, no offense to anyone).

There's also the logic fail of faking a two person alignment compare on n1 of a 28 person game

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4 minutes ago, Forge said:

You see it as cautious, I see it as gathering information. But thats a perception issue.

Would you care to head into the jungle with me? 


Sure.  Lets head into the Jungle.

@The Orca <Forge and I proceed into the jungle, I will use the machete cautiously to clear us a path>

@Forge  Not sure if you need to agree to this 

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Sure.  Lets head into the Jungle.

@The Orca <Forge and I proceed into the jungle, I will use the machete cautiously to clear us a path>

@Forge  Not sure if you need to agree to this 

I already went in, so we should be good. Waiting to see if Orca indicates that anything is worthwhile. 

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