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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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1 hour ago, TheKillerNacho said:

The soldiers barely had time to mourn the loss of T.G. Cid when screams were heard coming from the castle courtyard.

"M...m...monster!" a blooded man screamed, as a monstrous hand grabbed him and pulled him back in, sealing the doors. The soldiers tried to force open the door, but it was sealed tight. Screams of pain and terror were heard coming from within, as a chaotic roars and slases were also heard. It was not long that the painful cries ceased, but it was quite a bit longer before the monster appeared to move on. The soldiers finally opened the doors to find an absolutely horrific scene. @Whicker's bloodied and lifeless carcass was found disemboweled on the floor. The walls were stained with his blood, with various entrails and body parts were splattered across the floors and even the ceiling. The room had the disgusting stench of blood. After examining the body, he was confirmed to be an Ivalice Geomancer, Ivalice-aligned.

But the night was not done. Over on the nearby bridge, one saw two figures duking it out with their blades.

"I have you now!" screamed one of them, as he lunged his blade forward to make the killing blow. However, just then, the two men appeared to be teleported into the place of the other. The first man clenched his chest, pulling out his own blade and looking up at the man he was attempting to kill.


@Pickle Rick collapsed, lifeless. He was Delita Hyral, an Archer. He was Delita-aligned.

The troops went back to the barracks after the bloody night. In the morning, it was discovered @SwAg was fast asleep, unable to be awoken. They eventually were able to awake him from what appeared to be his magical slumber, but he is far too groggy to participate in any voting today.


Day 2 is now open. It will end on 10/3 at 9:00 PM ET. Autopsies to be available shortly.

It almost sounds like Rick tried to kill me.

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Just now, SwAg said:

Can someone read that for me?  It sounds like he went to kill me, was teleported into my place, and then looked up at me (the person he was trying to kill), and then wondered aloud how.

I have read it a few times and am not sure how it went down.  Part of why I was wondering to counselor how Touch fit into his move and info.  2 men appeared to be teleported.  Who are those 2?  Pickle/touch/counselor


2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

"I have you now!" screamed one of them, as he lunged his blade forward to make the killing blow. However, just then, the two men appeared to be teleported into the place of the other. The first man clenched his chest, pulling out his own blade and looking up at the man he was attempting to kill.


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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

So, why did you just lie about this?


4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I mean, you seem to have a clear recollection when it’s convenient for you.

i recall this one because I've already explained it to you several times, but here we are again.

like I said, your ego got ahold of this story and ran with it. now you think it's real.

i thought you were just joking, that's why I went along with it for a while. But now I see it wasn't a joke, but delusions. so really it's my fault.


3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, you tried to convince your teammates not to kill me in one game, confirmed in a previous game by Malfatron, and semi-verified by matts, and likely verified by Forge.  So, why did you omit that from your pattern you’re trying to instill as the narrative?

How does me trying to convince my teammates not to kill you prove that I always try to kill you? are you kidding me?

How does me trying to convince my teammates not to kill you prove anything other than I know that YOU have already spread this false rumor multiple times?

acknowledging that somebody might believe it doesn't make it true, it just means I think somebody might be easily fooled.


Please list all the times that I myself have decided to kill you, or pushed my team to kill you.

Hell, list all the times you died when I had kills, and I'll tell you who made the call.

I'll be waiting.

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