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Yo-ho yo-ho, a Pirates Life for Me! - Day 6 is now! - Night 6 starts at 6pm EST


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After a long day of recruiting, Captain Dome retired to his quarters, scowling...

“None these filthy bilge rats worth a damned lick of salt,”  raged Dome, “not one!  Not a damn one!  I must be daft taking this lot!  What am I...”

Captain Dome’s tirade ceased as his gaze fell upon a long knife protruding from his cabinet, which had pierced a familiar-looking piece of parchment.  As Captain Dome approached he was able to discern a completed crew application.  His eyes scanned the first line... “Name:  Dome.”  

At that moment, Captain Dome heard motion to his left, and froze as the chilling, ice-cold feel of steel pressed upon his throat.

“Bonjour Monsieur Dome,” simpered a soft voice. It was @theuntouchable

“B-Bone hour moan sour-w-what?”

“Begging your pardon, Monsieur Dome, I ought to have known better than to mistake you for a gentleman.”

Unsure what “moan store” meant, Captain Dome said confidently defiantly, “it’s Captain Dome, not moan steward.”

This pronouncement was greeted with a giggle.  The unknown assailant spun Captain Dome around to face her, with the wicked, twisted blade still pressed to his throat.

Captain Dome took in the unknown woman’s appearance, as she spoke to him.

Her mouth moved, but Captain Dome took in none of the words.  He was struck dumb by this woman’s mystifying appearance.  What Captain Dome wouldn’t do to roll bones with this one...

After a moment, the woman stopped talking and looked at Captain Dome inquisitively.

“Well?” She demanded.

Confused, Captain Dome nodded, felt the blade and settled for a low, but solid, “aye.”

The woman laughed and withdrew her blade from Captain Dome’s throat and walked past him, stabbed the table so that the twisted blade stayed upright and in place, and sat down in Captain Dome’s chair.

An awkward pause followed this action.  After a moment, Captain Dome proceeded quizzically, but cautiously.

“Who are you?” he croaked.

“Natalie Renée,” said the woman, drawing out the “r” in her name, “Capitaine Natalie,” she clarified.

Natalie withdrew another application, and continued: “As I am taking over this vessel, Monsieur, I will do you the courtesy of easing your mind with knowledge of whom you shall sail under.”

Dome looked on, helplessly, too dumbfounded, and perhaps too scared, to contradict... what did he agree to?

Scanning the application with her eyes, Natalie began to speak once more:

“Monsieur, I will have you know that I have been sailing my whole life, ever since I was a child.  My grandfather and father were both renowned for their naval and military service, and I was an involuntary pupil under their tutelage for twenty long years, but I would not be who I am today but for their efforts.

But, my dear Monsieur, I dare say they never expected me to use these abilities to antagonize the crown.  However, my treachery to my family’s good name remains unknown for the past eleven years, and I tend to keep it that way.”

Awakening slightly, Dome muttered, “A-and how is th-that?”

Natalie smiled mischievously and said, “dead men tell no tales, Monsieur, and all the lost souls whom cross me tend to tell no tales, whether by blade, or... more sinister device.”

At this moment, Natalie uncorked a bottle of rum with her teeth, let the cork drop, and poured a generous amount of amber brown liquid into two tankards.

“To partnership, Monsieur Dome.” She said, raising her mug.

”To long windedness.” Dome raised his mug as well.

(application courtesy of @SwAg)

Edited by Dome
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1 minute ago, rackcs said:

That someone being you of course

It would be my fourth. Killed the last one. Of course, you already know this.

I beat her to death with mine own hands, but you, Dirty Dcik, killed her when you shoved yourself in her. I had no choice

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