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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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8 hours ago, Malfatron said:

thats my thing i was talking about btw.

Drump called the rally. It was a rally for Drump.

now im going to bed sad


8 hours ago, Forge said:

Don't be buddy. It's okay. If it was anyone, I'm glad it was you. 


8 hours ago, Forge said:



8 hours ago, Dome said:



8 hours ago, Forge said:


C'mon, it wasn't bad, right? I mean, a lot of it made sense. 


8 hours ago, Malfatron said:

should have left off the rally thing lol



8 hours ago, Forge said:

Got too into the pm of it all and didn't pay attention. that's why you don't get crap convoluted. Stay basic. 


8 hours ago, Dome said:

No.... it was bad. 


8 hours ago, Forge said:

Yeah, lost in the pm drama, and that's what the pm said. 


8 hours ago, Forge said:

Nah, it was all good. Everything I said was true, fyi. I literally was talking about the mass town roleblock earlier on which was why I was refusing to call it a roleblock in that manner. 


8 hours ago, Forge said:

Oh no, dead serious. When I was responding to pickle, it was all about being a mass town roleblocker. I feel like maybe I got way too micro there? But I was talking about how it made no sense that i was strictly a town role blocker, and just fighting that too much and then didn't make it clear at all that is what I was referring to. 


8 hours ago, Forge said:

Yeah, I think I got caught out of position so to speak by getting too wrapped up in a single word. Really backed me up later, tbh. 

Generally speaking, I hate keeping up a facade anyway. I generally don't try to sell my stories too much when I'm outed. This one seemed fun to try though. 


8 hours ago, Malfatron said:

if it makes you feel better, i believed you until you mentioned starting a rally lol


8 hours ago, Forge said:

lol I knew it the moment you mentioned it. Will bug me that I missed something that obvious. 



since spoon feeding is apparently required, you're lucky i like you both.... more or less.

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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Am I the only one paranoid about how easily he gave up here? Combined with the mwil stuff day 1 I don't like this at all.

what is there to be paranoid about?

and to be fair, i was kinda asking him the same things over and over. If you've never had it happen to you by me, you should try it sometime, it's incredibly aggravating.

Edited by Dome
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3 minutes ago, Dome said:

what is there to be paranoid about?

and to be fair, i was kinda asking him the same things over and over. If you've never had it happen to you by me, you should try it sometime, it's incredibly aggravating.

11 hours ago, rackcs said:

I also think Forge is scum for what Pickle posted about where he was avoiding the conversation and then trying to pull attention off of mwil. However I disagree with pickle and think he could be lynchproof. Would make sense to be blatant about being scum to pull the heat off of your teammate if you're lynch proof. Certainly not a guarantee but I think it seems somewhat likely.

This combined with how easily he "slipped" and then gave up when caught gives me pause

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@rackcs i think he gave up easy like that because a teammate (probably malf) told him it was time... 

It's certainly possible malf saw it right away and was sitting on it (rally comment)... but I think what's more likely is that malf was just hoping it would disappear and I would move on. Once I got forge on the ropes with with his roleblock vs night end move, malf likely decided it was time to circle back around to that and bus forge.

Look how malf tried making a story to give forge an out once I said I was leaning town on forge... then when I started questioning forge again all the sudden malf pointed out the drump thing, even though he claimed he saw it from the beginning.

If they talked beforehand about forge's time being up (in chatty, for example) then forges surrender may come a lot quicker... if this is true, it explains forges actions.

Edited by Dome
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