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Make-A-Movie Draft Discussion Thread - Writeups due 12/9


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I realize that my perfect lead actually might get drafted before my third pick. But there’s only the one actor I can actually see for another part, and there’s a slimmer chance, but a chance he gets drafted too.  I can do without the lead I guess.  Decisions decisions.

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I have to think up some dialogue for my movie.  I might go way overboard and write a spec script for it, but I doubt it.  I don’t have the time.  

I wrote a kind of love letter to The Thing in spec script form once years ago called Parts, and then Neil Blomkamp did a short film eerily similar to it.  Might have to dig that up to see if I had any good dialogue in it.

I’ve been wanting to get back into writing them, but I just don’t have the time right now.  Basement first, then my office.  Once I get my office finished I might.  My sister and her **** kids and **** boyfriend have to move out of my house before I can finish my office.

Edited by Outpost31
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***Rumors are now circulating with the acquisition of Christopher Nolan as the director, the entire direction and script of the movie has evolved and will now no longer be "The Top Assassin in the world falls to pieces after his fiance is kidnapped and taken back in time to 1984. He calls upon his fellow assassins, THE SIX, to help rescue her, and himself". Nolan was on record smirking and rolling his eyes saying "Go get Peter Hymans if you want a Time Cop reboot". When pressed on the plot of his movie, Nolan declined to comment more than saying, "It will depend on who I can get for my Top 3 slots. I have a vision in mind of a hybrid classic action movie with a thriller twist".***

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Christopher Plummer, who played Oedipus in the original 1968 version, was more than happy to join this new adaptation bringing the old with the new. "I really liked where Angelina's direction was with this movie. My role is a very important piece to the puzzle."

Director: Angelina Jolie

Cast so far: 
Jocasta - Angelina Jolie
Tiresias - Christopher Plummer

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Tom Hardy will play the dog handler.  He’ll be marketed as the hero.  The dog will be isolated from the others at first, and while Tom Hardy is resting the dog for rabies and such, he will suffer a violent and sudden death as he gets assimilated.  This will provide some dramatic irony as he tries to ingratiate himself among the others, even though he previously had been ostracized for being a jerk.  

Maybe.  Gotta come up with the rest of my cast before I decide on that.  The next one who I now regret not drafting is going to be the A. Wilford Brimley type who “gets it” much quicker than the rest of them.  

I’m thinking it might be better if the audience doesn’t know Hardy gets assimilated; my problems here are that the audience will suspect it if Hardy is the dog handler, just like MacReady and Blair suspected Clark in the 82 version. 

So many ways I can go with this, but one thing I know I will feature is a sudden, unexpected reveal that someone was assimilated.  Just randomly, too, without any foreshadowing whatsoever.  It will be normal, quiet, and somebody will do something simple like burn themselves on the oven or something like that.  

I might just get greedy and decide to use Hardy in the MacReady type role after all.  

I’ve got two other Brits that might be drafted before my #2 guy does, but they’re interchangeable.

I also have a guy that I’m going to add who is NOT, technically, British, but close enough and with British heritage that it won’t matter.

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

@Outpost31 hardy was on our long list for several roles, he’d fit a lot of them, but he wasn’t the best fit for any of them... excited to see what you have

@Malfatron is the only one I worry about taking my #2 guy.  And that’s a shame because my #2 is the new Sam Neil.  Extremely underrated.  When you watch him, you don’t see an actor, you see a character.  Believable in every single way.  In every single scene.  He’s capable of stealing an entire scene... No, he’s capable of stealing an entire movie.  

Speaking of Sam Neil, if he doesn’t get drafted, he might be a perfect addition.  I think he’s British.  

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