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The Night Santa Went Crazy Mafia - Town and Dome wins!!

Pickle Rick

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42 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

The group surrounded @Nazgul as he started screaming, "**** the Nice list, I am the KING of not being on that thing."

Screams from the swarming crowd shouted back, "Kill him, rid this place of the greed and selfishness that has corrupted the beauty of Christmas"

Naz started squirming, "Wait, I'm only kidding guys"

The group closed in and started to beat naz with all the toys that were made for Christmas.

They paused momentarily and Naz looked up from the fetal position, "If you ain't Naughty, then you ain't living."  He managed to stick up his middle finger and the group finished him off.  He had a smile on his face the whole time.    

One of the elves brought over what looked like a toy, he chopped of Naz's middle finger that was the only one stuck in an upright position.  He placed it into the toy gadget and a display popped on with: NAUGHTY

@Nazgul is dead he was Naughty aligned

As the group began to feel good about themselves, they heard "Ho, Ho, Ho" 

Everyone quickly turned to see @Slappy Mc burst into flames.  An elf quickly chimed in, " Quick, who has the chesnuts?" 

The little elf with the toy quickly snatched up some of the ashes and placed them into the toy gadget, the display read: NICE 

@Slappy Mc is dead, he was Nice aligned 

It is now D2, N2 will be at 10:00 pm eastern Sunday night 

Just pointing this out. This would be a really good segway into a scum move


7 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

@The Orca => Why were you in such a rush to discredit Counselor? 

Cause I'm the tracker and Rudolph...he is an elf with a move. It's not to discredit....its to verify. I know he isnt the tracker. I know pickle and I know a move he loves...need to check out before I believe someone with a claimed same move 

If Counselor is on the level...we have 2 scum caught imo


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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Yeah I think I flubbed this one up. I tried to set a trap. I’m the rolecop. Saw KOTN has a nightly hit. Wanted to claim he visited Slappy to see if he would make up a different move and then I would know for sure he hit him. Didn’t think about the faction hit. So now I may have exposed the town VIG. Lmfao. Man I suck at this. 

whats your character name?

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