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The Night Santa Went Crazy Mafia - Town and Dome wins!!

Pickle Rick

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I read it the other way:

While there's no OP and clear cut direction, there's enough of the flavor in the writeups to insinuate that the Mafia is following the song on kills, as well as Santa being the bad guy.

Santa is the bad guy, which is established in the first 1:05 in the song. Did you not read the post where I asked PM to clarify (via pm)? 

2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm trying to say that while KOTN "was Santa", even after he died, "Santa" has continued to be the flavor of the kills, meaning that the "red and green haze" leaving could support a "Santa Clause" theory. Also, full disclosure, anything that backs up a 90s nostalgia movie (See: My Space Jam game), especially a festive one, is going to get me intrigued.


Got it.

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I mean, I think we try Mission, then if the game isn't over, there are a couple people who would be an ace to choose to take over for Santa, assuming they get to choose. 

It might be locked behind something, like whoever killed Santa or chosen from the list of people who voted Santa.

Still, Mission is probably the best option for today.

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2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Mwil I don’t know anyone but Santa that gives out presents like you have been doing... just saying 

I guess I'd say this, aside from being tracked and honest about who I've given to, along with telegraphing every single move that I have made ahead of time, aside from Dome:

Why would I give out guns to confirmed and/or suspected civs instead of "my" scum team? I'm talking about BEFORE the last 2 days where I knew that I would be tracked. That's not just WIFOM...that's ridiculous. I could have gotten off to a nice headstart if I were scum.


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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

I guess I'd say this, aside from being tracked and honest about who I've given to, along with telegraphing every single move that I have made ahead of time, aside from Dome:

Why would I give out guns to confirmed and/or suspected civs instead of "my" scum team? I'm talking about BEFORE the last 2 days where I knew that I would be tracked. That's not just WIFOM...that's ridiculous. I could have gotten off to a nice headstart if I were scum.


I’m using Orca logic leave me alone 

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

@The Orca => How would pickle handle it if you tracked the final mafia member and he had his move + the factional hit? For example, if Mwil was Santa/scum, attempted to give me a gun but also hit Malf? 


Would you get both moves or just the gift giving? 

I'm not orca, but... I don't think pickle would allow two moves to be made. People who got Mwil's gun have had to choose one or the other.

If pickle did allow mafia to make two moves, the only thing that makes sense is allowing the tracker to see both moves.


MWil is clear IMO. I think it has to be mission.

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15 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I mean, in your defense, my scum game is up there with the true greats.

In the nicest way possible, this made me lol. You are probably the most panicky scum teammate I have ever had. 

7 minutes ago, Dome said:

I'm not orca, but... I don't think pickle would allow two moves to be made. People who got Mwil's gun have had to choose one or the other.

If pickle did allow mafia to make two moves, the only thing that makes sense is allowing the tracker to see both moves.


MWil is clear IMO. I think it has to be mission.

I agree about mission, but I am simply vetting options. Perhaps the hit is purely factional and independent of any particular mafia members move. 

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6 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

In the nicest way possible, this made me lol.

Good! It was definitely supposed to...my scum meta is an embarrassment.

6 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

You are probably the most panicky scum teammate I have ever had. 

I'm pretty consistently spastic town and I use it to gauge reactions/thread play, and it works, as I usually am a solid Town player when it comes to night moves and votes. I am so at a loss for how to play as scum to balance my spastic play with my scum fake reads/pushes that by Day 2, as SwAg/others will point out, I'll usually out myself. TBH, I really wish when I first started playing, I would have gotten paired on a team with some more seasoned/experienced players that could have given me some pointers. I wasn't on a scum team until Rack's Marvel game, and even then, my community got smoked with a Tornado, so I was out helping with that for the 10-14 days the game lasted, so I played aggressively based upon IRL circumstances.


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55 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

@The Orca => How would pickle handle it if you tracked the final mafia member and he had his move + the factional hit? For example, if Mwil was Santa/scum, attempted to give me a gun but also hit Malf? 


Would you get both moves or just the gift giving? 

Not sure. I havent been mafia in his games. I would assume if you have a track/watch having a faction kill by itself is extremely powerful and I dislike it, cause it powers mafia and nerfs town

In my games I have made someone carry it out and it's in place of their move. 

If Pickle allows a move and faction, I'd say they are both tracked/watched

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