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TACT XVIII: Zeke's Whacky Weekend Adventures


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3 hours ago, HDsportsfan said:

Brain fart......Who is that?

The punter? Pat Mcafee. Longtime punter for the colts, most know for that ridiculous fake punt pass player where he was murdered.

on a different note:

Dude that new deadpool clip is aces. But I am pretty sure were not allowed to directly post it. So go google for some inappropriate bob ross spoofage. 

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So, as a few of you guys already know, I have been sitting on some pretty huge news. As stated before, my fiancée is pregnant. Last week, Catherine and I went to the doctor. We had been debating on whether to find out if it was going to be a boy or girl. But, the curiosity got the best of us. I'm proud to announce that we are having a daughter! We both would have been happy with either. Having said that, we both REALLY wanted a little girl. We are ecstatic, to say the least. Drew might be even happier than we are! Life is good.

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13 hours ago, htfryar said:

So, as a few of you guys already know, I have been sitting on some pretty huge news. As stated before, my fiancée is pregnant. Last week, Catherine and I went to the doctor. We had been debating on whether to find out if it was going to be a boy or girl. But, the curiosity got the best of us. I'm proud to announce that we are having a daughter! We both would have been happy with either. Having said that, we both REALLY wanted a little girl. We are ecstatic, to say the least. Drew might be even happier than we are! Life is good.

Congrats ht.  From somebody who has 3 daughters... get ready!!!

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@james.mcmurry13 @RandyMossIsBoss @Danger


Whats a good K/D for black widow for the quick play list? Where do I need to be before going to competitive maps? Im sitting around 2 - 2.5 with about 15-20 kills a game. Im not sure if thats good or not.  My son likes Sombra, he gets like 25-30 kills a game with a 2.5+ kd, but hes a lot more aggressive with his character. 

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