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Nic Cage BatShiii Crazy Mafia: GAME OVER. MAFIA (Pickle, Matts, Dome, Slappy) WIN! Blahman also WINS!


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Not even going to try to defend myself the rest of the day. I'm sick for one, and I think you guys have your minds made up. But I'm not going to let town lose this game if I can do anything to help it. So as I prepare to be executed think about a few things:

1.) I essentially outed the strongman. If BCB was actually bulletproof then the strongman is literally the only way that hit could have worked. When I outlined what I said about bcb surviving a hit, someone in mafia took that under consideration. Mafia has a strongman, it just isn't me. As I stated, I'm bulletproof town. And far be it from be being janitored which I don't think we have one this game, you'll see that.
2.) I know Whicker hasn't played in awhile, but do we really believe he's lead all of these lynch wagons and it's just coincidental that he's been soo "Whoopsie daisy" and missed every single time? Every last one. If he's town, he's causing casualties. If he's mafia he's winning the game.
3.)I guess we abandoned the alignment thought between ET80 and MWill? Like that claim must be fake now because if it wasn't, we would be getting a guaranteed kill on a mafia member.
4.) Blahstoise I think is the only one I would die on a hill for being town.

I'll await my lynching. Take heed of my words town. When I get killed during this day, and flip bulletproof, just remember this all.

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@JoshstraDaymus is lynched. He was Ben Sanderson - town

Habitually Bulletproof




@Whicker was killed.  He was John Koestler - town

Limited Delegating Oracle







@Pickle Rick @Dome @wolfeyestrk @Matts4313 @Blahstoise @ET80@Slappy Mc



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On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2020 at 7:55 PM, Malfatron said:


1. theuntouchable - Town - Stanley Goodspeed. Bodyguarding Cop 

2. Counselor - Cameron Poe - Scum. investigative- immune roleblocker

3. The Orca  - Inventing Stuntman of Some Trades. Town

4 @Pickle Rick

5. kingseanjohn - Edward Malus - Town. False Bodyguard

6.  squire- Peter Loew. Tracking Cop. Town

7 daboyle - H.I. McDunnough - town  Action Attractor

8 bcb - Terence McDonagh - town Chiefly Buletproof

9 @Dome

10 @wolfeyestrk

11 Josh - Ben Sanderson - town Habitually Bulletproof

12 Mwil - Donald Kaufman - Mason Bro

13 @Matts4313

14 N4L - Balthazar Blake - town  . Wizard of All Trades

15 @Blahstoise

16 @ET80

17 @Slappy Mc

18 Whicker - John Koestler - town Limited Delegating Oracle


Current Player list

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Just now, Malfatron said:
On 1/2/2020 at 7:55 PM, Malfatron said:


1. theuntouchable - Town - Stanley Goodspeed. Bodyguarding Cop 

2. Counselor - Cameron Poe - Scum. investigative- immune roleblocker

3. The Orca  - Inventing Stuntman of Some Trades. Town

4 @Pickle Rick

5. kingseanjohn - Edward Malus - Town. False Bodyguard

6.  squire- Peter Loew. Tracking Cop. Town

7 daboyle - H.I. McDunnough - town  Action Attractor

8 bcb - Terence McDonagh - town Chiefly Buletproof

9 @Dome

10 @wolfeyestrk

11 Josh - Ben Sanderson - town Habitually Bulletproof

12 Mwil - Donald Kaufman - Mason Bro

13 @Matts4313

14 N4L - Balthazar Blake - town  . Wizard of All Trades

15 @Blahstoise

16 @ET80

17 @Slappy Mc

18 Whicker - John Koestler - town Limited Delegating Oracle


Current Player list

Holy ish that is basically a clean sweep. Thank god the vig hit Counselor N1 or else this game would live in infamy. 

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53 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

7 people in game means we are likely 4:3 ratio. They are going to hit one of us. so the game is over I think. 

@wolfeyestrk => time to claim.

Pickle is for sure scum


ET80/Wolf (final scum)


Dome, Matts, Blah are all civs. 

I'm called a popular actor if I don't vote with the majority first time im punished by not being allowed to vote

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