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Nic Cage BatShiii Crazy Mafia: GAME OVER. MAFIA (Pickle, Matts, Dome, Slappy) WIN! Blahman also WINS!


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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

@squire12 you brought it up in reference that Pickle was wrong right?...I basically didnt participate in in the last game due to the early death...just generalize for me if you are too scared to use specifics...what did Mafia know?

You said to revisit last game to see what scum is aware of...you were not referencing the mafia chat imo cause not everyone has access to that. It came off as in thread or discussed afterwards...so lay it out

It may help with reads/meta


What was said in the thread was greatly discussed and considered in relation to roles and mafia night moves.    Example:   "what do you think of what X player said on page Y, are they hinting at Z"   "who do you think is the DR/cop/watcher/etc based on what they have said or hinted at in thread"

Fundamentally, the concept that mafia in a general  blanket statement "does not pay attention" is something that I have never seen when I have been mafia.   The idea that Pickle is floating that out there as a reason to ....what appears to me to.... be covering for his "testing" someone, has raised some concerns about pickle thus far.  

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

What was said in the thread was greatly discussed and considered in relation to roles and mafia night moves.    Example:   "what do you think of what X player said on page Y, are they hinting at Z"   "who do you think is the DR/cop/watcher/etc based on what they have said or hinted at in thread"

Fundamentally, the concept that mafia in a general  blanket statement "does not pay attention" is something that I have never seen when I have been mafia.   The idea that Pickle is floating that out there as a reason to ....what appears to me to.... be covering for his "testing" someone, has raised some concerns about pickle thus far.  

You are mistaken then imo. You are reading way too much into something you took incorrectly imo. I've done the exact same thing to Mwil before to see if he is reading or has read. Generally mafia has been inactive and for awhile. I agree with the statments by Pickle and questioning/application of said posts

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

You are mistaken then imo. You are reading way too much into something you took incorrectly imo. I've done the exact same thing to Mwil before to see if he is reading or has read. Generally mafia has been inactive and for awhile. I agree with the statments by Pickle and questioning/application of said posts

So you are stating that I am mistaken that mafia may pay more attention to the thread than what you or pickle (and some others) have stated?   So you are saying that because some players as mafia will not post very often in thread....aka inactives....are also not even reading the thread and paying attention?     Why does someone not posting mean they are also not reading the thread?   Is it not possible that inactive (not posting) is not the same as inattentive (not reading)?

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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

So you are stating that I am mistaken that mafia may pay more attention to the thread than what you or pickle (and some others) have stated?   So you are saying that because some players as mafia will not post very often in thread....aka inactives....are also not even reading the thread and paying attention?     Why does someone not posting mean they are also not reading the thread?   Is it not possible that inactive (not posting) is not the same as inattentive (not reading)?


7 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Bc scum doesn't pay attention to that stuff (especially lately with all of the afk scum) and would be fishing out cages to see who they could claim. 


7 hours ago, squire12 said:

You stating this raises some concerns about your alignment.

You should revisit last game to see what scum was aware of.   

This. In general I'd agree 100% with Pickle. Does it apply to all scum...no. But lately I'd 100% agree with what he said. You are mistaken to take that as a concern for alignment. Then mistaken again to believe his comment is for every scum/mafia which you have basically been pushing (the bold clearly shows a variation in the statement). Yes it doesnt go to all...but imo I agree it's most. Especially some of the ones I've been apart of recently. Inactive and not reading the thread...not discussing anything sometimes not even moves. Hosting has opened my eyes to the inactivness of scum/mafia. It's almost guaranteed to have at least 1 every single game at this point

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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Are you telling them seriously not to discuss last game?

I’m promoting non-compliance 

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

He has no authority over this game...

apparently I do, even if I don’t remember saying what squire says I said.

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What y’all are missing (or at least not openly considering) that if there is ONE mafia paying attention, the info will reach the scum chat. 

if 3/4 scum are barely playing and one of them is all in, anything the one picks up on is still getting relayed to the 3 inactive 

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8 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I think he is misinterpreting what you said as an excuse as to not answer his original accusation. 

So @squire12, you have your blessing, were all ears. 

I don’t think the point he was trying to make really mattered all that much anyways and he hasn’t expanded on it because it’s stupid that it’s drug out this long and he’d rather just move on than answer a hundred questions from orca 



that’s just what I think tho 

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11 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I think he is misinterpreting what you said as an excuse as to not answer his original accusation. 

So @squire12, you have your blessing, were all ears. 


1 hour ago, squire12 said:

What was said in the thread was greatly discussed and considered in relation to roles and mafia night moves.    Example:   "what do you think of what X player said on page Y, are they hinting at Z"   "who do you think is the DR/cop/watcher/etc based on what they have said or hinted at in thread"

Fundamentally, the concept that mafia in a general  blanket statement "does not pay attention" is something that I have never seen when I have been mafia.   The idea that Pickle is floating that out there as a reason to ....what appears to me to.... be covering for his "testing" someone, has raised some concerns about pickle thus far.  

@Matts4313  I laid out the general process that was what went down in the last game.  The specifics are not something that I think are that meaningful as it pertains to this game.  

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4 minutes ago, Dome said:

What y’all are missing (or at least not openly considering) that if there is ONE mafia paying attention, the info will reach the scum chat. 

1 mafia only needs to be paying attention to the thread, not posting frequently in the thread for the information that might be gleaned from the thread to be discussed and "used" by mafia.  The afk idea just is not the same as not reading or being attentive to things in the thread.  

4 minutes ago, Dome said:

if 3/4 scum are barely playing and one of them is all in, anything the one picks up on is still getting relayed to the 3 inactive 


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5 minutes ago, Dome said:

What y’all are missing (or at least not openly considering) that if there is ONE mafia paying attention, the info will reach the scum chat. 

if 3/4 scum are barely playing and one of them is all in, anything the one picks up on is still getting relayed to the 3 inactive 

Assuming 3/4 participate even in the chat

3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Anybody miss me?

Yep. What are you thinking so far?

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5 minutes ago, Dome said:

I don’t think the point he was trying to make really mattered all that much anyways and he hasn’t expanded on it because it’s stupid that it’s drug out this long and he’d rather just move on than answer a hundred questions from orca 



that’s just what I think tho 

If this is the most that Orca is digging in on D1 when he is posting and not trolling, that would raise a few flags for me as well.

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