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Divisional: TEN@BAL


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2 minutes ago, Mesa_Titan said:

Yeah, I get it. I'm not saying he was terrible, he just wasn't good, especially passing the ball. He threw more wobblers than spirals tonight, the last time I saw that many wobbled passes was from Peyton Manning in the super bowl.

The guy I quoted said he was terrible. But in terms of above average, he marched the team down to the Titans 40 on like 8/11 possessions... I get that he turned it over three times in the game... but even then 5/11 possession is above average success. Problem is poor coaching and dropped balls (or not looked at balls) led to only getting 12 points out of that. Lamar having 96% of the yards to get the team in range to score at least absolves him of being considered terrible. But I think at worst he’s average in this game, but considering how many drops and critical drops at that... I’d say above average. There were some wobblers, but all of them were generally on target... only the pass to Hollywood on the right sideline was seriously without the needed velocity. Outside of that to have that kind of volume, I think at worst, makes it a solid performance... its enough to show that he “showed up” in this game unlike most of the other players.

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1 minute ago, Mesa_Titan said:

The spitting in the face is too much(if he did it), but the talk? Who cares. Clearly in Yanda's head, that's why he was getting blown off the line all night.

I didn't notice Yanda getting blown off the line at all. Even if he was, for him of all people to call someone out like this - it means Simmons crossed a lot of lines with whatever he was doing tonight.

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On 1/6/2020 at 1:32 PM, lolsurebro said:

It's laughable that anyone thinks the awful Titans are going to do much of anything against the Ravens. 

My saltiness will receive appropriate hydration when y'all get absolutely crushed. It's going to be oh so sweet.

Stay thirsty kiddo. Oh and I hope that couch is nice and comfy xDxDxD


On 1/6/2020 at 1:44 PM, lolsurebro said:

Beating NE this year is hardly worth bragging about. What's funny is that Titans fan think they're onto something because of this win.

Well, you're on to Baltimore... and you're about to be the ones getting slapped far worse than a single score defeat.


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Just now, BaltimoreTerp said:

do explain 

were you just....not around for the entire 2000s lol. the ravens were easily one of the dirtiest teams of that era. i mean, in our last playoff meeting you guys intentionally injured our best offensive player. those were some great teams, to be sure, but forgive me if i’m not exactly shedding a tear when the shoe is on the other foot.

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Just now, BaltimoreTerp said:

do explain

If it's about Chris Johnson I'm especially curious how that makes Jeffrey Simmons in the right. 

No I already said, Simmons isn't in the right if he actually spit in Yanda's face. The trash talk though? I give zero you know whats about trash talk. If you can't deal with it and give it back, don't cry about it.

As for explaining, there's not much I need to explain other than the fact that the Ravens have been one of the dirtiest team in the NFL for more than a decade.

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5 minutes ago, -Hope- said:

were you just....not around for the entire 2000s lol. the ravens were easily one of the dirtiest teams of that era. i mean, in our last playoff meeting you guys intentionally injured our best offensive player. those were some great teams, to be sure, but forgive me if i’m not exactly shedding a tear when the shoe is on the other foot.

Point is that the whole "he was wrong BUT" is just empty crap. You cried crocodile tears when it happened to you but you're good with it when you're on the other foot. Get off your high horse and move on. Either it's wrong or it's not. Clearly it's not really wrong if it's not happening to your guys 

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2 minutes ago, BaltimoreTerp said:

Point is that the whole "he was wrong BUT" is just empty crap. You cried crocodile tears when it happened to you but you're good with it when you're on the other foot. Get off your high horse and move on. Either it's wrong or it's not. Clearly it's not really wrong if it's not happening to your guys 

You're comparing intentionally injuring someone, to some saliva and mean words? Wow.

If dude had went full Albert Haynesworth and stomped Yanda out, I'd be on your side, but were talking about saliva and mean words here, and we don't even know if he actually spit on him.

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Just now, BaltimoreTerp said:

Point is that the whole "he was wrong BUT" is just empty crap. You cried crocodile tears when it happened to you but you're good with it when you're on the other foot. Get off your high horse and move on. 

don’t give me this nonsense; this was the exact point i’m making about y’all. it’s not like we got a lot of apologies from ravens fans back in 2008, so don’t come expecting them from us now.

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Just now, BaltimoreTerp said:

How hard is it to admit that spitting on a dude is wrong without equivocating 

something worse happened 10 years ago oh nooooooooooo

Bro how many times do I have to say I agree with you on that front? Yes, if Simmons spit on him he's a bad boy and deserves a talking to.

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