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BDL Discussion Thread 2020


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21 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I had him as possibly not the top DT, which there was a lot of debate about that between me and Pickle 

I am very high on both, Brown I think has been more consistent for longer, but I had those two-big gap-everyone else.

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2 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

This is where the draft starts to be interesting. 15 of my top 16 players went R1 and Becton was 20th.

McKinney though was 37 and it's no knock on wwhicock because I think he's in the same tier as my 21st and 48th players. I think the second round will show a lot of disparity in the boards, hence why I wanted out of there

I can appreciate that. I am sure there are more valuable players available atm, I took a guy I knew I wanted. But I'm open to criticism.  After all I just posted grades criticizing you guys.

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:

We disagreed 

Talent wise, it's an excellent pick.

Everyone has their own reasons for picking guys. That's your choice. It's your team and you get to build it how you want. Lamb, regardless of what I think of the pick, is gonna help you succeed and at the end of the day that's all that should matter, not my opinion. But my opinion isn't gonna change. They're not meant as any level of disrespect


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1 minute ago, wwhickok said:

Talent wise, it's an excellent pick.

Everyone has their own reasons for picking guys. That's your choice. It's your team and you get to build it how you want. Lamb, regardless of what I think of the pick, is gonna help you succeed and at the end of the day that's all that should matter, not my opinion. But my opinion isn't gonna change. They're not meant as any level of disrespect


It's fine, just explaining on our end, part of what went into the decision, plus best player available usually wins out imo 

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6 minutes ago, SwoleXmad said:

1. huh

2. He sucked he was just really good at pulling the Jesus Juice out of his ***.

3. He produced a movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run_the_Race 


So why Jodelle,

1. Huge crush

2. Chose her as my character in a mafia game

3. Used a made up persona associated with her and said character to be much nicer in mafia games 

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So why Jodelle,

1. Huge crush

2. Chose her as my character in a mafia game

3. Used a made up persona associated with her and said character to be much nicer in mafia games 



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