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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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5 minutes ago, Dome said:


This is petty as hell, but I'm not going to allow you to continue to warp reality and put other people down for YOUR mistake.


Please don't deny what I'm about to say, because I've already provided the evidence below.


1) You told Woz he was being forced to play.

2) You again tell Woz he is being forced to play.

3) Woz says he won't be doing the minimum.

4) You include Woz in the signup list.

5) Woz says he doesn't appreciate being forced into games and posted his role PM


You've been trashing him for that for FAR too long.  It was just as much your fault. Read these posts, they are the entirety of Woz's posts. 







**** off dodo

Woz said in his PM to me he would play

Posted in the thread he would do less than malf (means he is playing)

Posted as if he was playing 

Someone suggested modkilling himself then he did.  


He could have said no in his PM to me 

He could have said no in the thread 

After he received his PM he could have said no

What did he do once he received his PM....he put in like 5 different moves for n1.  


Shut the ******* hell up when talking about **** that you

1. have no knowledge of

2. Have no business to discuss 

3.  Again have no knowledge of


Did you know that woz told me after the siege of Gotham game that he would play in my next game bc he ghosted the first few day of SoG.  No you didn't know that did you.  



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8 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Woz outted the entire game setup and allowed everyone to find out they were all survivors. You can't reveal more than that.  The game was ruined from that point on.  

I also did not post my PM so what I say in the thread means nothing.  


the game wasnt ruined. it was changed 

and eventually, we worked together but dr. pickle had to randomize the deaths

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Such language pickle, such language.

I'm sure you're making most of that up and since I've already proven you wrong with facts that you ignored, I'll concede that you win the no-rules debate we were about to have.


Have a nice day. 

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

i kinda belive daboyle

I mean, it's a pretty crappy role if it's true, but it's also one that's easy to prove isn't it? If it's real, he needs to send a PM to like, 1 of like 6 people or so and then it can be confirmed to clear him.

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2 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

I mean, it's a pretty crappy role if it's true, but it's also one that's easy to prove isn't it? If it's real, he needs to send a PM to like, 1 of like 6 people or so and then it can be confirmed to clear him.

unless those ppl are converted, and would confirm

daboyle is either civ(90 percent sure) or cult (10 percent sure)

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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Did you know that woz told me after the siege of Gotham game that he would play in my next game bc he ghosted the first few day of SoG.  No you didn't know that did you.  

I'm sure an off the cuff "sure, next time" commitment to a "DATE TBA" game made months in advance holds up months down the road with no other conisderations.

And if this is true, why did you use the word "force" when you signed up Woz? You said he was being "forced" to play ... that's YOUR word.


Was he being forced, or did he agree to play?

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15 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Woz outted the entire game setup and allowed everyone to find out they were all survivors. You can't reveal more than that.  The game was ruined from that point on.  

I also did not post my PM so what I say in the thread means nothing.  


Cause you forced him to play.

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