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1 minute ago, Dome said:

I feel like this is going to continue spreading through grocery stores until we shut down


The problem is, we kind of need groceries.  It's not like people have massive gardens (especially in March), or know how to hunt.  Grocery stores have to stay open.

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12 hours ago, theJ said:

No soup for you?

No soup for her...

well, she can have soup. She’s just gonna have to find some way to cut up a boneless breast at home. 

if she has a butter knife, she can make it work 

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1 minute ago, theJ said:

The problem is, we kind of need groceries.  It's not like people have massive gardens (especially in March), or know how to hunt.  Grocery stores have to stay open.

And when those people start becoming too ill to work because they’re contacting hundred of people who aren’t worried about spreading because they don’t feel sick?

thata my concern, well over half our checkers are in their 60s

im the only butcher at our store under 50, and the other two have health issues already 

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15 minutes ago, Dome said:

And when those people start becoming too ill to work because they’re contacting hundred of people who aren’t worried about spreading because they don’t feel sick?

thata my concern, well over half our checkers are in their 60s

im the only butcher at our store under 50, and the other two have health issues already 

So, i get your point.  And this might come across as callous, but there are plenty of servers out of work right now.

We have people available to man these positions, and they can realistically be trained quickly.  My local walmart put out an ad for help yesterday, hiring on the spot.

I think it's solvable.  But the grocery stores have to remain open, no matter what.  Or else this gets a whole lot worse.

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8 minutes ago, holt_bruce81 said:

Dude on Facebook is saying we should return to normal because there have been over 50,000 (pretty sure the article is old) people who have recovered from the Virus. 


Unless he’s an epidemiologist I’m not sure why anyone would care what his opinion is.

Unfortunately people like him generally lack that type of basic self awareness.

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3 minutes ago, theJ said:

So, i get your point.  And this might come across as callous, but there are plenty of servers out of work right now.

We have people available to man these positions, and they can realistically be trained quickly.  My local walmart put out an ad for help yesterday, hiring on the spot.

So did all our big stores in the area 

im worried about the small stores in small towns where the selection of man power is limited to a couple thousand residents, but people from the big city are still coming in droves because they want to get out of the city to shop 


I don’t know that our town has the population to support a big turnover like that, especially if the people who could do it have already got jobs at the bigger stores

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What do people think of the speculation that the Coronavirus has already hit way before this?  I was reading some speculation that this came around this time last year and my own personal experience has me hoping it's true.  February 2019 I was hit with the NASTIEST respiratory infection and nastiest sickness of my life.  Tested negative for influenza, but I felt like I was going to die.  So much phlegm I could fill a milk gallon, zero energy, zero appetite.  Had to be put on steroids to recover.  

Same time February this year same thing.  Only difference this year is that I've been taking Allegra and it kept my sinuses from being way loaded.  Managed to recover in about a week. 

Wishful thinking? 

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13 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Unless he’s an epidemiologist I’m not sure why anyone would care what his opinion is.

Unfortunately people like him generally lack that type of basic self awareness.

Sorry, wasn't trying to insinuate anyone should care, i just thought it was funny how dumb some people are. 

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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

What do people think of the speculation that the Coronavirus has already hit way before this?  I was reading some speculation that this came around this time last year and my own personal experience has me hoping it's true.  February 2019 I was hit with the NASTIEST respiratory infection and nastiest sickness of my life.  Tested negative for influenza, but I felt like I was going to die.  So much phlegm I could fill a milk gallon, zero energy, zero appetite.  Had to be put on steroids to recover.  

Same time February this year same thing.  Only difference this year is that I've been taking Allegra and it kept my sinuses from being way loaded.  Managed to recover in about a week. 

Wishful thinking? 

I’ve been hearing much of the same. I had one of the worst cough/colds of all time this winter. So did my boss, his was so bad he thought he was going to die (he’s a lifetime smoker)... he’s an incredibly stoic guy, for him to come out and tell me after he thought he was dying, he must have really been scared 


but I think it’s wishful thinking. 

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2 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

What do people think of the speculation that the Coronavirus has already hit way before this?  I was reading some speculation that this came around this time last year and my own personal experience has me hoping it's true.  February 2019 I was hit with the NASTIEST respiratory infection and nastiest sickness of my life.  Tested negative for influenza, but I felt like I was going to die.  So much phlegm I could fill a milk gallon, zero energy, zero appetite.  Had to be put on steroids to recover.  

Same time February this year same thing.  Only difference this year is that I've been taking Allegra and it kept my sinuses from being way loaded.  Managed to recover in about a week. 

Wishful thinking? 

No I think it’s entirely possible. If the current patient zero goes back to mid November in Wuhan, no way has that not gotten around the world before now. 

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5 hours ago, Tugboat said:

Things are getting crazy here, North of the Border too.  Pics from Friday were absolutely bonkers.  Dodged all the early weekend panic by doing some shopping Sunday afteroon, and it was kinda apocalyptic.  Empty shelves abound except at Costco.  But also...barely anybody there, way less than normal so that was nice.  Grabbed the things i wanted.  Though i had some emergency supplies anyway.

The crazy thing to me, was that it was tons of like...short-term spoil stuff that was gone most places.  Like Milk and Fruits don't last that long.  If you have to hunker down, i guess maybe get a last hurrah in...but lol.  You can't hoard that stuff.

But also pasta was gone (except for the weird ones), and totally out of "preserved bread products", but flour and yeast was still fully stocked.  Pandemics are complicated in an idiotic way.


You can freeze milk for sure. Dairy holds well frozen, just loses some quality 

fruit likewise holds well frozen, just like vegetables. Not forever obviously but nothing can be frozen forever. 

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My hotel is shutting down breakfast.  Going to go bags and pre-filled coffee. 

Boss asked me if I want to work if the hotel gets shut down.  I'd be able to bring my dogs in and hang out at an empty hotel.  I was like hell damn yes, I'm watching The Shining. 

This is all very surreal. 

Once this all gets cleared up I am becoming a prepper.  Gonna use my office as storage.  Canned chicken, SPAM, toilet paper...

Buying all the movies I don't yet have that I want.

Getting myself a solar generator. 

Couple more video games. 

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1 minute ago, Chiefer said:

You can freeze milk for sure. Dairy holds well frozen, just loses some quality 

I don’t like milk all that more, and I definitely don’t like milk that’s been frozen. My grandma used to do that and it’s noticable

no idea about cheeses and yogurts 

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5 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

What do people think of the speculation that the Coronavirus has already hit way before this?  I was reading some speculation that this came around this time last year and my own personal experience has me hoping it's true.  February 2019 I was hit with the NASTIEST respiratory infection and nastiest sickness of my life.  Tested negative for influenza, but I felt like I was going to die.  So much phlegm I could fill a milk gallon, zero energy, zero appetite.  Had to be put on steroids to recover.  

Same time February this year same thing.  Only difference this year is that I've been taking Allegra and it kept my sinuses from being way loaded.  Managed to recover in about a week. 

Wishful thinking? 

Yeah I've heard that as well. And I kind of dealt with the same thing. a few months ago I had the worst respiratory infection I can remember. My cough sounded like I was going to die. And it was the dry cough everyone is talking about.

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