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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 hours ago, mission27 said:


Interesting article...


these are the sort of mutations I'd personally have expected to be  more prevalent in the population of cases because of natural selection factors

So... If I'm reading this correctly this mutation is a weaker stain of the virus correct?

So my question is... Is it possible to intentionally make that strain of the virus become the dominant strain? Meaning we intentionally spread the weaker strain and try to phase out the stronger strains?

I honestly have no idea if that's possible or not so I'm genuinely curious.

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A security guard at a family Dollar in Flint, MI was killed for refusing to let someone enter because they weren't wearing a mask.

Absolutely pathetic and unfortunately it's probably only the beginning of this kind of stuff.

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19 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

God forbid kids get the virus with that 99.999% survival rate for them.

We have to go back to them being hungry because their parents can't feed them, abused because their parents are cooped up with them and the mental strain on them not being able to socialize. 

There is literally a child abuse pandemic going on because of this, but God forbid kids get the virus because their parents go to work. 

In the case of Covid-19, the cure is worse than the disease.  Children and parents of children (20-30) aren't any less likely to die from the virus than any other number of ways they could die, and if they are more likely, it's probably a 2% higher likelihood.  So we're risking mental strain, hunger, poverty and abuse for the ~2 percent chance their parents might die? 

I have worked normal hours since this has started.  I've kept my distance from others, washed my hands frequently, sanitized surfaces religiously and doubled my cleanliness at work.  Thankfully I haven't gotten it (that I'm aware of), and God willing I won't, but if we're keeping the country shut down for the safety of children who have some 99.99% survival rate, the virus has already won. 

Like hell, man.  This isn't a zombie apocalypse.  This can't go on forever.  Take stronger precautions and get to work. 

I agree with this.  And those who don't want to return are free to make that choice as well. 

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18 hours ago, mistakey said:

lockdowns should be applied in order to keep peaks of hospital usage from overwhelming hospitals.  if an areas hospitals are in danger of being overrun, then the municipality should step in and lock stuff down.  this in conjunction with the 2 or so months that we've been locked down in order to give the sciences a chance to get a head start on finding a therapeutic.  lockdowns wont be able to go on much longer though.  hopefully the scientists come thru in the clutch.

And this was the main point...or at least their initial point on why we were locked down in the first place.  Anywhere where the hospital census is low they need to open up and like you said, if it begins to trend up again, you lock down again, rinse and repeat. 

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18 hours ago, Glen said:

Also I enjoy choice one

We just go back to work and kill grandma.

I mean really, screw her anyways.

You know in that scenario you don't have to go out right, you can stay home and not risk infecting anyone else...not everyone has the same concerns/situation/etc. 

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18 hours ago, theJ said:

Yeah this seems intuitively wrong.  We plateaued on daily new cases at around 30k/day at the beginning of April, and it hasn't really changed since then.  How is that going to balloon to 200k/day in the next month?  I don't see that.

Gotta keep the people in line somehow with a scary narrative! 

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16 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'm asking about the context for this figure again. What assumptions did the UN make when they projected this?

I don't know the context, but what I can say from experience in NJ is that 1. They are starting to limit meat products at nearly all stores which creates issues for big families (for example my step mother was only allowed to buy 1 package of chicken breasts for a family of 6) and 2. the price of meat products have nearly tripled if not more.  

Not saying meat is 100% necessary to survive (it is and don't tell me otherwise...B|) but now you have millions out of work relying on government assistance + food getting much more expensive...this does not end in a good place. 

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10 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Gotta keep the people in line somehow with a scary narrative! 

I have a friend who has soaked up every single one of these fear science narratives.  Like he's literally afraid that his neighbors will open a window, and the virus will carry through the air 75' to his house because he read an article about how the virus can survive in the air.

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16 hours ago, mission27 said:

Yep its messed up

We need to focus on the real issues here like nursing homes instead of a borderline religious focus on the blunt instrument approach of lockdown.  Lockdown was needed in some areas and gave us some time to triage the situation and learn, but it cant go on forever and was never meant to go on forever

If even Newsom is willing to start opening things back up, then the radicals have lost the war,

Not NJ baby, we go extreme! 

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1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

I don't know the context, but what I can say from experience in NJ is that 1. They are starting to limit meat products at nearly all stores which creates issues for big families (for example my step mother was only allowed to buy 1 package of chicken breasts for a family of 6) and 2. the price of meat products have nearly tripled if not more.  

Not saying meat is 100% necessary to survive (it is and don't tell me otherwise...B|) but now you have millions out of work relying on government assistance + food getting much more expensive...this does not end in a good place. 

It starts with meat, and spreads to other products because people panic buy them.  "I can't buy meat, so i'm going to buy 20 cans of beans so i have protein".  20 people do that, and the store is out of beans for a day.

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12 minutes ago, theJ said:

I have a friend who has soaked up every single one of these fear science narratives.  Like he's literally afraid that his neighbors will open a window, and the virus will carry through the air 75' to his house because he read an article about how the virus can survive in the air.

My wife's best friend has been similar and completely crumbled.  Shes a mess and legit afraid to be outside.  I do feel bad as I am sure there are thousands or maybe tens/hundreds who feel this way. 

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11 minutes ago, theJ said:

It starts with meat, and spreads to other products because people panic buy them.  "I can't buy meat, so i'm going to buy 20 cans of beans so i have protein".  20 people do that, and the store is out of beans for a day.

Yup, now that TP is back in stock people are doing just that.  It is a shame. 

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1 hour ago, acowboys62 said:

Gotta keep the people in line somehow with a scary narrative! 

Bro im as anarchocurious as they come and am very skeptical of govts taking power now but the reality of the situation is this disease has shut down the entire world and spreads like wildfire.  It needs no narrative to make reality scary. There are no good outcomes until 

1. an effective therapeutic that reduces the death rate

2. all the bad outcomes occur and we get herd immunity

3.  A combination of 1 and 2 until we get a vaccine

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16 minutes ago, mistakey said:

Bro im as anarchocurious as they come and am very skeptical of govts taking power now but the reality of the situation is this disease has shut down the entire world and spreads like wildfire.  It needs no narrative to make reality scary. There are no good outcomes until 

1. an effective therapeutic that reduces the death rate

2. all the bad outcomes occur and we get herd immunity

3.  A combination of 1 and 2 until we get a vaccine

Yeah but a dose of realism would go a long way for the hypochondriacs of the world.  Like there's really no chance at all the virus is going to escape your neighbors window and float 75' through your open window where you inhale it and catch it.  But because some of out of context report issued a month ago, there are people literally afraid to take a walk down the sidewalk because their neighbor walked through there 15 minutes ago and might have breathed out the virus.

Yeah it's scary stuff, but sometimes i feel like i'm in a 1800's historical novel with people believing in Miasma's again.  

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