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13 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Plenty of people are questioning many of the restrictions that have been put in place and there's plenty of blowback, there's nothing wrong with that

I don't think anyone is saying you are a horrible person if you question these restrictions. 

I do think people will judge others who make a mountain out of a molehill and refuse to take basic, low cost, sensible public health measures like wearing masks that we are all being asked to take (temporarily) in order for us to get back to our lives.  Going back to your life and being asked to wear a mask at Walmart for a few months is such a huge improvement over how most of us are living right now and I don't get why its such a flash point for some people

You must not use Facebook

I would be fine using masks if it allows things to get opened up

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15 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

that was specifically regarding fireworks in a large, metropolitan area with around 600k people.  How do you enforce/control that type of a situation? Applying context makes that more reasonable.  If this was in corn country perhaps that’s a bit much.

Some of these regulations aren’t hard to figure out for some of us and don’t need “questioning”.  Not aiming this at you per se, but I’ve noticed there’s a hell of a correlation between the people who feel the need to question these guidelines and a general lack of understanding regarding Covid and healthcare in general.

I’m assuming you meant “don’t make me uneasy”?

What am I supposed to be uneasy about?  Sitting in my living room?  Getting takeout as opposed to eating in a restaurant?  Missing parades and Oktoberfest?  Idk man, compared to ish asked of previous generations (‘Nam, World wars, famine, etc), sitting on the couch chopping it up with you fellas ain’t so bad.  I mean, it’s been 2 months ffs.



Not sure if serious

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Facts. My ethics are buried out back next to the cure for cancer.


And if it makes anyone else feel better, scientists are way meaner to other scientists. I've written stuff and gotten comments back in Word that say "Explain to me why this is wrong." No additional context.

No joke. Scientists can be huge pricks to each other. It's what happens when swinging D gets replaced with swinging brain size as far as working atmosphere goes. 

The cancer thing kills me. I've had that conversation more times than I can admit and there is one thing I will always say to people who believe Big Pharma is hiding the cure for cancer.

What do big pharmaceutical companies like more than anything else? Money! and what can't people spend on drugs when they are dead? Money! The money people pay for surgery/radiation and chemotherapy treatments is a drop in the bucket compared to what older people pay in pills and treatments. Trust me, pharmaceutical companies want you to get old. They want you to live a long time, people who are alive can always get sick again. 

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8 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Excellent response.

You don't have any issue with the government shutting businesses down? Is the government going to give up all of their control when this is all done?

I take it back,  that's not brave

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Just now, vikesfan89 said:

You don't have any issue with the government shutting businesses down? Is the government going to give up all of their control when this is all done?

I take it back,  that's not brave

They have already started giving it back in some states....I'm not sure what you think is going to happen?

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16 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

What am I supposed to be uneasy about?  Sitting in my living room?  Getting takeout as opposed to eating in a restaurant?  Missing parades and Oktoberfest?  Idk man, compared to ish asked of previous generations (‘Nam, World wars, famine, etc), sitting on the couch chopping it up with you fellas ain’t so bad.  I mean, it’s been 2 months ffs.


I hate this argument because this isn't what we're talking about.  Nobody is devastated because they have to sit on their couch for a couple of months.  People are devastated because of the potentially ruinous impact on our economic future and extended social isolation are serious tbh.  We should not minimize the impact this is having on people's lives.  I know people who have lost dream job or educational opportunities, people with mental health issues who are now confined to their home and considering self harm, people who have lost relationships or been isolated from loved ones, people who have had loved ones die from non-COVID related causes and couldn't be with them because the restrictions, people who had to cancel or postpone weddings and other major life events, the list goes on and on.  And this is from the perspective of someone living in a rich country, I can't imagine what people in developing countries are going through and will continue to go through.  The impact of this will be long lasting for many.  This is all very serious and just as traumatic for a lot of people as death, physical illness, injury, or the loss of a loved one. 

Its kind of like going to jail for six months or a year.  Yes its temporary and its not the end of your life usually, but its incredibly traumatic and has long lasting impacts.  Think about it as everyone in the world is going to jail for six months or a year, with no definite release date, for something that wasn't their fault.  People have a right to be upset and question what is or isn't worth it.  Its equally fair to criticize someone who refuses to wear a mask and be part of a constructive solution to getting back to our lives.  I just think the "this isn't WW2" narrative is total BS.

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2 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

They have already started giving it back in some states....I'm not sure what you think is going to happen?

Maybe they'll give it all back now.  It'll be awfully easy to take it all back if they want to

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Just now, vikesfan89 said:

You don't have any issue with the government shutting businesses down?

right now?  No.  And what businesses are shut down?  It’s business that present the highest risk to public safety.  Not all business has been shut down. I’ve never worked more.

Just now, vikesfan89 said:

Is the government going to give up all of their control when this is all done?

Of course not, why would they?  The fact they were able to shut things down makes it pretty apparent they’ve always had this power, they just chose not to exercise it.

If you’re asking do I think they’re going to stop exercising their power when able?  Yeah, why wouldn’t they?  Who does it serve to shut things down for no reason?

Just now, vikesfan89 said:

I take it back,  that's not brave

And neither is this “but what if” slippery slope local fallacy that some folks have in their heads.

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

right now?  No.  And what businesses are shut down?  It’s business that present the highest risk to public safety.  Not all business has been shut down. I’ve never worked more.


The highest risk or the businesses that we can technically live without?

Are OK with these places shutting down permanently instead of having the option of opening with social distancing?

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Just now, vikesfan89 said:

The highest risk or the businesses that we can technically live without?

Are OK with these places shutting down permanently instead of having the option of opening with social distancing?

I don't think we are talking about shutting down any business permanently.  And outside of the very highest risk, least essential businesses (cruise ships, nightclubs, and live events with fans) everything else is pretty much being reopened with distancing within the next month or two everywhere in the US. 

There was definitely a narrative a month ago that we could lockdown for 18 months but that was always crazy and no state or country is pursuing that strategy.

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16 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

didn't know that it wasn't made up of people

It's people expressing their flawed viewpoints with no consequences. 

Half the stuff said on Facebook would get someone punched in the face. That's a deterrent to saying stupid things. Facebook took the deterrent away, and now we have people who are in no position to share their opinion on anything sharing their opinions on everything.

That's just not good.

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