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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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On D1 when Mwil was going on about inactives i dont believe he ever tried or wanted to push TLO.

Then after tagging TLO a bunch he asked for a recap and then never comes back on. Today and yesterday also Mwil would routinely vote him and then move off

So part of it comes down to a connection to Mwil and the other is how he has played or not played

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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

No clue who he is. Anyone with knowledge of the show got info on this guy?

Also anyone who wants to CC this claim feel free to vote Swoosh.

I can fill you in. It means you were wrong and should change your sig asap. 

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2 minutes ago, swoosh said:

i'm barry burkowski, the money man. dolla dolla bills ya'll.

each night i can conduct a financial analysis of one player to determine if they're up to shady business.

n1 - pwny - no shady business; also was told he's pretty poor. poor kid.

n2 - malf - shady business offshore. hence my posts earlier on malf. 

@Slappy Mc

100% town

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Does anyone know if Malfs claim and Swoosh's claim ever worked together? Malf seemed intent on that.

also worth noting this is exactly why I didn't want to claim. I tried to google that but couldn't come up to much. they're both in season 1, but not much info besides that of their connection.

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