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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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2 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Also I'm fairly certain sanchez is town.  He does not have a violent past 

I agree. We should probably go with Counselor since his scum faction has fake claims, see how he flips in terms of role, and when he’s not vanilla, go after the GF Orca/Jason Bly.

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

But if he isnt, he could have been tracked and would he this early with 19 people left and an even night tracker most likley out there risk that?

the alternative is go with his original plan to cc me, and then easily get lynched

its a calculated risk that could also expose abother power role

sanchez claim doesnt add up to me. He magically watched slappy because he "saw a weird post" and "it was the first post he saw", but then had reasonble watch targets the other nights?

hes caught

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:


Point of contention from the other day.

Jason Bly, unlikely ally or bad guy? 

I wanna know what a fellow knowledgable guy about the show thinks?

If Agent Harris wasn't Unlikely Ally, then Bly definitely wouldn't be. That doesn't mean Government-aligned is necessarily anti-town though.... 

If I was making the game, I would have Harris, Lane, Bly and Siebels as neutral government, and I would have Carla, Cowan and Perry Clark as Management. But I could definitely see the game being made with government+management being anti-town. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

He is a bad guy in season 1.

Absolutely! It also means Counselor is lying about only Lane and Harris being Town friendly masons. Bly is scum government, guarantee anti Westen after everything he did to Madeline, Michael, Fiona, and Sam.

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