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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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6 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Why Racks over Counselor? Or Mookie for that matter?


1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Slappy, have I been wrong yet?

Counselor outed the government claim when most (even me) thought they were scum. He wouldnt do that as scum. He was basically willing to kill himself at that point. Most of what he was saying is true and 100% he used a move on me D1 based on how he revealed it and counterclaiming Matts...he isnt scum imo

If everyone said Government was town friendly and then he claimed...maybe 

As is let's step away from Counselor and onto Racks please :)B|


I really feel ontop of claims, alignments and night info we need to look at posting as well. What was said, how it was said, and when it was said. Counselor passes that test imo. We know there are red herring roles and moves so that falls in line with what Counselor says as well

Rags is passing out mojitos and getti g info somehow. He is clearing Mookie and Squire

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Just now, MWil23 said:


Certainly not in Season 1. That’s the ONLY CONTEXT of this setup.

Bly has history before the show begins that should be taken into count and most definitely would be an unlikely ally imo.  

Carla actually helps Michael on a few of his side projects if I remember right 

@Heimdallr am I remembering that right, was that seems 1 or 2? 

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Bly has history before the show begins that should be taken into count and most definitely would be an unlikely ally imo.  

Carla actually helps Michael on a few of his side projects if I remember right 

@Heimdallr am I remembering that right, was that seems 1 or 2? 

Carla isn't introduced until season 2.

Their presence is implied, but management/Carla aren't actually in season 1

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3 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Carla actually helps Michael on a few of his side projects if I remember right 


Absolutely Not. She’s only on the phone season 1, which ends with Michael driving into a semi as she makes him.

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6 minutes ago, The Orca said:


I really feel ontop of claims, alignments and night info we need to look at posting as well. What was said, how it was said, and when it was said. Counselor passes that test imo. We know there are red herring roles and moves so that falls in line with what Counselor says as well

Rags is passing out mojitos and getti g info somehow. He is clearing Mookie and Squire

So everyone have a damn mojito and let's figure out who isn't Westen/U.A. aligned. 

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16 hours ago, squire12 said:

It was something that has been stewing in my  mind for a good portion of this day.  I don't know anything about how the various alignments might work together.   So at this point, westen aligned is who I will not vote for, anyone not that alignment is a good vote IMO


16 hours ago, The Orca said:

Horrible logic. Did you read the opening post? You should listen to people with knowledge of the show 


16 hours ago, squire12 said:

If I had the time or the desire to do so, it might happen.  Until then, I will not rely on how I think the show needs to fit the game as set up by the host.  

Someone I think is not Westen aligned will get my vote.  If you .... or anyone has a compelling case for someone, then make the case and I will consider it


16 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

You read the OP? 


16 hours ago, squire12 said:



16 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:



16 hours ago, squire12 said:

I am not sure what this is supposed mean.


16 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:


so are you really scum or just lazy town? 


16 hours ago, squire12 said:

so you are saying that government aligned is = unlikely allies aligned?


15 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

No.  I think government aligned is it's own alignment but is highly likely to be indy and not harmful to town


you gonna address the problem with your posts yet?


15 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Hello noble town member.  How are you this fine day?


15 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Pickle, focus elsewhere.


15 hours ago, squire12 said:

what's the problem with my posts?


15 hours ago, The Orca said:

Read the opening post


15 hours ago, squire12 said:

just here fighting the good fight


15 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

You think westen aligned are the only town members 


15 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Take the damn hint and move on.


15 hours ago, squire12 said:

he is slow.   you need to give him time.   horse to water and getting them to drink type stuff.

speaking of drink, getting thirsty here



15 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Mojito time!


15 hours ago, squire12 said:

I don't know.   IF they are not my alignment, then they will certainly be high on the list for getting a vote from me.   How hard is that to fathom?



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