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Shady Slim

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mission's fireside chat with @FinneasGage@Shady Slim and @TLO with production credits. 


TheSmugKing just landed.04/19/2020



[12:41 AM]

mission has a board meeting at 9am tomorrow but we could start our fireside C and then pick it up again later to finish it off


aight i'm down to start

[12:41 AM]

do we wanna do Q&A **** or just me and you talking transcript style

[12:42 AM]

not so much focusing on me but moreso me and you just talking?


I'd say a combo

[12:42 AM]

true fireside chat style, but let the people get to know fin

[12:42 AM]

the way i know fin


alright then i'll let you lead it


jfin its so nice to be with you for a fireside chat again after so many years

[12:43 AM]

do you remember the last time we did one of these?


yeah i was a senior in high school and had been dumped by this little jewish chick whose dad hated me. i remember being in a [spam] with you and TLO doing a fireside chat like the same day that **** happened.

[12:45 AM]

i wanna say 2014


that sucks when a relationship ends like that but at least you didnt have to hold back & could gloat about banging his daughter right


nah i actually just listened to fem music and pretty much ignored all my homies and stayed at the crib for like two weeks talking to you and TLO lol

[12:48 AM]

my behavior was embarrassing tbh


thats a way to do it too. i remember when tlo broke up with am2 tbh. he was a totally ***** about it

[12:48 AM]

mission is going through a similar situation rn as you know, due to the probable death of someone very close to him

[12:48 AM]

from the Wuhan


you gotta be a ***** and then have some self realization **** it's a part of it i think


100% true

[12:49 AM]

its like the stages of grief

[12:49 AM]

stage 1 is being a *****

[12:49 AM]

last stage is you find a better piece of *** over the rainbow i guess

[12:49 AM]

so if you were a senior in high school in 2014 that puts you around 23-24 yeah?


yeah i'm 24 now

[12:50 AM]

been on FF since i was 14 i guess


so you're more a part of TLO's generation than mission's generation tbh

[12:50 AM]

although I'm only a few years older but those years hurt

[12:51 AM]

what direction are you going rn? i heard back in the day someone said you were trying to become an occupational therapist but idk if that was bs


i'm doing this while that chick with the armpit hair is talking to me btw so i'm kinda like half paying attention to both of your questions honestly lol


ah yes, the armpit hair chick

[12:52 AM]

what is it with these girls who think the best way to get to know somebody is 20 questions tbh?

[12:53 AM]

I've gotta say the jfin - mission fireside chats are much more natural flowing than any Tinder convo these days tbh


nah that's bull**** lmao. i don't man the past two years i ****ed around more than i ever have in my life. i kinda lost all direction. i just graduated and am gonna be going back for my masters, but right now i'm working a bull**** job and pretty much just going to house parties or just seshes w/ homies every night, so i should probably stop being a lazy piece of **** soon

[12:56 AM]

i don't know man i've never really had the 20 questions type ****. most chicks just talk about themselves and i kinda just go "yeah" every 30 seconds or so


thats a solid approach

[12:57 AM]

I'm still not sure whats in it for us rn given the quarantine situation

[12:57 AM]

hypothetically, would you meet up with this girl if she was down?

[12:57 AM]

or are you pro quarantine


nah this chick is right next to me on the couch she's a friend of someone who lives with me. currently have 6 dudes living in the house i'm at and there's usually hella people over here so a lotta prospects are rolling thru pretty regularly


but we're talking more bench players than studs right

[12:59 AM]



100% there's some rare studs that come thru but there's no 1st or 2nd rounders that are currently at the crib


thats always how it is right. they never come to you

[1:00 AM]

youve gotta seek them out

[1:00 AM]

mission loads up on 1st round picks and then trades them away like belichick


nah it's pretty rare i'm doing any seeking out, i usually just talk to the ones that are ******* with me

[1:02 AM]

how does the trading work?


you have a good one and you **** it up because you'd rather hook up with 4 other trashy bimbos than be locked down

[1:03 AM]

but youve gotta use the draft pick value board thing to make a call on that

[1:03 AM]

this one i just ****ed up was #1 overall pick level. **** man. this lockdown sucks

[1:03 AM]

how are you handling the lockdown?


lol i respect the hustle i'm lazy af when it comes to that kinda ****

[1:05 AM]

it's kind of annoying dealing with the curfew because i gotta wait til 5am to leave people's houses cause the cops are ridiculous around here about stopping people, but that's really the only thing


thats solid

[1:05 AM]

tbh i dont think anyone even knows what team you are a fan of speaking of draft picks


i think everyone knows i'm a packers fan tbh


well **** me

[1:06 AM]

who are you guys going to draft tbh


probably some bull**** like ezra cleveland or jordan love just to infuriate me


do you still **** with the nfl draft? I feel like the MoL has completely lost touch with our nfl draft roots on this site. like I couldnt name any prospect outside of the QBs


it's still my favorite thing in sports yeah. the nfl draft and the nba draft get me hyper than any game. i make a big *** big board every year for no reason.

[1:10 AM]

i have a minor in sports management so i'm still kinda hopeful maybe i can squeak into that career field somehow

[1:12 AM]

last year i volunteered at **** with like the orlando apollos and the magic like every week and met some people in those organizations but then i stopped responding to their messages cause i got lazy and love to **** up opportunities i guess


when do you think sports are coming back?


**** hopefully like early winter. i think we still got UFC coming back shortly so i'm not really stressing


so have you had the corona yet?


maybe bro. like before people were taking it seriously in the states this chick got sent outta Europe on her study abroad or whatever and was staying at our crib. I accidentally put her contacts in at one point and we played basketball with her and i was aggressively posting up and **** so i might've caught it there because i was having some shortness of breath in the following days. but i don't know. there's been some other things that i've looked back on as being less than safe and kinda wondering if i might have it. but probably not nah. hbu?


damn. did you get pink eye? they're saying the eyes are a big way the Wuhan gets into you

[1:25 AM]

mission was exposed many times over the past 3 months between his travels, China contacts, and that chick I was telling you about

[1:25 AM]

so probably yes


nah luckily i didn't get any eye infections. i was definitely spooked tho.

[1:26 AM]

lmao it happens i guess


whats gonna be your first move when this is all over, other than upgrading from the armpit chick who I assume is an UDFA?


i mean she's aiiiiight. if there was no armpit hair i'd say she's a 7, but dudes clown me for being overly generous with my grades. bro there was this chair in my neighborhood that i wanted to cop but it wouldn't fit in my car. so like she opened her door (she was in my passenger seat we had just went to publix) and held it but wasn't strong enough so i had to reach like under her arm and also pull this chair in while i was driving thru my neighborhood to get to my house. the entire ~2 minutes my forearm was pressed into her armpit and i was just like fuuuuuuuuck


jesus christ

[1:32 AM]

thats pretty rough


but i'm gonna hopefully be starting the internship i got lined up by then. i don't really have any major moves lined up or anything. i'm definitely pumped to go back and start meeting people again cause i've been talking to the same girls for like 2 months now or whatever it's been


is the airpit hair like stubly or does she have full on long hairs like you can see them through her shirt level


it's more than stubble but you can't see it unless her arms are up, it's not like seeping out or anything


yeah I mean thats not ideal but I see why youd overlook that in these trying times

[1:38 AM]

do you ever miss the old forums?


definitely not from a technical stand point. i miss a lotta the old crew. FF maybe felt like a 2nd friend group back then because there were periods where i couldn't leave the house much back in like high school and **** so i was on way more and playing like call of duty and burnout with dudes on here.


did you have polio or something?

[1:42 AM]

I guess that must have prepared you for this situation right


nah i'd just do dumb stuff a lot or i'd be bogged down with school **** and toggling between that and FF way more. once i got to college the workload got super light and wasn't on the computer as much and FF pretty much became something that i quickly peak at on my phone to kill a minute or two


yeah mission was very active on FF during high school and college because it was better than paying attention in class but slowly became less active post college

[1:45 AM]

although I'd like to think the MoL has made a solid comeback lately

[1:45 AM]

those were the days though, when we were running with swoosh and co.


i agree FF is starting to feel like what i considered the prime days with a resurgence from you and TLO


If there's one silver lining from all this...

[1:47 AM]

so did you see the Shady interview?


yeah that period where me, you, TLO, VCP were all super active was fun. it felt like a fun little thing where we'd always try to win whatever riff we were kinda doing. or at least i'd try to "win" lol. my effort in posting has bottomed out

[1:49 AM]

i saw the part i was tagged in, but nah i didn't get a chance to actually read the whole thing. i might go read it now actually


did you know you were Shady's second choice to be host of this ****?

[1:49 AM]

he said you remind him of Joe Rogan

[1:50 AM]

are you at all bummed mission accepted the role?


i don't know how tf i'd remind anyone of joe rogan thru the **** i post on this site lol

[1:51 AM]

nah 100% would not take on this role. if i have a commitment to something i end up ******* despising it within like a week

[1:52 AM]

who do you think would be best in your role? not like one of your buddies on the site, but someone else.


yeah I mean between this, posting the daily MoL scores, hosting mafia, dealing with tinder hoes, and working round the clock mission has a lot of commitments rn. this lockdown is no vacation

[1:53 AM]

good question. idk. i do think youd do a good job, because you can bring the zufälligkeit


kudos man that's good ****. having responsibilities just stresses me out


but outside of you and TLO and shady.... probably Malf maybe?

[1:54 AM]

idk if he counts because we are sort of buddies, but we aren't tight in the same way you know? he is more neutral like switzerland

[1:54 AM]

iPwn did a solid interview of TLO and I when we were going to host the TASTYs and then he ****ed us in the ***


i think malf would actually be really good at this ****

[1:54 AM]

honestly Outpost would be ******* ridiculously good at it tho


probably true but he is a real antagonizer of the MoL which honestly I dont get it


it's his role on the forum


of all the folks you TLO and I ran with who would you say are the 2 or 3 that came closest to our level at their peak?

[1:57 AM]

like if we're doing a mt. rushmore who gets on that mountain next to the three of us


VCP no doubt

[1:58 AM]

besides you he's the guy i think i did the most fun **** with back on the old forum


yeah I'd tend to agree although swoosh as probably close for a moment

[1:59 AM]

but VCP was nearly on our level pure talent wise, like he couldve done this interview **** quite well

[1:59 AM]

I sometimes wonder if we went too far w his sister tbh


i still have a lot of me and VCP's PM exchanges in my saved messages on the old forum lol because they killed me at the time


oh **** can you still log in and see those?


yeah lol. imma go back and see if i got any of ours saved


you know who I'd probably put as #1 of the group

[2:00 AM]

and idk if you were as close with him

[2:01 AM]

but NBT legitimately had a big impact on my life

[2:01 AM]


oh **** apparently we can't anymore


i just remember his wild takes when it came to football and the draft

[2:02 AM]

i gotta hop off bro let's finish this tmrw

[2:02 AM]

peace bro be safe


alright take it easy

[2:03 AM]

hit that armpit **** for me


Lmk when you want to pick this back up

[5:25 PM]

I'm round

April 20, 2020


my bad was out all night, i'll be in a little later if you're around man

April 21, 2020


i was out all night again ****

[4:59 AM]


April 22, 2020



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Just now, Tyty said:

That interview was a first round pick. Jfin is the man. 

Also thanks for bringing back AIM with that interview. Misty water colored memories. 

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1 hour ago, mission27 said:

I'm happy to do fireside chat format with anyone who requests tbh.

Let's get it done. This weekend looks shot for me, but what does next week look like for you? 

If next week is bad, I'm off the last week of May - pick a time and we can do this.

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13 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Let's get it done. This weekend looks shot for me, but what does next week look like for you? 

If next week is bad, I'm off the last week of May - pick a time and we can do this.

Any week night next week, needless to say mission has nowhere to be

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And now, mission fireside C with @JoshstraDaymus


JoshstraDaymus just showed up!Today at 10:25 PM

TheSmugKingToday at 10:25 PM

hola josh hows it going my man

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:25 PM

Joshua makes me sound so formal, so adult. I mean it’s right but still.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:26 PM

Is joshua Daymus your real name

[10:26 PM]

been dying to know

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:26 PM

It is going. Whole world has done snapped but I’m taking it day by day,

[10:26 PM]

Haha, actually, so really my name is Joshua Day. The name Joshstradaymus came from a running joke amongst friends about some of my older sports and wrestling prognosis’s

TheSmugKingToday at 10:27 PM

interesting. so are you concerned about the virus, scale of 1-10?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:27 PM

The sealer was the day John Cena proposed to Nikki Bella at Wrestlemania and I called that like... 7 weeks ahead.

[10:28 PM]

To be completely honest I’m in the middle. I am a high risk because I got heart failure from myocarditis a year or so ago so I’m high risk.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:28 PM

Nikki Bella used to be a piece of *** tbh

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:28 PM

She definitely was. She was way more my type than Bri Bella is

TheSmugKingToday at 10:28 PM

Any port in a storm tbh

[10:29 PM]

Have you been following the mol controversy

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:29 PM

I can honestly say I have no idea what MOL is. I just learned what BDL was last week.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:30 PM

BDL is like a wannabe MoL

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:30 PM

I’m still new-ish to the site after a very very long hiatus.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:30 PM

MoL is myself and TLO. We run a larger organization known as JDI which is kind of like the mob

[10:30 PM]

When did you originally post

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:30 PM

Like in my first stint? It was like, maybe a decade ago. I was registered as TheRealBigTimer

TheSmugKingToday at 10:31 PM

huh. mission was on the site back then but as today he mainly stuck to TAST and the baseball forum

[10:31 PM]

guess we never crossed paths, or maybe only briefly

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:32 PM

I posted most in gaming, Titans and Redskins.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:32 PM

did you know some bratty kid named like redskins fan or something?

[10:32 PM]

him and TLO were like boyfriends and then the kids mom made him quit FF because he thought TLO was a 50 year old pedo

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:33 PM

I can’t say for sure. Some of the names are still familiar. Like I know Jeezy Fanatic has been around forever.

[10:33 PM]

Seriously?! Wow.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:33 PM

yep. it was pretty ****ed up. did you ever run into Big7Ben or OG?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:33 PM

I do remember Big7BenMVP I think it was?

TheSmugKingToday at 10:33 PM


JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:34 PM

OG I don’t know.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:34 PM

b7b got banned for stalking webby IRL

[10:34 PM]

it was sort of a sad situation

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:34 PM


TheSmugKingToday at 10:34 PM

because he had like 70k posts, back when that was by far the all-time record

[10:34 PM]

back in like 2010 or 2011

[10:34 PM]

and then he tried to rejoin a few times and I heard he and webby both cried and **** about the ban

[10:34 PM]

because he was like a son to webby

[10:34 PM]

but it was just too much i guess

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:35 PM

So this is gonna be wild but for years on end I always just envisioned Webby as like... a robot. lol. No disrespect but I’ve never interacted with him

TheSmugKingToday at 10:36 PM

the MoL had quite a few run ins with Webby back in the day but now we are on cordial terms. I send him a christmas card every year

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:36 PM

That’s so cool that it feels like so many people have built real life bonds off this site. I remember the whole Crackburn thing years ago. I also remember when Boyz2theBowl passed.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:37 PM

yeah there were some tragedies for sure. its weird nobody has noticeably died lately, that was like a big trend in 2008 or something. youd think especially with the corona. TLO and I definitely built a real life bond and now we meet up many times a year and talk every day, but we are certainly top tier in that regard.

[10:37 PM]

have you ever met someone off FF IRL?

[10:37 PM]

and if not, who would you most want to meet?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:38 PM

Nope, I haven’t. I just rejoined in Septemberish.

[10:38 PM]

Oh man, that’s tough, but I’ll give a few.

[10:39 PM]

I think Nazgul and Swag are both interesting people. So yes. But I’ve created what feels like more solid friendships with DaBoyle, MWil, Malfatron, and ET80. That said I’d grab a beer with anyone I play mafia with.

[10:39 PM]

Or whatever game

TheSmugKingToday at 10:40 PM

Naz and swag are sort of loose cannons though, wouldnt you say? I mean with all due respect their way

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:40 PM

Oh and Counselor has convinced himself that we went to school together so definitely him too,

TheSmugKingToday at 10:40 PM

they just scream potential to stab me tbh

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:40 PM

Yeahh, but I like that kinda of thing. I’m not worried about that. I think it’d be fun just to get to know them better.

[10:40 PM]

I also think they’re both funny. Swag makes me laugh daily.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:41 PM

so this may seem like a random question but

[10:41 PM]

rank top-3 girls leo has banged

[10:41 PM]

because I'm reading an article about him and his current fling buying groceries in Cali

[10:41 PM]

fling is probably the wrong word, they've been together like 4 years I think

[10:41 PM]

since she was... idk maybe 12

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:41 PM

I’m gonna need a list. Give me a moment

[10:41 PM]

And this is DiCaprio?

TheSmugKingToday at 10:42 PM


[10:42 PM]


[10:42 PM]

this is a helpful graphic imo

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:42 PM

Wow. Wowwww.

[10:43 PM]

So Blake Lively is actually at the top of my fiancées celebrity list if she was playing for the other team if you know what I mean.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:43 PM

I could see her playing for the other team too tbh

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:43 PM

Nina Agdal is way up there also.

[10:44 PM]

Gonna round out the top 3 with Camila

[10:44 PM]

I could definitely see that. Her and Reynolds could definitely be swingers.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:44 PM

thats a very respectable list

[10:45 PM]

personally, Nina would be my #1 for sure. she just seems like such a cool person on top of being a smoke show. I actually went out with a girl a few times who reminded me a lot of her, looked similar-ish and similar voice and that high energy personality she seems to have

[10:45 PM]

Camila I think is "the one" whose going to stick

[10:45 PM]

and then I'd throw in Giselle, not on looks, but more so because she is the GOAT

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:46 PM

That’s insinuating that Leo has a The One

[10:46 PM]

I’m not into Gisele. No idea why. More of a Klum guy.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:46 PM

idk man, I really think this time hes more serious about her than usual, he took her to the oscars with his mom for **** sakes

[10:46 PM]

See I was super into Giselle in like 2007 when I was a youngster and she was in that move with Queen Latifah

[10:47 PM]

I agree she has objectively not aged as well as some, but she's still the GOAT in my book

[10:47 PM]

shes just looked about 45 since she turned 26

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:47 PM

No joke I didn’t even know she did movies.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:47 PM

oh yeah. there was this hot scene where she does a pat down of this female cop

[10:47 PM]

shes like the bad guy

[10:48 PM]

that was the top of her game, then Brady put some babies in her and it was all downhill, but she still seems cool

[10:48 PM]

like I'd do her but she's not top tier for me anymore tbhwy

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:48 PM

I won’t say she’s unattractive, just not for me.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:48 PM

Camila and Nina are still grade A tho

[10:48 PM]

so back to the Joshtras story

[10:48 PM]

what is your life story?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:51 PM

Well, I was born in Amish Country, except not really. I grew up in Lancaster City Pennsylvania. Graduated in 2008, dropped out of college a year later and have worked in some sort of sales/customer driven realm since 2009 or so. Went from Best Buy to banking. I actually have a cool position for work right now but I can’t do it due to the pandemic closing down lobbies. I met my fiancée in 2018 on a last second tinder match, no joke I was about to delete the app. Got engaged last year and we have 3 dogs together.

[10:51 PM]

I am a mamas boy, my mom is everything to me. Just amazing to see how far she’s come, she raised my brother and I mostly alone and she’s made an amazing career for herself.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:51 PM

oh ****. so you found love on tinder huh. and in 2018 too... were you on tinder back in the golden days when it wasnt 90% bots and hookers?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:52 PM

Even the bots didn’t match with me. Lol. No but yeah I was.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:53 PM

those were the days

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:53 PM

I went in phases. I no joke just swiped right the first few times for everyone and just if anything stuck I’d see if there was a click.

[10:53 PM]

It’s like Michael Scott and Wayne Gretzky said.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:53 PM

my issue with tinder is

[10:53 PM]

theres just a tremendous number of fat girls who will match with you

[10:54 PM]

and then bots

[10:54 PM]

and then so many hookers, which is fine

[10:54 PM]

but getting to a real, non hooker girl under 180 pounds

[10:54 PM]

is a real struggle

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:54 PM

I’m not anti fat, I’m a bigger fella and I like my women like I like my milkshakes. Thick.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:54 PM

to each his own

[10:55 PM]

what about height

[10:55 PM]

how tall are you?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:55 PM

Yup. You like what you like.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:55 PM

are you one of those people who really likes the midget types

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:55 PM

6’1 ish is my height. I’m not bothered by that.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:55 PM

thats smug as hell. thats a good height

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:56 PM

Too short isn’t for me, but I dated a girl who was 5’11 for a short time so in heels we were right there. She was fun as hell though. Great girl.

[10:56 PM]

I didn’t pick up on clear signs with her though, so that’s why we didn’t work.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:56 PM

I think I've been with a 5'11" girl before, maybe she was 5'10" idk

[10:57 PM]

I mean 5'10" for sure I've done that a few times

[10:57 PM]

this girl was probably 5'11" and she made a big deal about it

[10:57 PM]

like "am I the tallest girl you've ****ed"

[10:57 PM]

and I had a hard time keeping it up after that tbh

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:57 PM

That bothers women so much. It really does.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:57 PM

which tbh, is not generally an issue for the mission mobile, that I can tell you

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:57 PM

Mission mobile. Lmao. I’m dead.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:57 PM

if shed been Giselle

[10:57 PM]

I wouldve been fine with it

[10:58 PM]

but she was probably a 6/10 max

[10:58 PM]

and basically as tall as me, almost

[10:58 PM]

and sooooo obsessed with that fact

JoshstraDaymusToday at 10:58 PM

If a 7 foot woman was into me and I was into her, I’d be into her... heyoooo

[10:58 PM]

Shout outs to Elena Delledonne

[10:59 PM]

Well.. she’s 6’5 and lesbian but you get it.

TheSmugKingToday at 10:59 PM

for me, that'd be a deal breaker, but like I said...

[10:59 PM]

do you support the re-instatement of prohibition

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:00 PM

Of alcohol? Oh god no. Look in pandemic it’s been hard enough to get tequila, I can’t live without it.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:00 PM

whats your tequila preference

[11:00 PM]

blacno, anejo, etc.? brand?

[11:01 PM]

mission was having a really tough time a few days ago. last year for the kentucky derby I was sitting in a sleazy motel in tijauan with a bunch of Mexican buddies watching the kentucky bourbon drinking these bottles of ****ty tequila we bought from a dude on the street and idk when thatll be possible again

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:01 PM

I don’t have a specific brand, I haven’t gotten to try many of them to be fair, it’s just my drink of choice. Silver over gold though

TheSmugKingToday at 11:02 PM

thats very fair

[11:02 PM]

after the 3rd or 4th whose gonna even remember

[11:03 PM]

so do you know slim S very well?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:03 PM

I have a high tolerance. Lol.

[11:03 PM]

I can’t say that I do.

[11:03 PM]

Shady Slim? Slim Shady? Eminem?

TheSmugKingToday at 11:04 PM

Shady Slim

[11:04 PM]

The host of the australia ****

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:04 PM

Oh not very well really. Seems like a good dude.

[11:04 PM]

The time zone thing through me off though.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:05 PM

yeah he is a legit aussie. I know this because the MoL were trying to smuggle some alcohol into the country for him

[11:05 PM]

cant wait for him to come over to the states so we can all get tanked together

[11:06 PM]

do you agree with the decision to have mission host the FF interview thread? how would you rate your inteview so far?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:06 PM

I am enjoying myself in this interview quite honestly. Doing well.

[11:06 PM]

Where are you from anyway?

TheSmugKingToday at 11:07 PM

mission is from the great city of New York although he was a bit of a nomad before this all went down

[11:07 PM]

splitting time between NY, LA, and a few other places

[11:08 PM]

lately he's been spending much of his time in Canada between Toronto and Montreal for a large oil financing project

[11:08 PM]

but hes been torn from that life by this horrible pandemic

[11:08 PM]

speaking of which, are the amish effected by the pandemic? or are they already distancing?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:08 PM

This is funny because I live now in York, PA. Old york meets New.

[11:09 PM]

Uhh you know, I can’t say for sure. Boy do not get me started on a diatribe about them though. Amish aren’t really the most sanitary of folk.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:10 PM

do you think its possible they started the pandemic?1

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:11 PM

Nah, they don’t really go into major metro areas a ton. They’re probably the safest the way they live tbh. Downtown Lancaster though has been called Mini Brooklyn though, very diverse, and of course Philly isn’t far. Those 2 counties plus Dauphin where our capital is are the control areas.

[11:13 PM]

I have so much knowledge about the Amish for not being one it’s wild. Frankly most of the time in close proximity with them they tend to stay away (I’m biracial and with people of color they are hesitant, but I’ve gotten to know some)

TheSmugKingToday at 11:13 PM


[11:14 PM]

have you ever banged an amish chick? would you?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:14 PM

No and no. Not a chance. Their hygiene standards are substandard. This isn’t bigotry or anything, anyone will tell you the same. I’ve seen the teeth. Grotesque

TheSmugKingToday at 11:15 PM

alright well

[11:15 PM]

what would they have to be for you to break that rule

[11:15 PM]

like 8/10? 9/10?

[11:15 PM]

like if Nina Agdal were Amish and had no hygiene and ****ed up teeht, still ****able right?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:15 PM

10/10 and cook well

TheSmugKingToday at 11:15 PM

hmmm I feel like amish cooking may be sub par

[11:15 PM]

but that could be bigotry on my part

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:16 PM

Amish and Mennonite aren’t far off and I come from Mennonite background.

[11:16 PM]

They don’t season much outside of salt and pepper

[11:16 PM]

Wait have you never heard of Shady Maple?

TheSmugKingToday at 11:16 PM

Nope whats that?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:17 PM

One of if not the largest smorgasbords in the country. Literally gets visitors from all over the place.

[11:17 PM]

If you’re ever in this general vicinity of PA it is THE place for one meal.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:18 PM


JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:18 PM

Because there’s so much to choose from.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:18 PM

my favorite smorgasbord is this place called Rick's Caberet across from the empire state building

[11:18 PM]

tons of quality Russian ***

[11:18 PM]

and Ukranian, etc.

[11:18 PM]

but I'll give it a shot when the wuhan is over

[11:18 PM]

I mean... I assume they are closed... but maybe amish dont have to obey the rules?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:19 PM

Nah they’re definitely closed. They still need to follow. If that place was open in pandemic circumstances that spread would be massive.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:19 PM

whats the first thing you're going to do when this thing is all over

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:21 PM

I’d love to say get a haircut, but I don’t miss that that much. As long as I can get a good one by the time my wedding rolls around. Honestly, I want to go to Fells Point Maryland and do a bar crawl with some friends. I have one specifically who was supposed to get married today and due to pandemic they postponed it a full year, so me, my fiancé, her and her husband, bar crawl. Let’s get lit.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:21 PM

nice. whens the wedding?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:22 PM

October 17th, pandemic permitting.

[11:22 PM]

Just found out if I leave the country for my honeymoon I have to take an additional 2 weeks off that are paid. Oh nooooo

TheSmugKingToday at 11:22 PM

oh **** really?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:22 PM

Yup. ‘Quarantine’

TheSmugKingToday at 11:22 PM

is that specific to your work or what?

[11:23 PM]

thats kind of ****ed

[11:23 PM]

given most of the coronavirus is here already lol

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:23 PM

I guess so. It doesn’t come out of my PTO so I couldn’t care less. Haha.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:23 PM

mission is planning to leave the country as soon as possible. sounds like we'll get some borders opening up in early-mid june

[11:24 PM]

Canada is the one I'm really watching though, have to get back to my Camile Marone

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:24 PM

Everyone needs something. Mexico here I come personally.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:24 PM

I would think by October 17 you should be able to hold a wedding, but maybe not as many people? have you thought about reducing the guest list?

[11:24 PM]

or will you just postpone it if needed

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:25 PM

Oh yes, our list had 130 people on it and tentatively I cut off 30 or so of just people I know.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:25 PM

where in Mexico is the Joshua honeymoon?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:25 PM

I will gut this thing if I have to and I won’t think twice. If we are open to go that day then we are going.

[11:26 PM]

An all inclusive on a private island not far from Cozumel.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:26 PM

tbh gutting is almost better right. less expensive. less bull**** to put up with. at least better from the guys perspective I'd have to imagine

[11:26 PM]

that sounds pretty legit

[11:26 PM]

especially in october

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:26 PM

If I gut this wedding people wise then you be damn sure I’m paying then for premium alcohol. People gonna need it.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:27 PM

get some don julio 1942

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:27 PM

I’m personally hoping I can’t have more than like 70-75. I can work with that.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:28 PM

fun fact, mission almost eloped the first week of march. like the discussion went as far as booking tickets to vegas. and then we were like nah thats dumb

[11:28 PM]

and now this

[11:28 PM]

shouldve done it tbh

[11:28 PM]

so we like to break some news in these interviews, any FF beefs or crazy **** you want to throw out there for the ratings?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:29 PM

Uhh,, I’m kinda oblivious but the twins always seem to be pretty hot button in TAST

[11:29 PM]

Just behavior wise.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:31 PM

so whats their deal? I literally never heard of them until like... 3 weeks ago

[11:31 PM]

but they seem to have a kind of cult following

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:32 PM

I wouldn’t say following as much as I’d say opposition. Pickle Rick and The Orca. Yeah, I think they can be difficult at times especially in mafia and I wouldn’t be bothered if I felt either took any accountability for their actions.

[11:33 PM]

Rick has called me useless in a game before. Orca has literally obsessively targeted me, and neither one of them can admit when they’re wrong. I’ve never seen it happen. That’s not to say I don’t like them either, I think they’re both intelligent but I think of the word humble and I don’t think of them.

[11:34 PM]

My biggest thing is in mafia one can be scum and the other not and it feels like they will never go after each other. If it was my brother I would obsessively go after him idgaf.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:36 PM

oh yeah same with TLO and I ,we will go at each other harder than we would others

[11:36 PM]

just for ****s and giggles

[11:36 PM]

so maybe it is just a twincest thing?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:37 PM

Hahah. I don’t have a comment on that. Like I said, I don’t think they’re bad dudes. Actually to be completely honest with you, in a few of the games I’ve found that Orca and I have a lot of the same tastes so I think we’d get along well.

[11:39 PM]

Idk why but I envision them looking like The Property Brothers

TheSmugKingToday at 11:40 PM

thats possible

[11:40 PM]

or maybe bert and ernie

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:40 PM

That’s funnier. Let’s go with that.

[11:41 PM]

I was going to say though like the property brothers I have also at times wanted to punch the twins through a screen.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:41 PM

And what about the MoL, how would you describe mission and TLO?

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:42 PM

Mission and TLO? You mean the dynamic duo? Those guys? Class acts. Upstanding citizens and gods amongst mere mortals.

[11:43 PM]

Naming my firstborn child Mission TLO Day.

TheSmugKingToday at 11:43 PM

Thats a hell of a name let me tell you

[11:43 PM]

he'll get all the ladies

JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:43 PM

Just gotta make sure my lady is nice and drugged when that birth certificate comes.

[11:44 PM]

Pause: sorry to be abrupt but I just realized the time and I need to get off to bed soon. Work starts at 6 AM

TheSmugKingToday at 11:45 PM

alright well mission has to get up early to get his syphilis shots

[11:45 PM]

hope you have a safe night from the amish


JoshstraDaymusToday at 11:46 PM

Well, good luck with those shots and hope that clears up.

[11:46 PM]

If I see a hot Amish chick now, I’ll only think of you.

[11:47 PM]

...not during.

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