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Houston Texans Coronavirus Mafia (Mafia Wins!)


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22 hours ago, The Orca said:


Swoosh- Fauci, clean D6

Matts- Xi, infected D3, clean D5

Forge- clean D3


Forge- clean D2

Mega- BoB


Orca- clean D5


Hobo- clean D2



@swoosh results?

Also should we have JJ claim?

Down to 4 possible for the bat if Swoosh is telling the truth 



22 hours ago, swoosh said:

yes, jj absolutely needs to claim

biggio and bcb need to go.


21 hours ago, Forge said:



11 hours ago, JoshstraDaymus said:




6 hours ago, swoosh said:

josh and orca both jumped on the biggio bandwagon. If I had to guess, that's our final 2 members. 


6 hours ago, swoosh said:

It's orca and someone. No idea on the 2nd because everyone is inactive (biggio and dome should have been killed). If it's not one of the inactives, then it's shady or yourself. 


5 hours ago, swoosh said:

I'm leaning towards going shady first. his voting history is atrocious. threw a meaningless vote on pickle N1, but when N2 rolled around he was the deciding vote to send fin packing over pickle. on the wrong side of N4 and was on civs N5-7. 


4 hours ago, HoboRocket said:

I feel like Orca has had too large of a role to legitimately not be Mafia-aligned or a major player on the bro side.

However, if my gut is wrong, then we're losing a major player that's working towards peace.

So I'm leaning towards our marine mammalian friend, but it's very tentative. Which sucks.


3 hours ago, Forge said:

Are you lying to me? Don't be lying to me. 



3 hours ago, Forge said:



3 hours ago, Forge said:



3 hours ago, Mega Ron said:



3 hours ago, Mega Ron said:



2 hours ago, swoosh said:


final answer for tonight


1 hour ago, The Orca said:

Change the answer lol

Wanna go Dome? He should have been modkilled, after being "warned" so to say, he voted yesterday for Lefty who I made known was going to be modkilled

That or Biggio or Josh 


1 hour ago, Shady Slim said:

i was putting the heat on pickle day one, went with you on finn and daboy, only moved off of pickle for mwil because you did (why would i move off the bomb to take mwil?) and have since been mostly wanting inactives - as you can tell thru my boris drops. as boris i lobbied to save N4L, but that only got through at midnight bc mission had not seen the drop in his message box

i went for mse because i found his reasoning on bcb sketchy asf and that’s entirely fair

yes i did cure swoosh - as you can see from my posts here i find it unfathomable he would not have been infected 



49 minutes ago, Forge said:



43 minutes ago, Forge said:



34 minutes ago, swoosh said:




13 minutes ago, The Orca said:


4 Biggio- Josh, Forge, Orca, Swoosh

3 Orca- Hobo, Mega, Shady

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