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Your Table For 5


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I have this conversation alot with people.

In your ideal table for 5 at a restaurant, who are you sitting with? Can be alive or dead, famous or not.

If we want to spice this up also, what 4 FF members would you want to have dinner with?

Edited by JoshstraDaymus
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My grandma Betty on my dads side. She passed away unexpectedly after a surgery went sideways. Id love to give her one last hug.

Great grandpa Koch on my moms side. He passed away shortly before I was born. My grandpa on my moms side (GG’s son in law) had a deep admiration for him and I have a deep admiration for my grandpa, so I’d like to meet him. 

My grandpa on my moms side, at age 29 just before my oldest uncle was born. My grandpa has been the biggest influence on who I am today, I’d love to see what he was like at my age.


Leaving two seats open while I think on the rest 

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Saints only dinner list:

Steve Gleason

Will Smith 

Reggie Bush

Lance Moore

Drew Brees 


Celebrity list:

Keanu Reeves (he’d show me some sweet fight choreography)

Michael Pena (Has always stuck me as a super cool dude)

Leonardo DiCaprio (brings women and money)

Nic Cage (probably has awesome stories)

Awwwwnawld (A great man)


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5 minutes ago, Shockey1979 said:

Going the famous route

Bruce Lee
David Attenborough
Charles Darwin
Carl Sagan

Ahh that would make for some interesting chat


I’d pick him... and four of the richest pastors in America 


let’s see what happens 

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46 minutes ago, Dome said:


I’d pick him... and four of the richest pastors in America 


let’s see what happens 

I'd take it easy on the apps because that table's getting flipped.

I'm thinking we get weird with it:

Frank Reynolds (not Danny DeVito)
Hunter S. Thompson
Ben Franklin

And instead of a table for 5 it's in a gentlemen's club with at least an above average buffet.

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