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Can a Case be made for Keenum...?

vike daddy

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Regardless of how well Keenum has played the past few weeks I still think that if Bridgewater is finally healthy then he needs to be given an opportunity to win the starting job back.  Bridgewater is our QB of the future where asKeenum is just a 30 year old replacement QB who will maybe be good for another 3-4 years before his arm turns into a noodle.

Keenum has played in 12 games this year so it can easily be compared to Teddy Bridgewater’s rookie year where he played in 13 games.  In 2014 Bridgewater’s stats (259 of 402, 64.4%, 2919 yards, 14 TDs, 12 INTs, and 39 times sacked) compared to Keenum’s stats this year (270 of 404, 66.8%, 2983 yards, 18 TDs, 7 INTs, and 15 times sacked).  So what we can deduce here is that the 30 year old experienced veteran QB Case Keenum is having a very similar season to what 21 year old QB Teddy Bridgewater had during his rookie year.  Keenum completed a slightly higher percent of his passes, 4 more TDs, and threw 5 less INTs than Bridgewater despite being Bridgewater being sacked 24 more times.  You have to think that with how talented our roster is that he would be able to play significantly better than a rookie QB (granted a Rookie of the Year candidate), but that just goes to show how good of a QB Bridgewater is.  You also have to keep in mind here that Bridgewater was in his rookie year with no prior NFL starting experience, had no running game since Peterson was hurt, had a bad offensive line, and had to throw to Mike Wallace and Charles Johnson (so a decent number of his incompletions can likely be attributed to his terrible WRs dropping the ball).

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Keenum definitely had a bad day. Rewatching the game, and seeing some plays highlighted on Twitter, he just wasn’t in sync with the receivers, and he made some decisions on his throws that were questionable. 

He was making mistakes that he wasn’t making the last 6 games or so. 

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15 hours ago, Kparty15 said:

Regardless of how well Keenum has played the past few weeks I still think that if Bridgewater is finally healthy then he needs to be given an opportunity to win the starting job back.  Bridgewater is our QB of the future where asKeenum is just a 30 year old replacement QB who will maybe be good for another 3-4 years before his arm turns into a noodle.

Keenum has played in 12 games this year so it can easily be compared to Teddy Bridgewater’s rookie year where he played in 13 games.  In 2014 Bridgewater’s stats (259 of 402, 64.4%, 2919 yards, 14 TDs, 12 INTs, and 39 times sacked) compared to Keenum’s stats this year (270 of 404, 66.8%, 2983 yards, 18 TDs, 7 INTs, and 15 times sacked).  So what we can deduce here is that the 30 year old experienced veteran QB Case Keenum is having a very similar season to what 21 year old QB Teddy Bridgewater had during his rookie year.  Keenum completed a slightly higher percent of his passes, 4 more TDs, and threw 5 less INTs than Bridgewater despite being Bridgewater being sacked 24 more times.  You have to think that with how talented our roster is that he would be able to play significantly better than a rookie QB (granted a Rookie of the Year candidate), but that just goes to show how good of a QB Bridgewater is.  You also have to keep in mind here that Bridgewater was in his rookie year with no prior NFL starting experience, had no running game since Peterson was hurt, had a bad offensive line, and had to throw to Mike Wallace and Charles Johnson (so a decent number of his incompletions can likely be attributed to his terrible WRs dropping the ball).


Those statistics aren't all that similar.

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I bounce around more on Keenum than is fair, but this last game was a major step back based on the All-22 tape. Consistent inability to get through reads and missed some wide open throws. Doesn't help that Rudolph dropped an easy one and Sirles had a brain fart (or it was designed) on a sideline throw to Thielen. Nonetheless, I think Teddy HAD a better grasp of going through progressions prior to his injury. Of course, he was severely limited by poor offensive line play. I wouldn't mind seeing Teddy in there, but I still think we're a good team despite Keenum's deficiencies. He can make enough plays as evidenced by the body of work this year. I just have this lingering feeling that Teddy has a similar floor with a higher ceiling. Combine that with age and I think we should roll the dice with Teddy next year, especially if Keenum wants a huge contract. Based on his play I'm pretty comfortable saying he is more an elite back-up than a franchise QB.

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1 hour ago, SteelKing728 said:

Didn't realize he was that wide open.

I'll excuse it this time since he was under heavy pressure and already made a mistake early on, but I've come to accept these kind of "misses" from Keenum.


The FS was sitting at the 45, waiting for the fly route guy (Thielen?), then broke in toward the throw.  It's difficult to tell if the FS would have turned in time if the toss was to the fly route guy.

That may have been a timing route... and anything, like wide-open receivers, can happen. :)

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30 minutes ago, Purplexing said:

The FS was sitting at the 45, waiting for the fly route guy (Thielen?), then broke in toward the throw.  It's difficult to tell if the FS would have turned in time if the toss was to the fly route guy.

That may have been a timing route... and anything, like wide-open receivers, can happen. :)

Watch the slot WR at the top of the screen.  If Case leads him on his inside shoulder it's a TD, but he pulled trigger way early

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38 minutes ago, Purplexing said:

The FS was sitting at the 45, waiting for the fly route guy (Thielen?), then broke in toward the throw.  It's difficult to tell if the FS would have turned in time if the toss was to the fly route guy.

That may have been a timing route... and anything, like wide-open receivers, can happen. :)

While the safety is moving backwards, he’s drifting towards the sideline. Any type of reasonable throw towards the middle of the field and this is a big gain. He simply needs to let his receivers run their route and let the play develop a little longer. Which should be on the quarterback’s mind when he has a receiver running a double move. 

What makes it worse, is that he has a clean pocket and no pressure to force an early throw. 

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14 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

Accounting for scheme, supporting cast, and experience I'd argue that they are.

Biggest difference is TDs/Ints

We would all do well to remember the three fluke ints Teddy had that the receivers were directly responsible for.  As well as a couple of TDs he's was robbed of.

Where as Case has had more positive bounces of the ball in this regard.


So yeah I'd say statistically they're fairly comparable as well

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